GEARS 5 - Hammer of Dawn Goes Wrong / Best JD Scene

GEARS 5 - Hammer of Dawn Goes Wrong / Best JD Scene

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@PNW_Chemist - 26.08.2023 07:42

This scene was just incredible… my eyes were wide and I couldn’t even move after it ended. Felt bad for JD… probably felt the need to redeem himself after the Settlement 2 revelation and ended killing innocents again

@mistah3687 - 21.08.2023 13:34

I REALLY dislike how they portrayed JD’s decisions in this game. He constantly gets put in terrible situations and has to make decisions with no clear right or wrong outcome. The protest got violent, what the hell was he supposed to do? Let the incendiaries continue to be thrown and endanger the people he was in charge of? It’s not right what he had to do, but the game tries to make it a clear cut “No, he shouldn’t have done anything.” Or at the very least “no, he was wrong for valuing the lives of the people he’s in charge of over the people who are putting them in danger.”

It’s frustrating, really. Imagine being put in a situation where everyone loses no matter what and having everyone stare at you like it’s your fault. I don’t blame him for lying to Kait and Del.

@joshuawillis602 - 15.07.2023 07:06

Del and Kait were right to feel betrayed. For so long JD acted as though what happened in settlement two was wrong and denounced it yet he was the one who kickstarted the incident. And to add insult to injury who did his friends learn the truth from? The person who had their complete trust? Or an anti social ego maniac? Fahz of all people who was a massive jerk was the one to reveal such a huge secret and not their trusted friend.

@stephenandujo729 - 05.04.2023 01:56

I guess bringing the hammer of dawn back online was a bad idea right?

@crysisr34 - 30.01.2023 17:32

the guilt definitely stuck with jd and baird

@lensqueen6891 - 08.12.2022 21:22

“It’s dinner time bitch!” Is the singular best quote I’ve ever heard

@moonlightblunts4192 - 30.10.2022 12:18


@neelpawarthelegend9468 - 12.06.2022 05:05

Never got a chance...

@assassinsknight - 31.05.2022 02:30

“They were throwing incendiary”
Peaceful protesters, they said?

@sportseverythingsports - 21.02.2022 08:43

the protester arc just felt like a crappy way to cause a rift between the group jd didnt actually call the order it was directly from jinn he passed it on or else faced being tortured or sentenced to death

@TeryonTheHuman - 09.01.2022 13:08

JD did nothing wrong and Del is acting like a child

@jackmcmorrow9397 - 05.01.2022 00:43

I hate that they dropped JD as the protagonist right as his character arc was getting good.

@BARDOCK601 - 20.11.2021 02:44

Literally the only good moment in this game

@GamingTheGames - 11.07.2021 09:38

Lizzie unfortunately forgot about the door on the driver side

@danhibiki3359 - 12.12.2020 23:47

Antifa got butchered? How sad

@ragemaster6219 - 27.11.2020 05:51

Marcus's face when we sees the hammer of dawn being fired.....
You can see the ptsd rising again

@boredstudent - 31.10.2020 14:32

I don't know why, but Del was one of my other favorite characters in this Gears series. Next to Marcus of course. Del is a guy who is always trying to do the right thing and doesn't stand for what is wrong or what he thinks is wrong. Like the protesters who got killed because of JD. Del didn't like that they had to be killed.

@blackberry3888 - 10.08.2020 00:45

Just asking, couldn’t JD’s lancer cut the door down?

@kelpokun1624 - 23.07.2020 08:34

Gears: add new carmine that’s funny,cute, and brave
Me: I kinda like her she’s like Ant, Ben, and Gary
Gears: okay kill her on act 1 chapter 1
Me in tears: I’m never playing gears again

@bionicalloy1619 - 17.05.2020 08:47

I’m with JD on the protestors they showed themselves to be a threat and he took care of them in a terrible way due to being overwhelmed.He tried to protect his friends so I understand

@madmatt9965 - 15.04.2020 01:36

Fantastic game, brilliant campaign. Although it was short, they made the cutscenes feel like a movie, you can feel each characters pain. The banter, the whit, the emotion, the tension, the humour, everything was bang on in my opinion. This is definitely Gears of War

@hewhobattles8869 - 06.03.2020 02:10

I still think it was a mistake to call it just GEARS 5. It would have been better to call it GEAR5 OF WAR

@ernie4788 - 14.12.2019 23:05

I fucking love This scene, the music, the drama, Lizzie, everything.

Also makes me sad

@kingralph63 - 04.12.2019 03:40

The Carmine Curse is annoying now we get it Ben and Anthony and Gary died why take another one at least two Carmines are alive D. Carmine and Clay

@GladiatorMaster007 - 05.11.2019 08:50

Imagine if the last thing someone screams out before their death was your name ... no wonder JD is so scared. That and having Marcus as his dad. Great game overall. Just about to finish Act II on Hardcore (or Experienced in this case 😜) and loving it!

@Rogue-ww2nw - 18.10.2019 04:12

I accidentally skipped this scene, so imagine my confusion later on

@osctheboss2654 - 04.10.2019 00:27

Putting lockdowns theme on when the hammer was malfunctioning made the scene better

@csh1921 - 03.10.2019 07:44

I’d love some DLC about Cole getting ice cream.

@mandowithaplan6018 - 28.09.2019 18:06

Lizzie Carmine! NOOOOOOOOO!!!

@fencer9443 - 25.09.2019 19:43

This was one of the best scenes in the game if we put the death of Lizzie aside (damn you for staying true to the Carmine curse!)
We played this at a friends place with a projector and a pretty awesome sound systems and I must say it felt like a cinema. Seems like JD learned a lesson or two as well

@AlwonDomz - 25.09.2019 01:02

Save Del everybody, pls and ty.

@joeygraeff3792 - 24.09.2019 18:22

No winning in this series

@bornbat7473 - 23.09.2019 04:05

if there is ever another carmine i hope they stay away from delta team

@aetherian5596 - 20.09.2019 12:10

Ok...she had roughly 20 seconds from when she noticed the hammer to when it was too close.
She started at a door that was not jammed.
Lizzie girl what are ya doin?
Even if ya checked the other door that took ya like 4 seconds. Could've slid back over and hopped out.
(This is assuming the whole scene is consistant with no differences in time between it showing us JD and showing Lizzie)

@austonwade5245 - 18.09.2019 03:53

Goddamn it James! 😠😠😠

@NesDogg - 15.09.2019 17:52

Well Gary Carmine was proven to be alive in GOW4...maybe Lizzie survived somehow?!?!? Maybe laid out on some hospital severely burned?!?!?!

@Eyoldaith - 14.09.2019 21:23

And so the curse of the Carmines continues.

It does make you feel kinda bad for Clay again tho

@a.jthomas6132 - 08.09.2019 04:24

I can’t believe how reckless JD is... trying to be like his old man when he clearly isn’t. 😤

@timothymcnamara6037 - 07.09.2019 23:38

Wish we could of kept playing as JD... Kait annoys the fuck out of me!

@soulburnerlv1337 - 06.09.2019 22:18

I thought JD was about to die.

@jorgeangelruiz1024 - 06.09.2019 08:58

No way Lizzie is dead oh God how is jd gonna tell claton

@dyloduck7603 - 06.09.2019 08:11

And that’s why we always play as Marcus because he would know what to do?!?!

@absalonlopez37 - 06.09.2019 08:10


@obiwaankenobi4460 - 06.09.2019 07:50

Well shit...
