The Best & Worst of World of Warcraft: Legion

The Best & Worst of World of Warcraft: Legion


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Dave Mustang
Dave Mustang - 28.09.2023 04:47

Came back here to hype myself up for Tauri Legion

Perry2186 - 02.05.2023 03:09

ruined SV hunter if i wanted to play melee with a pet id play UH DK thats why i hate Legion

Thomas Mims
Thomas Mims - 15.04.2023 17:26

I loved the class hall idea so that you could do stuff more directly to your class it made each character I have feel like it had character

HeatRayz Video
HeatRayz Video - 14.03.2023 20:54

Legion marks the point I quit retail.

First Last
First Last - 26.02.2023 15:45

Watching this on the toilet rn, peak entertainment. Hope you see this and the image of me doing this is vividly in your mind.

ELENA CIOMAGA - 13.02.2023 15:33

Legion was one of the best expansions

Evil Kaktus
Evil Kaktus - 05.11.2022 01:02

I am so sad, i miss you MadSeason.

TheATFShotMyDog - 20.10.2022 07:30

Artifact weapon appearances were one of my favorite things about Legion, it made me get into raiding so I could do the Balance of Power questline, and i even completed the mage tower on every class, which is still one of my biggest and most memorable achievements in my entire 15 years of playing WoW.

Dogenheimer - 09.10.2022 07:02

You should try turning the volume of your voice up compared to other sounds. I have to keep turning the sound up and down because some of the music and cinematic scenes are insanely loud compared to everything else :D

RowdyRager -
RowdyRager - - 19.08.2022 18:32

Legion wasn't perfect but was damn better than BFA and Shadowlands

m3divh - 23.07.2022 03:36

Four years back and I still remember dropping a bad Legendary and having to create a new character because of it.. That really soured the whole expansion for me :/

Scamaz - 23.06.2022 14:21

While there were flaws with legion, personally for me i think the fact that legendaries were tied to rng until the vendors were added and all the titanforging were the two worst things. I had overall though a very pleasant experience with the expansion. Now we're in the last patch in SL and i miss legion terribly.

breadpilled - 09.03.2022 07:49

Legion is my favorite expansion. I loved the solo experiences as well a the class halls.

Jp Fischer
Jp Fischer - 08.03.2022 23:14

I was not ready for Ahhnold

G1bby7 - 23.12.2021 17:23

Watching this at the end of 2021, I can officially say this expansion was the best to me. Best friends in guilds, most fun, and grinds that didn't feel grindy.

Google Doxx'd me Bruh
Google Doxx'd me Bruh - 04.07.2021 12:33

Mythic dungeons having time limits is the dumbest idea ever. Just treat them like raids with boss raged timers

Seaside Strangler
Seaside Strangler - 08.06.2021 14:38

legion was crap

Alexander Ford
Alexander Ford - 01.06.2021 14:54

did the Hunters ever get that idle animation????

Rabih Saad
Rabih Saad - 20.05.2021 01:48

Legion was the best after Wrath...Huge areas and stunning looking...Gameplay was good as well...And i dont think Shadowlands is better now...

blackreaphr - 12.04.2021 13:09

Legion also had the best music

Jeff Palmer
Jeff Palmer - 12.03.2021 10:45

I have never been a big fan of PVP and I don't really like it in my questing

Skelld - 20.02.2021 02:55

My god your voice. It’s like budget crendor 😊👍

Fallen Deus
Fallen Deus - 12.02.2021 15:55

I love how people bitch about titan forging and how it makes getting bis impossible. How about they take it out and keep item levels at base and you cant get any stronger gear. Would people actually be happy with that?

yeungscs - 02.02.2021 11:12

"here's to 2 more in zandalar, and kul tiras" It was not meant to be

Kabuki Jo
Kabuki Jo - 19.01.2021 15:45

The pillow fight pvp was the biggest turn off for me in LeGion.Its just boring.

snoopythegorila - 15.01.2021 00:02

Artifact weapons and the class fantasy/order hall were my favorite part of the expansion. I didn’t mind the artifact power grind as it felt like a good mix between old talent system while keeping the cata style talents.

jonathan harmison
jonathan harmison - 07.01.2021 11:20

sounds like the loot system became alot more like diablo 3 over time

DahnsHeart - 06.01.2021 03:52

To me, Legion is the equivalent of WoTLK. A peak of storytelling and gameplay. It's not perfect liek you said, I loved the legendary system but I had the chance to get my bis quite rapidely. My alt did not have this luck so that combined with prodigious energy made them forgotten forever.
But the raid, the mm+, the world quest. So much stuff to do and never the feeling to be overwheilmed. The reput grind past the exalted point was, to me, a peak of the game. If you've run of stuff to do, go farm those. If you don't feel like doing emissary and there's one of a reput you don't care for, skip it.
Now I have my personnal issue. As a warlock, I liked my class domain. Best feature of legion. But really, there is so much fel in this expansion I'm throwing up fel. I can't take it, Argus made me quite the game. But before that, the felguard grunting as I pass, the mission, the artefact.
Yeah, let's talk about the artefact. It's really not liek that for melee, for as a caster, I always have the same staff in my back. It's a different one but same transmog. Except when I am FORCED to play with a dagger and an offhand. HOW DARE YOU ! So I'm all game for the artefact staff. Plus, warlock's staff all look amazing.
Raid were fantastic. Not much a fan of emerald nightmare, but the Nighthold was fantastic. I never had such a feel of pressure and blissful rush as I defeated Gul'dan. I also liked the tomb. Well for Argus, too much fel, I was burnt out, I stopped here. What, trial of... What ? Never heard of that.
Also, Suramar was awesoem to play. It was horribly long so there's no doing it with alt, but for the first character it was awesome. I really had the feeling I was building something impactful.

Quotes In Quotes
Quotes In Quotes - 02.01.2021 19:09

Quote from WOW - Legion:

(Illidan Stormrage)
''The hunter is nothing without the hunt.''

The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a wait, a nothing, a no man. So when one doesn't have a goal you're somewhat lost and don't know to which direction you're headed, like a ship which wouldn't go elsewhere without its rudder.

Joshua Donnelly
Joshua Donnelly - 17.12.2020 10:12

I left WoW back in Cata and came back during BFA, and I was dumbstruck by how ridiculously bad the titanforging system was. I had no idea it was even worse in Legion.

Abyss - 01.12.2020 12:38

Hahaha cant here that sound in the bigining without thinking of southpark 😂😂

Tucher97 - 21.11.2020 17:54

Legion, the Order halls are nice, but I hate the artifact weapons, more specifically the weapon skill tree (As a note, you can no longer use hte weapon skill tree but you can still level up the weapon via artifacts), it is a painful reminder, a painful memory to know that (in my opinion) that the stats were better, such as no stat was useless to a class, all stats had uses for whoever and whenever, major or very minor, I truly miss those days but I will get dozens of comments of "then play classic"
I want the stats, area levels, and no skill/ability being locked off due to specialization as well as the modern conveniences damnit

K Gee
K Gee - 21.11.2020 09:33

I joined the game during WoD, so I never got to experience the greatness of Wrath or the class design peak of Mists. After the massive disappointment of BFA and the uncertainty of Shadowlands...I feel like Legion will be my WotK, it was great and I miss it.

Unforgiven Gaming
Unforgiven Gaming - 30.10.2020 23:45

PvP gear still sucks 100%

jjd2008427 - 24.10.2020 20:36

The Mage Tower was my favorite part. I set the goal of doing them all and made it. Was a way to not only play every class but to play every class and spec in a different way and at a high level. Will have those awesome transmogs (affliction warlock in particular) forever.

Daelin Proudmore
Daelin Proudmore - 16.10.2020 23:59

"I like it, you may like it, you may not like it, that's ok. Some like it some hate it and some are in between, and that is fine. It's subjective, it ha good points and it has bad points and it has no points". Dude, make your points without the word salads of nothingness. Other than that your music and video editing is great and so are many of the topics and points you make. Just a Little pro tip for you. If your words are adding no value, they are filler, and they should go. Cheers.

Terry - 16.10.2020 10:27

I love your choice of music. I'd love to add it all to a playlist and have that on in the background while I level in Classic.

Nigel Guiboche
Nigel Guiboche - 16.10.2020 08:17

Ok I've been a Paladin since the beginning and did Wotlk. Everything was fine and dandy... then Legion came and in the first quests I seen Tirion Fordring ripped apart by demons while wielding Ashbringer.... I WAS DEMORALIZED.... lolol I thought holy @%$#.... what now

scott benton
scott benton - 11.10.2020 19:46

Hated legion with a passion! Every bit of it.

Bolu2392 - 11.10.2020 16:27

I seem to remember getting the same legendary twice on the same character...

Notorious N.I.G.
Notorious N.I.G. - 08.10.2020 20:27

Coming back after 2 years i m getting kind of nostalgic already

MissVenomaniaa - 03.10.2020 07:24

I really hated the artifacts. Watching 50 paladins with Ashbringer completely takes away from the uniqueness of the weapon. Plus never getting to loot a new weapon also felt really empty to me.

Justin Coltharp
Justin Coltharp - 02.10.2020 23:00

I think PVP in Legion was at its peak, because it finally allowed underdog players to have a chance at scoring decently on the boards. Some of us never had time to grind for a ridiculous amount of amazing gear like its our job. We have careers and families, and not every family is a WoW family.

I think its enough to say that I went from averaging 1800-2k every season to hitting 2.2 to 2.4 every season and actually earning decent rewards. Though once you were at that point, people with an 18% stat increase over your 8-9% still made it nearly impossible to win.

Trambolin111 - 29.09.2020 23:47

What I'd really like to see is better dialogues in cutscenes etc. it's always line consisting of a few words with "epic pauses" betweeen them, it's so cheese and over dramatic while they don't say anything important :,D

Jeff van Welij
Jeff van Welij - 18.09.2020 16:12

WotLK was my first high point in WoW. Apart from some small really cool moments, Legion was my second high point. Fantastic expansion overall.

Elgar337 - 16.09.2020 14:24


MFirone - 03.09.2020 14:43

"Honestly, I'm not a PvPer"
This aged well

Elwood288 - 01.09.2020 12:17

People didn't like garrisons!?! Why the heck not!?! They're awesome!

Eddafred - 31.08.2020 22:55

With BFA essentially being Warlords 2.0, I'm REALLY hoping Shadowlands proves to be Legion 2.0, and we get a really fun and memorable expansion to help us forget the mediocre one we're currently trapped in.

Abra - 31.08.2020 02:50

dude that video made me want to play legion private server to just come back to it. also...
You: Garrison
The one she tells you not to worry about: Class order halls
