The Mizuno JPX925 Hot Metal Pro Irons are SO DISAPPOINTING?!

The Mizuno JPX925 Hot Metal Pro Irons are SO DISAPPOINTING?!

Alex Etches Golf

4 месяца назад

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@carpykeith - 29.10.2024 00:40

My goodness I don’t think I’ve ever been first to like & comment before! Love these Big Al reviews!👍🏽👍🏽

@jontodd4394 - 29.10.2024 00:47

On the look out for loft police. 👮. Can’t believe I’m second to comment though 😢.

@youtubemadeb6417 - 29.10.2024 00:52

Hot take: more golfers need help with clubhead size (consistency) over clubhead speed (distance). “Pro” series is a product of a culture that puts a premium on tiny clubs at address.

@brianforrester9670 - 29.10.2024 00:53

This JPX line might be the first Mizuno I find ugly...I completely agree. I'm normally a huge Mizuno fan; my last 3 sets have been Mizuno, but I hate that badge.

@BrandonGavin_EDC - 29.10.2024 01:50

I’d love those Hollow forged Pro 245 irons they make but they are like $1800 so no thanks.

@keyboardoracle1044 - 29.10.2024 01:56

I prefer clubs that don’t have words at all, letters and numbers are fine by me. They can tell you a lot more with less clutter on the club.

@RLIAU - 29.10.2024 02:04

You'll have to carry 8 wedges with these.

@everydaygolfer6483 - 29.10.2024 02:26

I’m growing tired of “ distance “ being the only thing push these days, yawn.

@joeperez3520 - 29.10.2024 02:42

Ordered a set of these a week ago. Expecting them any day now.

<EDIT> And of course I screwed up. I figured that because I'm getting up there in years, I'd get them with the 65 gm Recoil Graphite shafts. Much too light. Should have gone for the heavier graphite.

@namewithdrawn3148 - 29.10.2024 02:52

Getting these upon price drop

@garychillingworth - 29.10.2024 03:12

Al, is there an Iron that you own, that will get you over 300?

@amalfi460 - 29.10.2024 04:12

Many men are with women that aren’t attractive but perform very well…..but there are too many other clubs that do the same and look waaaay better

@Lacesout2529 - 29.10.2024 05:31

Remember, he’s swinging at 97 miles an hour the average guys between 75 and 85 mph very best. That club is going 180-190 The great thing about Mizuno is the gapping unlike some of these other irons they don’t jump 20 yards between clubs.

@jimmypickett2449 - 29.10.2024 05:56

I have the 923 hm pro. Less offset than the standard. I love them. It came down to the pro 225 or the hm. I've always had at LEAST (club ho alert) 2 sets. I have the Srixon zx5 as my other set. I think both the Srixons and the hm pro are better than the pro 225 hmb.
By the way. The driving clinic on the J. Robinson videos was insane! Putting? SMH You definitely didn't convince me to buy one of those haha.
Keep up the good videos!

@JoeCothern-lv8zx - 29.10.2024 06:04

Another great one AL. God Bless and keep up the great work!

@william_hartman - 29.10.2024 06:34

IMO the HMP should have more traditional lofts, maybe 32* 7 iron like the 243. I had the JPX 923 HMP and they simply went too far, switched to 245 and bent them 2* weak.

@mikehlee69 - 29.10.2024 06:44

Mizuno has lost their way

@MarkSamora - 29.10.2024 06:54

Love Big Al!

@MarkSamora - 29.10.2024 06:59

Looks like a game improvement iron for sure. Mizuno may have too many options for irons.

@user-sg5vb7ou9i - 29.10.2024 09:50

I bought the 923 hot metal HL a few months back getting back into golf after not playing for 5 years or so. The 925 came out just after purchase and initially I thought ffs! Then after seeing the reviews was so glad I made my purchase. Imo the 923 looks a lot nicer and doesn't really have much difference in performance and they feel great

@kevreck - 29.10.2024 10:22

Just say it. They’re fugly & the topline is chunky-monkey. I just hope the 925 Forged don’t get hit with the same ugly stick as these, but I’m not optimistic.

@benloconnor1990 - 29.10.2024 14:01

As someone is very much a high handicapper having just re-started playing golf this year, you have re-affirmed my purchase of the Hot metals as a great game improvement iron

@wkndwarrior4733 - 29.10.2024 15:16

It’s bad visually totally agree AL. Step back from 923. It looks chunkier. Ok Ill admit I play the 923 PROs so i’m biased

@atfinthehouse8631 - 29.10.2024 16:00

Very small blades. What’s the cost?

@zittyrrrs7082 - 29.10.2024 18:08

Who is it for? He asks....
Me 😋
I want game improvement that doesn't look too big and feels like a Mizuno.
But, and it's only a minor but, I can't afford them come hell or highwater...🫤

@grahams3417 - 29.10.2024 19:36

What a thwacker you got there

@OldBlokeAudio - 30.10.2024 11:38

The 925 looks like the 923's fugly sibling...imo.

@user-wh1cv5vh5n - 29.11.2024 15:22

Is the hot metal more or less forgiving than the hot metal pro?

@tomevans4100 - 11.12.2024 20:47

Hi Al have you tested the 925 High Launch? My ball flight has always been low possibly because I’ve played most of my golf on links courses but I’ve decided now I want more height. Tried a demo 7 on the range yesterday and out on the course today. I’ve never hit a 7 iron that high ever with a great carry. Would like to know your thoughts.

@Boots2Birdies - 25.12.2024 00:51

Just got these upgrading from the TaylorMade burner series. I can’t wait to hit with them. Just started golfing hoping these will help with striking.

@EannMcCullough - 10.02.2025 17:32

Agree the pro name can be misleading. Especially with the range has the “tour” iron version. Smaller and less offset than the jumbo hot metal. Still super hot and definitely a GI type iron. But really, these cover a large market share. From Champions Tour to mid handicap. High, straight , long. Works for me. What do you give up, what do you get. Always a compromise somewhere.

@davey4731 - 25.02.2025 09:52

They’re advertised for low to mid handicap.
