5 Worst HOA Horror Stories - GLAD You're Not in One Yet?

5 Worst HOA Horror Stories - GLAD You're Not in One Yet?


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@erneststewart9117 - 09.01.2025 09:34

I’m am really convinced that some of these HOA people have mental issues and really need to get some serious therapy.

@petermaurer2426 - 10.01.2025 21:28

People who run hoas are people who no one would give any authority to because they are too stupid. Now they get to push other people around.

We lived in an hoa once. Our neighbor who was on the hoa board let us know that the board had no money to go to court. We were cited many times, and we always replied that we were in compliance and always had been in compliance. If the board disagreed they could take us to court and prove that we weren’t. They never did.

@MrEvtmazda - 11.01.2025 04:39

Searching for my first home and i wont even consider am HOA home. The dues are extreme and the rules are rediculous

@keithm1138 - 12.01.2025 01:06

The second worst case (the truck) why not just park it in the garage.

@michaelmigliaccio1939 - 12.01.2025 03:39

Good piece, though I’m perplexed by why the word “penis” had to be censored in your video.

@philmccracken179 - 13.01.2025 03:50

When I drive thru non-HOA areas it really makes me appreciate my HOA area. I couldn’t imagine living somewhere with people living in a van in front of my house and you just gotta take it. I couldn’t imagine living somewhere with unleashed dogs running around with neighbors who won’t keep up their homes. But hey what you gonna do? Trash gonna trash

@NephelyDeBussy - 13.01.2025 20:01

I like your content but I had to stop listening as soon as that unnecessary anxiety-inducing music started. So off-putting.

@chucklittleton-zl3xs - 15.01.2025 03:12

Ban the shit HOAs

@webneko9842 - 15.01.2025 03:18

When I bought my home, no HOA was one of my top non-negotiable requirements just because of horror stories like this.

@zimvader25 - 16.01.2025 21:25

A lot of people think "relic" guitars are cool and spend a lot of money to buy custom shop ones or will just drag new guitars behind their car to get the look, but c'mon let's be real here... "relic" means aged damaged. Period.

@macalcord - 20.01.2025 01:14

HOAs should be illegal nationwide..I haven't seen one that isn't an overreach of power or just straight up extortion of the residents!

@romar1581 - 20.01.2025 14:23

Protecting property values, what a joke. Homes without an HOA regularly sell for a higher price as those with an HOA attached.

@marylynnrodgers1091 - 21.01.2025 06:34

Oh no him dying was a rumor remember

@marylynnrodgers1091 - 21.01.2025 06:38

Oh my God the level of pettiness people have I just I'm so embarrassed to be a f**** American

@WillardClark-q9b - 22.01.2025 01:46

I hate a choice I'm forced to be in one and it's been a lot of problems they try to make me take down my 8 foot fence to put a 4-foot fence up

@stevecoppin2890 - 22.01.2025 02:09


@jeffreyseay7707 - 22.01.2025 15:46

HOAs are full of nothing but Dicks and Karens. They should be abolished. Nothing but a national security risk

@jeffreyseay7707 - 22.01.2025 15:58

HOAs should be treated like the domestic terrorist organizations they were intended to be from the moment the agencies began existing

@Vance-ik9ck - 29.01.2025 19:19

My friend was having a problem with his HOA. We AirTag all board members vehicles. Within two weeks, two were arrested for DWI and one for leaving the scene of the accident. It takes time it takes patience, but it can be done.

@bryanmoynihan2480 - 04.02.2025 02:12

If you can take the time to take a picture and email the HOA, then you also could have just walked over and removed the vulgar image yourself with a snow shovel or your feet

@benjohnson8221 - 04.02.2025 05:11

I wouldn’t live under HOA rules if the house was free.

@Goat-gl9bn - 05.02.2025 14:38

When you have no hobbies and no life and no Jesus

@seanlockwood5699 - 05.02.2025 17:40

I will never be part of an HOA.

@jokeisonyou6987 - 06.02.2025 05:58

Seriously, HOA's are communist organizations and should be banned all over the world. Bunch of snobs. People fought wars against communism and yet they are in America. I'm Canadian and we have these communist organizations here too.

@jokeisonyou6987 - 06.02.2025 06:03

HOA commies should not have the power or the right to fine people.

@SuzieClark-m5t - 08.02.2025 16:22

HOA's are the birth place of "THE KAREN"

@keithheck4193 - 08.02.2025 22:12

I always look for homes without one.

@markdaniels7174 - 09.02.2025 18:02

These are nothing. People have been FORECLOSED upon by HOAs, and without any real legal recourse. You can try to take the HOA to court, but most attorneys avoid these cases and the HOAs nearly always win. What they do is apparently legal; you agreed to it at closing, as a written condition of buying your house. And over 80% of new homes on the market are subject to a HOA… it’s getting harder to avoid them and their unchecked power. A real problem. Good luck, future buyers.

@marikiemarie7622 - 10.02.2025 05:21

In my county, there is no hoa at all. All hoas were banned from forming. Because in 1994, 12 women and 9 men were on the hoa in a community of 75 houses. All of them were getting oh to property. Taken photos inside windows of curtains that were not on the color list. Taking paint off doors to color match color list. If no match, a fine. 4 of them were convicted of money crimes before being on the hoa. So because that caused such an issue, they only thing we can do is a community volunteer group that goes around helping the neighbors find resources to groom yards, paint, clean etc. The 2 males and 3 women are still around today and they are literally America's most hated people in my town. They are not allowed in a lot of restaurants, groceries stores, salons and even school campus. They causes so many problems for 15 years. Unfortunately, they have kids and grandchildren and it's being put off on them too. I lived in a small town back then, population 1200. At least 450 lived in that hoa neighborhood. I did. I was 10 when we moved in. And 16 when we finally got out. We were fined because my soccer ball was on the porch. My cheer banner was seen from my window. My dad's truck was 1inch to far from the curb. Chalk lines marks all the time. On school mornings, I had to he up at 5am to get to practice. I would see big fat butts trying to climb back over out fence. My brother and I played alot of sports so my mom's car had stickers on them. She was fined per sticker per day. She has well over 9 stickers. My mom had an zz top mirror hanger. Fined. We had a pool party for my brother's 13th bday. A private investigator was taken pictures. We called the cops to report a pervert taken photos of girls in swimsuits. They didn't like that. Lol my mom favorite tree that was approved was suddenly pulled from the yard. Neighbors took vidoe. Fat lady again taken it with her husband at 4am. A dog was hit in front of our house. He survived but we were fined for the blood on the side walk area. My dad had the sheds roof redone. Got a fine because the roofing didn't match the house. Meanwhile, none of the others sheds roof matched the others houses. Our neighbor put up beautiful wall paper for her new baby. A fake friend was over...we caught her taken photos to report it. That's when my mom lost it and said enough is enough and finally got the news involved. What really helped was the fact that nearly 20 people in thay neighbors were either sheriff's or city officials. One was a judge in the county over. So. It took 7mths to dismantle the HOA in a tiny town in texas. The hoa guest house is literally a public space where people can see all the fines no one had to pay. Photos of all thier fat butts breaking the law.

@junglejohn919 - 10.02.2025 06:29

Wonder what the hoa would think of an 8 second pro street chevelle? Blower, narrowed rear, full cage etc. hole shots at 3 am. I love the smell of burning rubber in the morning!

@seanberthiaume8240 - 11.02.2025 21:57

WHO in thier RIGHT MIND would sign up for HOA!?

@seanberthiaume8240 - 11.02.2025 22:00

SOCIALISM in it truest form!

@seanberthiaume8240 - 11.02.2025 22:04

What happens if you refuse to pay any fine$!? But I guess if you sign on the dotted line yo're screwed!?

@carloaspesi9775 - 12.02.2025 10:24

HOA must be banned in all United States .... I have a friend that's trying to sell his house in a HOA community so they can get away from all their nonsense. The house has been on sale for nearly a year and the realtor told them as potential buyers know that the house is in a HOA area, they don't want even to go look at the house or make an offer!

@WickedOne-1979 - 17.02.2025 18:43

Its amazing anyone would sign up to pay for your own mini dictatorship!

I cant believe Americans fall for this HOA Scam! It does not help property values at all its simply away for the builder/property owner to maintain control or its a mini elected hitler that is impossible to remove!

Why would you pay someone to implement Petty Rules that might make things all look the same BUT does not make property value better! They most all the time make it worse cuz any free thinking Americans is Running Away From HOA Communities!

@WyoMedic540 - 18.02.2025 04:46

I thought HOA’s can’t change or add rules. Maybe it’s just a Colorado thing.

@bryantnalls8669 - 18.02.2025 23:56

Welcome to the new America home mother dictators land of the cowards what the adults lie and can’t tell the truth and they hide behind organizations like the Democratic Republican parties while living to tell you what to do at the same time excluding themselves.

@cowboykody6775 - 20.02.2025 22:50

#1 Amazon was parked there?

@abx42 - 21.02.2025 22:31

I rented a house in an HOA back in 2005 and I was constantly getting harassed and fined for about a year. Went to court and found out subletting was not aloud.

@JoshMaxim - 23.02.2025 01:17

HOA's can be horrible, but I've had a good experience with my own HOA, their nice people. I'm always buying cars, I have 8 vehicles at the moment.

There is a rule with my HOA which states that homeowners are only allowed to have 2 cars on the driveway at once, cause like 98% of the houses in my community have 3 or 4 car garages, and most of the people that live in my neighbourhood have only 2 or 3 cars, I've only seen 2 houses that actually have any more than that, and they both have 4. So for example, if someone were to have 4 cars in total, only 2 of them would be allowed on the driveway at once. No one in my neighbourhood really minds, as it's safer anyways to park the car in the garage.

Now, about my 8 vehicles, I get that some or most HOA's would be petty and make an issue about it, but all I did was go to the HOA's VP, and ask her to make an exception for me, and she agreed, she said one house having more cars on the driveway wouldn't be an issue, plus i have a 4 car garage, one of those garages having a lift, so I only had 3 cars outside.

And another good thing about my HOA is that they actually use the money we pay them properly, they have yard work done to every single house every 2 weeks, not the backyard obviously, but they have every houses front lawn mowed using the money we give them, and they also have the every driveway pressure washed every month. All that for only $100 a month.

@LoganMangus-d1u - 23.02.2025 08:43

Trump should deem HOA’s as illegal, cause they are.

@sstigger38 - 26.02.2025 03:25

I'm not a STUPID IDIOT who would WANT to join an HOA in the FIRST PLACE!! Either they scam you out of money, or scam you out of your home! ALL of them can "GET TO STEPPING", as in GO BYE BYE AND NEVER COME BACK!

@billwarren8198 - 27.02.2025 04:08

You got to be a idiot even to move to a HOA that’s not a way to live free

@netizen_a - 27.02.2025 13:12

No wonder agent orange was selected, bullies everywhere.

@garyanthony2440 - 02.03.2025 22:10

Hoa's have no power if a majority of homeowners votes them out. These stories are ridiculous

@grumpyrhonda6709 - 03.03.2025 11:33

Honestly, just tell us the stories and leave out the commentary.

@leevancleef553 - 08.03.2025 05:49

Decent vid but im not watching because of the stupid fucking music. Bye.

@ScrappingDiva - 08.03.2025 07:17

Our HOA demanded we let them into our garages and take pictures, at the time, we had two teenage girls. It didn’t happen.

@BigKleib34 - 22.04.2024 22:47

How many people would dare to live in an HOA?
