Schizophrenia: Disorders - Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing |@LevelUpRN

Schizophrenia: Disorders - Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing |@LevelUpRN

Level Up RN

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Michael Albrecht
Michael Albrecht - 03.11.2023 12:39

Thank you kindly. I am thinking about studying nursing

Nigel Magunda
Nigel Magunda - 31.10.2023 12:04

Thank you very much

Yahya Watfa
Yahya Watfa - 13.10.2023 16:24

I had auditory Hiucination i hear voices that is not there but i didn't take medications doctors told that i must take those medication to back to my normal life i take rexulti 2 mg for around 6 months but i still heard those voices what I can do ?

Bac Ro
Bac Ro - 12.08.2023 11:25

I would feel relieved if I heard the voices say “we’re coming to get you”

VickyV - 03.08.2023 02:23

How common is Catatonic SZ? My brother has never used drugs but only Psych meds. He freezes and goes into a coma like state. It was so bad this past year he had to have a PEG tube put in. Locked in his own body. I didn't know it could get so bad. When he was first diagnosed, he had visual and auditory hallucinations, did not talk to anyone, was highly anxious but never catatonic. It became Catatonic after he was in his 40's. It's not the meds. He's has had that checked out. Thank you and hope I am not out of line here with the sharing of my brother.

Khaled Mohamed
Khaled Mohamed - 28.07.2023 18:27

Thank you for your helping and I appreciate your concern.

zande loulou
zande loulou - 26.07.2023 18:59

Evidence-Based Practice

Levels of Evidence

Evidence-based practice is a conscientious, problem-solving approach to clinical practice that incorporates the best evidence from well-designed studies, patient values and preferences, and a clinician's expertise in making decisions about a patient's care. Unfortunately, no standard formula exists for how much these factors should be weighed in the clinical decision-making process. However, there are a variety of rating systems and hierarchies of evidence that grade the strength or quality of evidence generated from a research study or report. Being knowledgeable about evidence-based practice and levels of evidence is important to every clinician as clinicians need to be confident about how much emphasis they should place on a study, report, practice alert or clinical practice guideline when making decisions about a patient's care.

Rating System:

The levels of evidence listed here have been developed with the help of nurse experts and other industry resources. We thank those who have contributed to making our system relevant and applicable to determining the levels of evidence that support our CE publications.

Evidence-based information ranges from Level A (the strongest) to Level C (the weakest). In 2013, Level ML, multilevel, was added to identify clinical practice guidelines that contain recommendations based on more than one level of evidence:

LEVEL A: Evidence obtained from:

Randomized control trials: the classic "gold standard" study design. In RCTs, subjects are randomly selected and randomly assigned to groups to undergo rigorously controlled experimental conditions or interventions.

Systematic review or meta-analysis of all relevant RCTs. A systematic review is a critical assessment of existing evidence that addresses a focused clinical question, includes a comprehensive literature search, and appraises the quality of studies and reports results

Clinical practice guidelines: based on systematic reviews of RCTs. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines provide the strongest level of evidence to guide clinical practice because they are based on rigorous reviews of the best evidence on specific topics.

LEVEL B: Evidence obtained from:

Well-designed control trials without randomization: In this type of study, random assignment is not used to assign subjects to experimental and control groups. Therefore, this type of research is less strong in internal validity because it can't be assumed the subjects in the study are equal on major demographic and clinical variables at the beginning of the trial. Frequent problems with this type of study include .intentional or unintentional bias in sample enrollment; nonbinding, unclear criteria for participant selection; or unreliable or invalid tools.

Clinical cohort study: an examination of groups of people who have common characteristics or exposure experiences to compare outcomes in those exposed vs. outcomes in those not exposed (e.g., development of heart disease after exposure or no exposure to 10 years of secondhand smoke).

Case-controlled study: use of an observational approach in which subjects known to have a disease or outcome are compared with subjects known not to have that disease or outcome. Subjects are matched on characteristics so that they are as similar as possible except for the disease or outcome. Case-control studies are generally designed to estimate the odds (using an odds ratio) of

Enveloping the studied condition or disease and can determine if an associated relationship exists between the condition/disease and risk factors.

Uncontrolled study: studies that do not control participant selection or interventions (e.g., a convenience sample, such as patients on a given unit, may be studied because it's the only group reasonably available

Gerald Victoria
Gerald Victoria - 24.07.2023 19:46

Love the simplicity. Thank you!

Ac Comrade
Ac Comrade - 24.07.2023 18:55

Thank you 👏
