What's the Hardest Part of Life in Spain?

What's the Hardest Part of Life in Spain?

Sensational Spain

9 месяцев назад

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@VitaliRiskin - 30.01.2024 00:33

Why is it only girls being interviewed? Throughout all the video there was only 1 guy..

@rongarza9488 - 19.01.2024 05:23

Housing Anywhere, great advice. I love everything about Spain EXCEPT that people think I am from Mexico because the Spanish we speak in America does not sound like Spain's (or Mexico's) Spanish. This really pisses me off, damn.

@MrFernanrc - 15.01.2024 04:17

I went to live in 1993 to spain, first day I wanted to go home, it was cold, It didn't change for a month, cloudy and cold, it was April. Then my cousin who gave me the job, didn't want me to stay with my family a few days, he wanted me to start work on Monday, he fired me for coming late and with Jeans. He didn't really fire me, he kept me doing other things, I wasn't a citizen so I couldn't work, he wanted me to go out with a suit, said what are people going to think. I wanted to leave. I really hated it. I didn't realize how wonderful it was, I only saw the negative. Saw the homeless yelling I am hungry, I was told by a foreigner who tried to get me to give or exchange money with him that he was going to step on my face. I ate hamburgers with both hands, my cousin didn't like that at all. Fork and knife. I went to see my family in Bilbao and was ready to just leave from there. I told him. While board sitting around and wondering why was I there. He had some problems and called the Fontanero, who instead of fixing the problem, he made it worse and would ask for alot of money and leave. One after another, they would make things worse, I walked in once and the lamp in the bathroom was destroyed, the last time, he told me to shut off the water and turn it one when I had to flush. Why, the fontanero broke the bathroom with a hammer. It was a bath wards country back then, it still is. I did take a tour around the south of spain and had a wonderful time. I left swearing never to return, I came back 10 more times, Sometimes wanting to stay, I called for a room, I was told none existed, until he got on the phone. My accent wasn't what they were looking for. The partying in spain is the best part. People might not be friendly but most of them are. My family isn't friendly and they enjoy trying to start problems. The last time I went to spain, I wanted to eat Shrimp and my cousin would rather walk around bar hopping, we went to eat shrimp and they where small shrimp, I was so mad, they brought me the shrimp I wanted, but they here cold. Sometimes you can't win. I live in the US, I thought it was bad in many ways, yet modern enough to not want to leave. the last 4 years the US politically has ruined the country. Worse the same people are ruining Spain. The idea of a new world order , to have only one country and one leader is what christians are hopping for. To see the end of times and not see anyone stopping it is scary. the Bible might be silly in many ways, but the people who are trying to make this happen are real, they would like to take everything away from us and they say we will be happy. You mean horrified.

@pellax - 12.01.2024 16:19

La chica que le cuesta el español que no se preocupe que me juego el cuello que le repiten las cosas las veces que haga falta.

@Naruto__07 - 10.01.2024 12:26

The Hardest part of Spain...They Only Speak Spanish...

@ok-si2ev - 25.12.2023 16:49

i wanna live in spain so bad bro

@mlchigan3016 - 17.12.2023 20:36

Como español tienen razón en todo, una cosa curiosa de nosotros los españoles, en general, es que somos muy abiertos pero tenemos circulos de amistades cerrados, es como que nos cuesta mantener de fuera del circulo, una amistad, pero hablo de amistad de verdad, porque para salir de fiesta se puede juntar cualquiera.

@EnglishwithErman - 15.12.2023 09:09


@joseamategarcia9276 - 13.12.2023 04:57

But I have a teapot, some houses have....

@eduzz4655 - 01.12.2023 18:44

Si no tienes tetera, usa un cazo pequeño "de toda la vida de Dios".

@bipl8989 - 28.11.2023 00:28

Opening a bank account can be challenging, even with a residence visa. No residence, forget it. Best things: nobody bothers you & drivers are pretty decent. Nobody thinks they own the road. Worst things: dogs barking from rooftops and balconies, general noise levels in restaurants, and of course finding a parking place. Go to eat a lot of the Best food anywhere in the world, not for the conversation. Best Advice: Do not get a place in front of the fairgrounds or next to the Central plaza or anywhere near "drinking districts". The barman dumping beer bottles in the bin all night and loud noise from the crowds of tourist, can be a real PIA. Spain and all South American countries max out on noise. DO get a place with cross ventilation, preferably near the central market for the best daily supply of seafood and fresh produce. I prefer small towns. And ESPECIALLY... Things just have they're own time schedules here. Do not try to rush it. ONLY YOU will suffer and you will not change the results! Learn to slow down, relax, have another drink, listen to the music and take your time to avoid aggrevations. You will live a long and happy life.

@hijosdelaluzz - 19.11.2023 01:48

Amiga, ponte una ropa en la que no vayas enseñando casi el pecho.

@s.e.3252 - 17.11.2023 14:40

Tantos paises mejores que España 😊

@deusvulttimes - 09.11.2023 06:49

I got 3 kettles and 5 different coffee machines. Dont fall for the personal experience when you talk of a 48 million people country 😅

@the_wanderer5536 - 06.11.2023 03:47

the obvious one: generally speaking, non whites are not treated in Spain as well as whites. Even more so than in most other countries.

@Martvvy - 05.11.2023 14:41

Very low fertility in Spain, the country is dying. This is the country old people. Greetings from Thailand

@michaeljosephwade9695 - 03.11.2023 22:35

Este pasado verano '2023' fui horrible.. calor extremo dia tras dia de mayo hasta medios de octubre y el fuerte sol te quema en minutos. -es muy dificil si no puedes costear el aire condicionado todo el tiempo. Greetings from Roquetas de Mar.

@leticiasabatto9550 - 27.10.2023 20:04

Nos vengais a españa, no quiero inmigracion gracias

@davidcervantes9336 - 26.10.2023 23:29

¿Qué necesito para hacer nuevos amigos y conocer gente?

Mujer: Solo sal de casa. A mí siempre me funciona.😎
Hombre saliendo de casa: 💀

@sandrallancherosg - 15.10.2023 22:55

Las rusas critican la burocracia? raro

@LaChicaconSuerte-1111 - 04.10.2023 22:04

People always list things like weather, food, beaches, etc., and yes Spain has a lot of great things, but Spain has zero customer service and there is a lot of dishonesty, disrespect, lack of consideration for others, and rudeness, as well as hostility towards and taking advantage of foreigners. Also, they have a long way to go with regards to health and safety.

@TheSimmpleTruth - 29.09.2023 20:13

No quiero destruirles la fantasía, pero al hablar solo con mujeres blancas no se toca el tema del racismo en España que dependiendo de donde uno viva, hay más racismo o menos. Pero sí, si pareces que tienes algo de características indígenas o eres negro te fastidiaste. Lo sé por amistades cubanas y suramericanas que tengo, pero también por otras personas latinoamericanas y americanos negros que han vivido allá y se han regresado muy desilusionados.

@LoveBDBMZ - 27.09.2023 22:58

It's impossible to watch this video as it's overloaded with russians.. 😢

@Zinamarina - 22.09.2023 22:24

Funny to hear someone complaining that in Spain stores close around 9 or 10pm… she will get a hard attack knowing that in many european countries they closed at 6-7 tops 🤣🤣🤣🤣 also siesta… in smaller cities businesses closes from 2 to 5 because THERE IS NOBODY ON THE STREETS. Or they don’t have the resources to open the whole day. But whatever, don’t want to be that kind of local ❤

@Islam-eh7ns - 07.09.2023 13:46

I am from Pakistan can any girls mairage me this is my what app number and I duty ssu minority wing job

@jase8513 - 22.08.2023 12:15

Alguien me puede decir cómo es la vida de una persona de color en España?

@erickalexander1512 - 20.08.2023 20:19

The bright side= nice and chill people. No rush and good public services.
The wrong= too much heat, Spaniards speak too much fast and aloud, and the girls are ugly.

@Blublod - 17.08.2023 07:26

¿Pero qué coño? Si apenas hay vivienda para los españoles, ¿qué carajo va haber para los extranjeros?

@markomontenegro - 12.08.2023 01:47

Madre mia la chica de las trenzas que esta con la rubia del barco dice que es difícil hacer amigos Españoles....... pero si en España todo el mundo te habla ! Literalmente te puedes ir a un bar solo y te pasas alli la tarde hablando con gente !

@Rakenify88 - 10.08.2023 23:24

You should do «what does Spanish people think of Chinese people» really curious and I hope many are as well 🙌☺️

@robertoduenas3207 - 09.08.2023 10:16

Ya te vi hermosa, por poco nos llegas de retache con acento español,,qué bien que no paso...😂 !!!..

@davidnelson3026 - 08.08.2023 21:47

For foreigners it is always hard in Spain. Dont come to Spain if you want to work, Spain is great for the rich, retired people, students and tourists. But living in Spain is tough to get by . . . . .

@luisdaniel7368 - 08.08.2023 16:26

Si si muy chill todo, pero no te cuentan que no hay trabajo, que el desempleo juvenil es el mayor de europa, que la inflacion de los pisos y alquileres es ridicula, un sistema sanitario y educativo en decadencia donde te enseñan cosas que ya no sirven de nada, no tienes oportunidades ya para crecer , si te haces autonomo te frien a impuestos y tasas, etc... La gente si no hablas bien español se rien de ti por cierto, de ahi la discriminacion y el que no quieran integrarse en sus grupos si no tienes un minimo de integracion o no hablas bien el Español o con acento como ya mencione antes. Podria decir muchisimas mas cosas pero bueno, hay que aceptar que hay gente que viene de paises mas frios y siente la calidez de España y pese a todos estos problemas se plantan ahi a vivir, muchos de ellos por cierto trabajan remoto que cobran sueldos de paises externos a España por lo que pueden disfrutar mas que un español propio del mismo pais, por eso tanto hate*

@CopyKatVlog - 04.08.2023 14:14

Thank you for sharing, I am the girl in green dress in this video ;) The teapot (kettle) struggle is real :D

@alejandrosotomartin9720 - 03.08.2023 01:22

The mexicans fantasizing always about Russia but then the russian women come to Spain 😄💪

@Sasha-tm8qy - 01.08.2023 20:47

I've been wondering if it's easy to get used to the hot weather when you come from a cold country? I love Spain for the people and the musical culture but I'm quite sensitive when it gets too warm

@ektaner - 01.08.2023 16:04

Insane biurocracy, big taxes for autonomos and foreigners discrimination that I never felt in any other country but Spain 😢

@compashinpei - 01.08.2023 11:36

Por favor, pregúntenles a los extranjeros como encontraron trabajo o lograron tener negocios. Mi sueño es vivir en España, el mejor país del mundo 🙌 Muchas gracias 🙏

@jc.9 - 31.07.2023 22:20

It would’ve been interesting to hear opinions from more POC

@juanjosearagonlara5224 - 31.07.2023 21:05

Se van a un país en quiebra

@luizcsn89 - 31.07.2023 17:51

Yo vivi en Barcelona en 2011 y todo fue muy tranquilo, me encanta españa❤️

@sergiopitarch4364 - 31.07.2023 17:46

Yo soy valenciano, de cerca de la capital, y lo más insoportable es el clima, la humedad que hace que el verano sea una asfixia y en invierno con 9 grados por ejemplo, estés calado y tiritando. Y lo escandaloso que es TODO. Petardos, fiestas locales hasta altas horas de la madrugada cada dos por tres, las Fallas, "mascletàs" hasta para un entierro, castillos de fuegos artificiales por cualquier tontada, y que la gente es escandalosa de por sí, tanto con sus vehículos como en su forma de hablar por la calle, siempre en altavoz. La gente también es extremadamente marujona, siempre en la vida de los demás. Generalmente amables pero muy pesados, no puedes ir a hacer una gestión sin encontrarte a no sé quién que te da la chapa, y a lo mejor yo no sé ni quién es ese señor ya 🙃. También abunda una clase de perrito demoníaco llamado "ratonero valenciano" que es quizás la raza de perro más ladradora y escandalosa del planeta. Personalmente tampoco me gusta la comida de aquí, no soy de arroces ni "fideuàs" sean de lo que sean; cuando te invitan a comer seguro que es paella o "fideuà" y claro, te la tienes que tragar, porque no hacerlo es casi una ofensa... La horchata me corta la digestión y las naranjas me sientan como un tiro. He ido a nacer en el peor sitio de España para mí, cuando he ido a pueblos pequeños de interior y tal o incluso ciudades... mucho mejor todo.

@samuelpreciado1336 - 31.07.2023 17:44

Que chicas tan guay. Simpáticas e aprecian España

@Wrekt35 - 31.07.2023 17:21

España parece muy relajada. Buen contenido. Saludos desde las Filipinas!
