You should watch the video of Ronnie going wild after a fan ask him why he canceled the show in Vienna. Would love to know your opinion on that. If he crossed a line or if he was rightfully in his sayings, and btw with that stream outrage he was also canceled from the Novarock festival... And he says in an comment that he gets payed anyway...
ОтветитьI live an hour north of Memphis. I go to Nashville a lot for shows because they they go to Nashville and not Memphis
ОтветитьAn honest opinion from an industry shill...yeah, ok
ОтветитьThe 2nd show in prague was cancelled too btw :D
Ответить2 days to drive 12 hours? Oof-... I can get expected to drive 12 hours in 30 minutes with my job it feels.
ОтветитьI had the privilege of seeing them live in Munich on this tour. I’ve seen almost all the big acts and artist that’ve ever been there over the course of my life - FIR is hands down top-3 of the best shows I’ve ever seen. One just can’t deny Ronnie took over the music business with his trilogy in 2018. That’s what upsets people.
What a sad society!
I think it's massively important for videos like this to go up when shows get cancelled. Not to defend the band, but to broaden peoples horizons on why these things can happen. Social media is full of knee jerk reactionists who, despite being completely ignorant, will pluck a theory out of the sky, start blurting it out as fact and then that fallacy starts to gain traction. A very, very small number of people know the ins and outs as to why these shows were cancelled and funnily enough, they're not the ones commenting anywhere. But you have Gary in Idaho that works at Mcdonalds, sat in his garden shed who absolutely 'knows' why the shows have been cancelled. It's infuriating the echo chambers that exist online and how ignorance generally outweighs knowledge.
A million and one things can go in to why a show is cancelled and Occam's Razor doesn't always apply. Just because you dislike an artist, it doesn't immediately mean they've cancelled the show because 'they're a dick'. Some of the replies from people on this video are perfect examples of the complexities that go in to putting on a show and while I'm not saying everyone should intimately know the ins and outs of putting on a show, immediately going hostile and blaming the artist doesn't do anyone any good.
Say it louder for Vienna's cry-babies 😅
ОтветитьDula Peep
ОтветитьI really don’t see Ronnie as the type to cancel a show for a shady reason, so it leaves me to assume it’s some sort of issue that’s a bit too “in the weeds” to elaborate on. In that case though, I do wish they’d elaborate anyways. Those short explanations for such big changes never feel right
ОтветитьCan someone fill me in on why “Ronnie has lost all credibility”?
ОтветитьLaptops are essential for bands to tour. Na not essential. They make the show better but if you can't do a show without prerecorded laptops you aren't a live band.
ОтветитьThanks, Ronnie will give you a handsome reward for defending him.
ОтветитьWhen I saw Rammstein in Tampa on their first tour back in the US in 10 years their pyro literally broke the center scoreboard in Amalie Arena. I know venues get wary about having big bands with huge stage shows for reasons exactly like this. And that was a huge arena. Not sure what FIR’s show consists of fx wise though.
ОтветитьShakira cancelled some shows on her new tour coming up and fans were pissed😂
ОтветитьTheyve just cancelled the entire UK tour due to Visa issues. Surely these are sorted out way in advance otherwise you wouldnt book that part of the tour? is it common practice to book a tour if a Visa isnt in place? surely not?! @tankthetech
ОтветитьUpdate: visa UK denied.
ОтветитьI'm here 2 weeks later to let you that they had to cancel all their UK shows because the shitty British home office denied Ronnie's visa 😢 gutted is a understatement!
ОтветитьLol and now the entire UK tour is cancelled. Sorry I mean postponed so we can not get refunds.
Im not an expert but I'd say if the uk authorities deny you entry in 2024 due to your criminal past in 2006 and 2012.
They are more than likely gonna deny you in 2025 as well.
Didn't even cross my mind when this tour was announced as you'd assume they'd check, check again, triple check and check once more. Then after 4 checks check again that Ronnie was allowed in before booking the tour, let alone announcing it and selling tickets for it
Just cancelled uk tour few hours ago too
ОтветитьRonnie just cussed out a fan on stream for asking a normal question about one of the shows being cancelled, he could’ve very easily just given some vague insight but he chose to be an absolutely insufferable and entitled piece of garbage to that person.
ОтветитьThey canceled uk and Ireland tour yesterday 😢 just a day before of the tour
ОтветитьThis Content Is Super Interesting 😊 Thanks 😊
Ответитьmaybe they found out that Europe has different el. outlets than America 😂😂
ОтветитьIsnt he constantly on kick gambling and telling fans to fuck themselves?
ОтветитьThis tour became ridiculous
Ответить'Falling in Reverse UK tour cancelled as Ronnie Radke denied visa entry due to prison time'
Google this for the full article
the stars have alligned
I know that these videos are supposed to last this long, for monetizing or whatever, but the whole thing could have been said in 5' right? 😂
ОтветитьThey probably lost all their laptops that’s why they had to cancel all those shows.
ОтветитьOh no, are they canceling the Lisbon festival show?
ОтветитьMany good arguments, and I certainly agree it's dumb to pin it all on Ronnie. But I would have been interested to see your defense of a cancellation that isn't so cut and dry and easy to explain. The Louder Than Life cancellation in particular just seemed crazy to me and none of these generic defenses seemed to be applicable.
Per one of the last points about "not getting the same production for the same ticket price", I can respect this position but I think we have to view it like if a production piece just blew up or malfunctioned midshow. If that happens we usually just hear a stray comment about it from the artist, if at all, and it's understood the show must go on. Nobody brings up deserving a refund in that case and the idea that they should cancel halfway through a show that could go on is just nuts. I don't see why it's any different if the same production piece just isn't present for the start of the show.
Its crazy they cancelled the Vienna concertt ON THE DAY OF THE CONCERT.. Crazy, some people came from across europe to see that show
ОтветитьWe booked a trip to IRELAND from the US to see Falling In Reverse, Asking Alexandria and Our Last Night, 3 of our favorite bands. So when the concert was cancelled just days before leaving we were so sad. We have seen AA and OLN a bunch of times but have never seen Falling In Reverse live. And to be able to do that in Dublin was going to be awesome. I now live in an area where big tours don't really come through so I was really looking forward to this. We used to live only a few minutes away from a huge venue with every major concert so it's definitely rough for us because we love going to concerts. Hopefully we can figure out how to see Falling In Reverse someday.
ОтветитьRonnie Radke's collection of felony charges are much more impressive than his "music".
ОтветитьI'm no big fan of old mate Ronnie but having played many a show myself it's almost a guarantee that you'll rock up to a venue and the discussed technical specs will without fail not be quite right and there's usually some "oh by the way" kind of problem about to crop up as well which could've easily been communicated ahead of time. Doesn't matter how fastidious you are about getting info ahead of time either, there's usually always some breakdown in communication somewhere between what you're told and what'll be waiting for you so I can totally see production issues happening especially going overseas with all the delights of potential language barriers and such.
ОтветитьBecause they are falling in reverse.
ОтветитьWhat i just don't understand and find really annoying about Radke is how he personally handled this situation. He drastically undermined his fans by calling them dumb on a stream and saying they don't know anything about touring at all. That may be the case, but he could inform them about what is going on. Especially on that show in the Netherlands. It just wasn't very well handled and that's really annoying for people. How hard is it to explain what is going on and why they did book another show on the same date they cancelled the Dutch show? And then going on a stream and calling people (his fans) out, by calling them dumb and they are stupid and don't understand anything is just really annoying.
Then people saying they have become a stadium band, that may be the case in the US, but people also often forget that bands could somewhat lack behind popularity in Europe. I don't know if this is the case here, but I don't feel like that was true at all. I've seen very large bands that played small stages in Europe because they just weren't as big here. Avenged Sevenfold being a perfect example in 2010 that played a 1500 cap room while they played at a 14.500cap arena in 2008 in the US just goes to show that the popularity of a band isn't always the same overseas. Alongside anything you say about this i fully agree on.
If there were just production logistics they didn't have to get into specifics because we don't need any details, but like i said in my first paragraph, it's just weird and plain stupid how they handled that situation. So I think that's the main reason why people are talking about this for so long. Just the way they handled the situation.
In a few years these guys will be playing for less people. It happens.
ОтветитьFalling in reverse has been booked to play the same festival in my area two years in a row.
They cancelled both years.
Things happen, but why do they happen so frequently in this case? Surely there's a reason, and maybe just maybe it's because someone isn't very good at their job or someone is a diva who actually doesn't give a shit about their fans. Well I guess it beats making fans wait in the actual venue before hearing a cancellation over the loudspeaker.
ОтветитьI actually was at the show in Berlin, Germany. The stage production didn't look too big to me and I was on floor level. They had lots of pyro though, so that might've actually also caused an issue and that might've been the reason the venues canceled their shows because of safety concerns because boy, those pyros were hot and they had quite a bunch of them.
The venue in Berlin was suppossed to be a smaller one at the beginning too and was upgraded. Saw the POV video from Matt Horn, the Drum Tech for FiR drummer Luke Holland, and they were estimating that there were about 8500 people there. And if you watch that video, you'll see what I mean with the pyro.
Not to mention that the tickets for the Berlin show with the original venue was sold out so fast that I also barely got them in the first place and I was at the ready when they opened sales up and then they upgraded, which I wouldn't have needed to stress about it then but oh well. Still happy I got to see them, so it was worth the stress :)
How is it possible to hate that band? For me it all sounds like pure envy and jealousy. They are currently rocketing in the music world and a lot of people does not like that..
ОтветитьLate to the party. You mentioned that band don't just sit and decide to cancel shows. I'm not going to say you are wrong, you likely aren't. However, I grew up in North Dakota. I don't know how many tickets I had that had Escape the Fate on the Bill. I've had atleast 5 tickets. Yet, I've never seen Escape the Fate live. Even shows I've never planned on going, they've always cancelled ND shows.
Ответитьby no reason you mean ronnie radke is a big ol bigot bully
ОтветитьI have seen Falling in Reverse. I don't like them. Ronny puts himself above the band on a large raised riser. Not a fan of this tactic. The band is a big part of their sound. Lead singer disease is a bitch. Not a fan, his band is great.
ОтветитьGosh he looks so dumb with all the blacked out tattoos.
People have been messaging me and telling me the Ronnie said on stream recently that the venues canceled the show on them, and not the band. I have not seen said stream or a clip of it, so take that as you will.
That being said, a venue straight up canceling a show without the band's production team being involved in the conversation is incredibly rare, and while I am not a part of their tour and can't tell you what happened in this situation, I would venture to guess that both parties were involved in a lengthy discussion about production aspects and at the end of the day, the venues could not (or would not) accommodate what they needed to pull off their show.