Housing... immigrants? Whatever makes you sleep I guess. If they are here illegally then, heres is a bus ticket, sayonara. I don't imagine legal immigrants get locked up in ICE facilities
ОтветитьThey should put them to work cleaning up the place. They must choose to live like that. Not hard to clean a sink or toilet.
ОтветитьSo sad so inhumane thanks to everyone who has been trying so hard to stop this
ОтветитьIt’s in nearly every fu@king jail and prison, wake TF up people
ОтветитьIf they don't like the treatment here, maybe they should get their free loading ass back to Mexico!
ОтветитьYa make them clean there free room n board food electric water
ОтветитьBoo hoo. Deport them back where they belong in the first place.
ОтветитьHey if you read your messages KRQE or any News Network why don't you guys investigate how inmates are treated across New Mexico especially in Lee county and Santa Fe but mostly all New Mexico prisons since the pandemic nobody not any of the inmates have any physical contact with their parents' children and or wives husbands and also have not been outside and treated with any kind of decency since the pandemic everybody thinks just because they are inmates they are treated less than an animal and that is very disgusting. You have inmates that have been doing good for years educating themselves and trying to better themselves and then you guys treat them with no kind of human contact other than the day today encounters in prison with other inmates which is as we all know not often a good thing. If you want inmates to succeed you must give them the tools to succeed especially when you see that they have begun the outward and inward changes but even for those who have committed other crimes if you give them no goals all you do is create a worse criminal. Go and show some interest in inmates and how their treatments since covid has been in Hobbs Lee county and so forth they have had no kind of talking with their family other than the phone and that is often hardly ever as well because they are constantly on lockdown go ask them what and how they are affected by all this.
ОтветитьProbably a bunch of folks in there that know how to solve the problems.
ОтветитьShut down the border and you wouldn't have so many ice immigrants to detain
ОтветитьThat's probably better living conditions than they're used to. Why are they complaining? I bet you they never had running water or an indoor toilet until they got to an American prison.
ОтветитьJust another example of Trumps ineptness that will take years and years to correct.
ОтветитьWho cares. If they don't like the conditions, then split back to where you came from. Sends bidens future voters home.
ОтветитьFor-profit prisons should be illegal. These detainees easily could have been employed and paid to clean, but squeezing that extra money was all that mattered for CoreCivic. In AZ they and other private companies don't even provide basic healthcare to full American citizens in private prisons. Failing to hire even minimum staff shows that cashing in was more important than even doing the job you're contracted to fulfill. I hope everyone saying immigrants deserve this gets to see the inside of a private for-profit detention facility themselves, unless they're Native American and not of immigrant descent.
ОтветитьStill better than foreign prisons.
ОтветитьI bet the drinking water is contaminated by old pipes! Check that out also.
ОтветитьI been looking into my son case and I haven't got no answer please my son was in there hands and died at 22 years old
ОтветитьThe OIG are a bunch of bleeding heart activist that want to further the Democratic agenda. When they don't find anything wrong they have to stage stuff.
ОтветитьThe picture of the water in the cup is likely stage. But it’s also likely a unseen reality