Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder

Ofir Sasson

13 лет назад

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@doe3587 - 26.05.2018 12:56

My favorite way of looking at BPD is very simple. It originates because you were born a highly sensitive individual. This is a GOOD trait. As a child, you experienced something traumatic (sometimes longterm trauma, abuse or neglect, often from a parent) and this affected you deeply, more so than the average due to your innate sensitivity. This is obviously terrible. As a result of this combination, your nature (GOOD) and trauma (BAD), you now have a problem regulating emotions. Instead of working at a 3-5 emotional level (relatively steady), you bounce from 1-7 all the time (in a 1-10 scale). Your highs are HIGHER than the average, your lows are LOWER than the average, but you are still experience emotions that all people experience. The unfortunate part is that you feel intensity about things (good or bad) that don't merit the intesnsity, and often wear yourself out. You grow up feeling confused, peopel may think you're difficult or hostile or moody. You don't understand what is wrong with you and often have other issues such as depression, anxiety, sometimes autism. By the time you find out, you feel pretty confused, and it's normal. But the good thing about BPD is that it's treatable through DBT. People usually can manage completely with it within 1-3 years. And the skills needed aren't hard or complicated. They're skills that really everyone could benefit from, but BPDers really need. So don't be in that space of hating yourself for having BPD and dont be in that space of being afraid because others try to demonize the condition. Please accept that you can't control others and BPD is under researched and many people have misconceptions about it. You need to focus on YOU. Get better. Adopt coping skills. Change. SOmeone said "you can never be cured, only improve." Look, take it. Take improvement, and betterment. Don't get stuck in the detail of seeking a perfect solution and the creation of a perfect life. It doesn't exist. Take treatment.

@abfg616 - 03.02.2024 06:17

5 months later and this is still an amazing video. Thanks for this, really.

Also I think it's really cute and cool how you are ❤ing comments all these years later.

@dipanshisingh7110 - 01.02.2024 08:12

All my life I was confused about my high's and my low's. I was in a state of extreme self harm since I was a child. I pushed people away when they were trying to help me. Not until recently I was diagnosed with BPD and I was happy because it felt I have people like me, there are group of people who feel things like me and I am not alone. This phrase was the only reason I went for diagnosis that I don't want to be alone. Things seem scary everyday it's like a battle between my head and my life. I was asking questions like Why me, why it happened to me or will it be like this always from my psychologist. The best thing he said was this is you. You are the good part of BPD as well and you went into survival mode to protect yourself so developed BPD just to protect yourself. Marsha leighen , the psychologist who developed therapy for BPD that is DBT has BPD as well. She made a way to save herself and people like her. As a psychologist, I want everyone to know bad part (which my mind doesn't think is mind) will be soon turn into good part and there are alot of goood characteristics of BPD if you felt like giving up, try to remember them. It's not always going to be bad someday you will be on good side of BPD just wait for that day.

@user-ui7mg6lf6y - 01.02.2024 02:59

man I want to be that ball and stay forever with him

@TUTMENA - 01.02.2024 00:20

Where is the part which says that BPD's are actually batshit insane in sex?

@user-nq7qo4iz8b - 30.01.2024 06:01

Well dang i might have BPD (MIGHT im not self diagnosing)

@FF-bs5to - 29.01.2024 16:59

thanks for this!

@jackpandora3160 - 29.01.2024 14:14

I have a good friend, ill keep her unnamed in the off chance she comes across this comment as she does look for videos like this, and me and her have been talking for a little under a year now, we both are interested in dating each other but both agree due to our lives situations atm it would not be smart, she just had a child and went through a gruelling custody battle with the dad, hes being as difficult as possible soley because he wants to control her entire life and she wouldnt let him, I try to be there as much as possible for her but couldnt understand why she was being so hot and cold to me on and off, like moreso than anyone going through that situation. We are very close with each other and she really doesnt let anyone be around nearly as much as me, but this video finally helped it make more sense. She told me she had BPD and while I assumed it was just 'stronger bipolar disorder' I now realize how different and honestly chaotic it actually is. This doesnt change my feelings for her or the fact I want her in my life but it does help knowing what shes going through.

@Lazlo111 - 29.01.2024 09:12

I think the worst part is nobody being understanding and the absolute intense feeling of abandonment

@badlie4858 - 28.01.2024 14:00

"has no brain needs none"
i can respect that

@clarkme8952 - 27.01.2024 09:06

My Mom has this. It's really hard to talk to her.

@Ruler0f3verything - 27.01.2024 01:11

Borderline bill is my new comfort character

@kiwo579 - 26.01.2024 11:17

that part where the dog kicks away the ball and immediately obsesses over it being with someone else is all too real. really fucking depressing if all youre seeking is refuge in another person but your brain has hard wired itself to be so erratic its hard as hell to keep relationships stable. i hate when people say “oh im so sorry” about ‘mental illness’ but like genuinely dude if u read this, i hope youre in a good place rn man

@kiwo579 - 26.01.2024 11:08

hey man my chemistry is all fucked but all ill say is

@SummerR-gi8li - 25.01.2024 05:58

It is scary how well this describes me.

@tu_nonna_emiliana - 25.01.2024 01:36

they are not good with babies look at me lmao

@enzigar1687 - 22.01.2024 21:35

My girlfriend has bpd we have been dating for almost three months and I feel like things are going really well

@dmtdreamz7706 - 22.01.2024 20:44

They looked forward to that borderline with joy, but without haste, not pining for it, but seeming to have a foretaste of it in their hearts, of which they talked to one another. But when they looked at me with their sweet eyes full of love, when I felt that in their presence my heart, too, became as innocent and just as theirs, the feeling of the fullness of life took my breath away, and I worshipped them in silence. Their children were the children of all, for they all made up one family.

@stormy1303 - 20.01.2024 21:42

Oh wow... some parts of this video really hit me hard. I'm heavily suspecting myself to have BPD, but am scared to tell any therapist about it because I feel like they'd shame me for self-diagnosing or something of the sort... but I do know why it could be the case, and do show a lot of the symptoms. And quite a lot of parts of this video genuinely resonated with me, such as the ones about only being able to feel joy for brief periods of time, feeling paranoid that someone you see as nice and safe will suddenly turn on you and you'll have to move them from the "good" slot to the "bad" slot, the tension and sudden overwhelming anxiety or anger (the frame of it genuinely made me pause the video and stare at a wall for a moment to process just how much it summarizes my own emotions), the part near the end with the gun as the BPD criteria show up... and the one where the character lies down in an empty void of pink, feeling abandoned and thinking about just how the ball he values must be doing as it spends its time with someone entirely else... that one genuinely hit me. I nearly cried because of this.
I still don't know whether I actually have BPD or whether it's just depression, but I'm highly suspecting it. Regardless of how it is, this video resonated with me a lot, and I'm so glad I watched it.

@elisalazar9880 - 20.01.2024 14:03

I got depressed for years and isolated after dating my childhood friend that had borderline. She refused to work with me in the aftermath and chose to leave me in pain. When I tried speak to her she defended, denied everything and made insulting insinuations to use my empathy and guiltrip me. I no longer resent her but this has set me back years in my life, add that my family and my cousin who was also borderline. I learned that the people that should care about me in fact never did. I also realised there is hardly any connection I can make locally that was as good s our friendship. People are so weird. Especially guys. They acting just to get laid and like I don't see it. No one is permanent. Everyone is here temporarily and me trying to connect with anyone after feeling numb for years around people makes me vulnerable to toxic people so I need to think ahed nd pay attention to signs. I want to move back to my country. People will still be awful but maybe I can meet people that are not temporary. I don t want to live in scarcity anymore enough is enough

@patternoflife2424 - 20.01.2024 10:41

People with bpd are always calm , shy and kind hearted they have the power of empathy

@SubiraAbuaba - 18.01.2024 16:34

i want to say this made me cry but it didn’t even though it should’ve.

@candicer2582 - 17.01.2024 19:02

How is this destigmatizing BPD, when you put a shotgun in the cartoon's hands and show them blowing someone away? Gross. Find a better metaphor if you actually care.

@anushkareid8940 - 17.01.2024 12:56

So basically every dog has BPD

@michaela4427 - 17.01.2024 04:45

Being kind in an unkind world is an underrated strength.

@pumpkin363 - 17.01.2024 01:16

realising you have a mental disability is heartbreaking, atleast felt like that for me

on one hand it means that, well, you're not a bad person for feeling and acting the way you do, you actually have reasons for it and it's, atleast, not entirely your fault

but it hurts so much realising that, even though you're, in fact, not all the awful things ppl had called you, they don't feel this way, don't realise how hard it is, to live like that and try to control it, and never even thought of looking out for you
realising that people could be a little bit nicer

thank you for making this

@ellegreen5187 - 17.01.2024 01:08

The animation is so cool

@user-xq6mt8ku7w - 16.01.2024 20:28

Dorperline Borpeality Biporder

@minhtutran8264 - 15.01.2024 01:02

The first time I watched this video is 4 years ago, in a pit black situation, trying to end my life numerous of time, couldn't understand how people could just simply live without wanting to die. Today this video appeared again in front of me, I feel like I have lived another life. To anyone who identified with bpd traits, there's a way out. It was an extremely difficult path and often felt like there's only endless pain. But there definitely a way out. Learn skills to regulate your emotion, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, your loved one are often really do love you, and have some compassion to yourself too. Please never forget to have some compassion to yourself too. I hope you all the best my fellow people living with big feeings out there.

@tigertoxins584 - 14.01.2024 03:32

I have this system of dealing with extra emotions, maybe someone here can get something out of it. I mostly have problems with raw, over boiling anger and envious/jealous thoughts, since I've had chronic depression since childhood. The void technique from the WOT actually works, as long as you visualize strongly over a continuous period of time. Now I just have a black hole for anger in my head, that sucks every single last bit of rage and squeezes it into an infinitesimally tight space. The key is, I don't forget the pain, or drown it, or try to hide it with lies, I'm just removing it during delicate situations, like work or convos. It's extra convenient because I automatically become a very nice, outgoing confident person without the emotional backlash. I, as a person inherently carry extremely high morales and values for myself. I actively try not to lie, more so using double speech. I'm generally nice and polite to a fault, but I have my self respect. I will drag myself to subhuman standards on purpose and I won't bat an eye, but I don't tolerate disrespect from anybody in the slightest. What I'm trying to say is that I don't like getting into fights with people. Arguments, sure, but not fighting. That's where all that rage comes in. When I don't have the time to deal with it, the anger is still inside ready to erupt on command, much like a nuclear landmine. Someone takes a wrong step, I deservedly blast them AND I get to vent naturally! Although I guess that depends on your social skills and being able to identify slights or disrespects.

When I have time to meditate, I focus on the root of the anger, and emotionally defuse it with logic. I would ask myself questions like, "Why are you so mad, is it worth it? Do you absolutely NEED to be angry? What's making you angry, the way that chick offhandedly addressed you at the register? Is it worth expending all this energy just for yourself? You're not even enjoying it, why put so much attention on how she made YOU feel? Why do you care?", and eventually the roaring anger abates into nothingness.

I just use the same technique at the moment for envy and jealousy since they're weaker but I usually defuse it on the spot, since they're much more subtle and insidious, settling in the ego like parasites. Also, you give your emotions life, literally. You focus on your anger long enough and eventually you'll start to hear a very angry, separate voice in your head. It'll take a life of it's own, making you do stupid things to continue its pointless existence. You know how people talk about 'inner demons'? That's the demon, and you defeat it by not engaging it in the first place.

@Noahhirro55 - 12.01.2024 17:51

first thing i wanna mention in this comment is that i have never opened up in some comment section or anywhere, which means its gonna be my first time doing it. but bc my instablity became real uncontrollable lately, here im trynna talk ab my journy. the first time i met my therapist was a year ago (march 2023), i remember the first time i met him he told me how generious im, while deep down i knew that i wasnt. it didnt embrassed me at first, bc i didnt believe my connection w my therapist lasts long. but after a few months, it hit me. i tried to prove it to him that im not that good he has seen in me. but i couldnt help myself, later explaining to him it was just a mood and yeah i do think i may be what he thinks im. then he came told me im dignosed by bpd, it kinna made since, it still does, now i can understand why i acted that way when i was younger, when i was just a kid. but in other side, it just doesnt makes since. i dont feel like one, while i do relate to the symptoms. the war is still going on but i dont bother fight back atp really. sometimes i think its just better to let things happen and yeah. i used to want to know who i am and want to change, but at this point, i just dont. i just let things be. maybe its time to relax after all of those goddamn years, even tho i know deep down i dont feel rested. thanks for reading this bc seriously no one wants me to talk lol. not even my therapist anymore. :)

@kirbypoto7451 - 10.01.2024 07:34

i'm fucking crying

@wasabee8228 - 09.01.2024 15:39

Hi, BPD’er from Belgium. After I got my diagnosis, I finally found that all the puzzle pieces fell into place. Why I act the way I do, why I think the way I think, etc.. Diagnosed couple of years ago, am now almost 29 yo.

It does get better. Definitely with age, in my experience. With help of psycho therapy, psychiatrists, my doctor, medication and hard work of course.

It can be depressing to some to have to go through all THAT, after experiencing different kinds of traumas. But it is worth learning you are not the bad guy, you can be loved and you can learn to love as well..

Also, no matter how cliché this is; everything will be all right eventually. Emotions come AND they go. Try to keep that in mind. Your rollercoaster of emotions doesn’t define you. Hope you all find/have loving and trustworthy people in your lives. ❤

@skullshapedbox - 09.01.2024 03:21

I was diagnosed BPD but really it's just PTSD and the doctor didn't want to deal with me ;)

@tony_bloodshot9955 - 08.01.2024 01:24

@naan000 - 06.01.2024 15:25

it's amazing to see positive BPD representation that was over a year ago

@naan000 - 06.01.2024 15:25

it's amazing to see positive bpd representation that was over a decade ago

@twinfred3160 - 06.01.2024 14:50

Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.

@elizabethwilliams6651 - 06.01.2024 14:48

Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.

@the_black_oveja - 06.01.2024 04:10

Im tired😪


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.

@yarn1471 - 05.01.2024 12:53

Thank you for helping me understand

@ArtHeartAlex - 05.01.2024 08:02

I show almost all 9 symptoms/major signs of bpd. My father had it and I act just like him in a lot of ways. Even though I'm not diagnosed, I'm 80% sure I suffer from this disorder. I'm just tired of being miserable all the time but I do it to myself regardless. I'm sick of being impulsive, and unstable, and unable to sustain a regular life.

@vladiciuperca7763 - 04.01.2024 04:51

Damn i gotta stop watching this shit type of videos. Last week i was bipolar,now i have BPD.

@jasminecampbell469 - 04.01.2024 00:15

Thank you for this video
My boyfriend, one day husband, has BPD & is on medication
He is so kind & loving & seeing this video helps me understand more about him
I’ve found the best way to be a supportive partner is to be very direct and reassuring but if anyone has any tips to be a more supportive & educated partner please feel free to comment

@Sleepyawake - 03.01.2024 06:28

Im pretty sure i dont have bpd
But idk
This vídeo is exactly what i pass through because of my abandonment fear and poor emotion Control
People say i need to see If i have bpd or anything like that
This video comforts me somehow
I have a lot of problems with my girlfriend because of my abandonment fear
But,this video comforts me everytime i have a "panic" attack (not sure It its really a panic atack)
Thank you,Ofir sasson :]

@aquaangel9444 - 03.01.2024 03:48

