What's the best Scuba Tank to buy ** Scuba Tank Basics

What's the best Scuba Tank to buy ** Scuba Tank Basics


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@seangillen920 - 05.07.2018 00:46

Not sure why nobody has commented. Great video and comparison of different tanks. Thank you very much. I need more bottom time and less weight in my BCD. I don't anticipate using a steel tank in salt water. Most travel destinations use the aluminum 80's. How much extra care do you have to give steel tanks over aluminum?

@thomassipf6344 - 13.10.2018 04:57

Great information.

@ketsuno4914 - 27.11.2018 08:26

Here in Australia the majority of tanks people use are steel, it's rare to see aluminium tanks being used. As for diving all the time with nitrox, well that becomes very expensive here where I dive in Melbourne, $28 per fill as opposed to $8 for air. Most people dive on air. Don't get me wrong nitrox is great but you have to be a lot more careful with watching your depth than you do with air. I do however like your system in the states where you only hydro your tanks every five years, here it has to be every year. Great video, keep them coming.

@mikeramsey9747 - 04.01.2019 01:50

Great discussion on tanks, I like the idea of the smaller tank weight but love the idea of the 100 cf tank and the extra safety margin of air.

@JimmyJo-ol9lp - 07.02.2019 00:31

I was just watching your video on high vs low pressure tanks. You did tell the viewers that a Din regular can take more pressure then a Yolk regulators can. Because the person who buys a high pressure tank can do some damage to there Yolk configuration regulators because of that higher pressure tank you should share that with the viewers

@JimmyJo-ol9lp - 09.02.2019 17:56

That’s good to her. Then they really should have there C card taken away. It’s like the dive master says sets the dive in feet. Doesn’t mean that everybody can dive that depth as you know. I used to live in and dive in cold waters and now I live in Fl and watching people not pay attention to what they are doing on the dive and then step in and explain why we do this in our spot. Have a safe dive and keep on diving

@JimmyJo-ol9lp - 09.02.2019 18:03

Yup down here in Fl we have lots of caves and some visitors try that crap and some dive shops will fill there tanks and do an injustice to our sport that way. I was trained by old diver and drilled Day one that you are responsible for your life and your buddy’s life as well when you dive so that the time and do it right. Besides being a professional PADI 5 star he’s also a commercial diver as well and we where truly blessed to have him teach us one on one

@Ranger_k16 - 25.02.2019 05:17

I dive steel 100's and want to begin carrying a separate alternate air source in a sidemount configuration. would you suggest I stick with steel, say an 80 or even smaller. or is an aluminum 80 ok

@geoffwaterman6560 - 09.03.2019 18:51

Always great to have practical experienced advise. Im new open water trained and fresh with lots to learn.
Assuming one should have a buddie , i would need to purchace 2 tanks as not to be limited to the partners (usual) volume supply?

Also how durable are they?
What quallity of paint are they protected with?
And can the normal dive boat compressor handle the extra pressure?
Would i be always debating with the boat hand to pump extra into the tank?

@markstengel7680 - 12.04.2019 05:32

Hi, i enjoyed your explanation of steel vs aluminium SCUBA tanks. I like the steel 80 for spine issues, if not the 100 steel absolutely. Store location ? Well Done 👍

@davidolee1 - 15.10.2019 19:13

Not to get too technical on you, but 100 gives you 25% more air than 80. 100 - 80 = 20. 20/80 = 0.25.

@jayhome2715 - 26.10.2019 03:04

One important thing for people to remember is what your BCD is capable of holding. Check your manual. Some BCD's for example aren't rated to hold a tank greater than 95cf. So you go and buy a 117cf and it's too heavy, it damages your BCD over time. Also your BCD won't provide you enough buoyancy if the tank is too large. You can't just chuck any tank or double tanks on any BCD.

@graysong5787 - 29.08.2020 19:57

Fantastic Video, thank you for your time editing and producing this video!

@kanthanok - 02.01.2021 11:20

Thanks for this good video
Do you have any recommendations for carbon fiber scuba tanks ?

@Sharon-wh9hw - 23.02.2021 04:44

Awesome video very informative👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

@jabadoodle - 23.04.2021 16:29

People saying this video is great...WTF?
1: The sound quality is awful. Okay, that's not technical but if you want to make a video, get good sound.
2: In a video titled "basic" and explaining the simplest things, he jumps from "This tank is 31 lbs" to "This tank is -4.2" without ANY mention of how that happened.
3: He jumps topics from amount of air, to valve type, to using Nitrox, to size, to weight -- Focus!
4: He says a 100 cubic foot cylinder will give you 20% more air than an 80. It's 25%. No big deal but you're the expert. Just get it right.
It's the right concepts to be focused on but the presentation is horrible.

@Wolfy229 - 11.05.2021 21:20

i am very interested in scuba diving! where would i buy a quality tank along with a quality regulator?

@brazeagle - 22.06.2021 22:43

Thank you, great information. Appreciated it. Safe diving

@SniffBackBetter - 15.02.2022 23:00

Solid advice.

@logans3365 - 03.03.2022 06:27

Great info, thanks

@pulpogigante - 17.03.2022 07:16

Thank You Bob! 😊 very informative! With this info. I'm up to date with tanks. Glad you've made this very clear understanding video about tanks now a days. 😃

@DaRougaroux1 - 19.03.2022 07:54

I'm confussed. Why did he say to use nitrous if using the 100c.f. tank? Why does the size of the tank have to do with whether or not you use nitrox or not?

@shadowlandstudios86 - 02.05.2022 05:10

Is the steel 100 The same diameter as the aluminum 80?

@Bachansvlogs - 11.05.2022 03:41

Very useful video 👍🏻

@thatbeme - 05.06.2022 16:37

Thanks I needed this.

@azza-in_this_day_and_age - 14.01.2023 23:25

valuable instruction, 'tanks' for the info! 😏

@Bigntactical1 - 08.03.2023 06:11

Thanks for this video! You always explain thing on a way that I understand and answer all my questions! Thanks.

@chrisphilhower6029 - 22.05.2023 02:46

Hello. I realize this is an Old Video. I am currently enrolled in Padi OW Class. We used "80" Aluminum Tanks. Would've liked to have been able to use the Steel. As I am 5'4" tall. Aluminum tank stuck out too far. Several inches past my butt. Today was my Day 2 of the Pool Training. We finished about 2 hours early. And was given Free Swim time. I used mine all the way down to 500. It became too buoyant even with 10 Pounds Lead in the BCD. Once I get Certified, I may look into the Steel tank option due to my Height.

@TheGweedMan - 27.08.2023 06:10

I have two comments. Number one is there are 63 ft.³ aluminum cylinders that are often used by smaller people because they typically use less air any given dive. Number two is I highly recommend that you don’t touch uncoded lead weights. Lead is really dangerous to touch. I only use coated lead weights and I don’t have to worry about actually touching the lead. Final thought, and that is most dive shops that rent equipment to students and to certified divers use aluminum cylinders. They’re almost a third less in cost and that adds up when you have 50 cylinders available for everyone to rent.

@mrDmastr19 - 14.11.2023 08:37

I had a Steel 63. It was made by XS Scuba. It failed Hydro last year. I was so bummed. That was my favorite tank for beach dives because it was so compact. And apparently no one makes a 63 steel anymore. 80 is the smallest now.

@diverdave4056 - 25.07.2024 23:32

and these days ... do not buy a used 20 year old or older Aluminum tank !
some Dive shops are now refusing to service or air fill them and I am told that the entire state of Florida will not service or air fill them anymore .

@toadou8127 - 09.12.2024 20:28

Fixed annual costs of owning your own cylinder: $20 annual vis + $10 hydro ($50/5 years) + $20 ($400 tank cost/20 years) = $50 per annum.

@stevecoffey4884 - 16.12.2024 05:30

Wonderful thank you for the detail

@franka7691 - 19.02.2025 03:26

Thanks a lot, Bob.
