Cheap Mini Games - MindSpheres!

Cheap Mini Games - MindSpheres!


6 лет назад

13 Просмотров

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@videogamingfather2456 - 05.12.2022 20:17

Thank you for video! I was asking myself - is Mind Spheres the right game if you just want to sit and relax while playing the game that makes you think a bit? Let’s start with the pluses - easy to learn concept, perfect relaxing atmosphere, quite realistic physics, suitability for kids and casual players and audiovisuals that support the relaxing game atmosphere. And here are the minuses - the game is too raw and simplistic, only a few game elements that you can set up, absence of any original ideas, lack of real challenge, clunky controls sometimes and dull sounds. The author’s goal was just to make a small relaxing puzzle game that will be easily accessible for everyone including children. And like this it can work for a while. It has very short levels and the game itself is actually pretty short, so it won’t even manage to become repetitive. I was only missing some real challenges (which could be available as the separate game mode) and refreshing ideas. Thanks to the small price I can recommend Mind Spheres for relaxing family playing.
