"Starfield is pure trash"

"Starfield is pure trash"

Asmongold TV

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tanner sharp
tanner sharp - 05.10.2023 08:19

tbh twitch and social media will be the downfall for gaming, as long as streamers get clicks off of hate game will fail

r cochennet
r cochennet - 05.10.2023 07:07

You look exactly the same!

Carl - 05.10.2023 06:18

Starfield reminds me too much of what Cyberpunk looked like when it launched. It's almost the like we're reliving that all over again.

GirthGoblin - 05.10.2023 03:07

Imma just play morrowind

Dion - 04.10.2023 23:48

While a lot of these things ultimately don't matter to the core gameplay of Starfield... it's part and parcel of selling a convincing world that you're supposed to be immersed in. Night City feels like a real place, filled with human beings that do human things. Starfield feels like somebody put you in the Holodeck and it's running a really bad simulation... like it's supposed to be a world filled with real people, but everything feels sterile, everyone moves and talks like an android, nobody's acting like a real person, etc. I'd be less harsh on Starfield if it wasn't in development for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS. Look at it and then tell me what they've been doing for 8 years because the end product really doesn't have a lot to show for itself considering the dev time. Also, it's not fair to put this on the game but this is the situation that it finds itself in... Xbox is shitting the bed yet again for a second generation in a row when it comes to trying to find a reason in its software for why you would buy an Xbox console. It needed a big win, and this ain't it chief. Good game overall? Sure. I've had my time with it, but I also come away from it with the mindset that it's entirely skippable.

younes ait dabachi
younes ait dabachi - 04.10.2023 17:58

the woman with grey hat i think she have cancer or she already overpass it and the second women ithink she have a big dose of cocain we don't understand games these day's

Gannonsballs - 04.10.2023 17:00

As a PS user, the title should be bethesda is trash

Gannonsballs - 04.10.2023 16:59

Should have made a new elderschrolls and be only an exbox only game. Todd howard sounds like a goblin when he talks. Bethesda doesnt know what its consummers want and they dont test their games. ES oblivion had the funniest glitches.

҉K҉N҉I҉G҉H҉T҉F҉I҉R҉E҉6҉6҉ - 04.10.2023 16:21

loading screens on skyrim are nearly non excistend because of the power of new gen ssd's. its like 1 sec for everything. and it was 10+ yearas old!! on starfield it take 5-10 sec. min for even entering your ship in 2023!!!

҉K҉N҉I҉G҉H҉T҉F҉I҉R҉E҉6҉6҉ - 04.10.2023 16:12

I have no hope anymore for ES6.......

҉K҉N҉I҉G҉H҉T҉F҉I҉R҉E҉6҉6҉ - 04.10.2023 16:08

I would accept that "game" as a DLC for fallout... but with a 10-15 year old game engine its just fraud. star citizen is min. 10 years ahead of that shitty game engine... in skyrim you needed to click on the doors of cities so you would enter the city/houses/caves etc. with loadingscreen by jumping on a different submap.. its all in all the same stone age game engine. nothing changed. star citizen is 15 years ahead of that shitty game engine.

Sticky Dog
Sticky Dog - 04.10.2023 08:22

If it loads faster than Oblivion, then not allowed to complain because we were ok to sit through that :) This I say to people who seem ungrateful. Also many glitches were put up with for the games we still loved. so you get what you get. wining about things really will not help. Go make your own game then and then tell us how great it is.

Tech Matt
Tech Matt - 03.10.2023 20:24

I enjoy aspects of Starfield, but only because it scratches the itch for a Bethesda RPG with the randomness of everything. The graphics were way over hyped and I do agree that the physics engine is simply awful. They spent so much time hyping up that they wanted everyone to play the game in 4K for the highest fidelity. Yet to me the graphics don't look all that much better than Fallout 4 other than having a higher resolution.

DeadManRising - 03.10.2023 17:54

Loading screen simulator.

André Vitor
André Vitor - 03.10.2023 14:37

Shows cyberpunk when it was released, now compare the 2 games at launch.

NoNameSoloist - 03.10.2023 11:10

The ONLY thing I’ll say in defense of BGS—a studio I fucking hate—is that it is completely unfair to compare a brand new game to a game that’s been out for 3 years and has had two MAJOR updates after one of the buggiest launches in gaming history.

Trust me: it pains me to say that because I hate Bethesda and love CDPR, but let’s be real here.

NoNameSoloist - 03.10.2023 11:05

Bethesda doesn’t make games—they NEVER have. The make foundations of games; the MODDERS make the games.

j0nnyism - 03.10.2023 05:35

I swear that the npc faces in starfield are interchangeable with the goblin faces in baldurs gate except the goblins look more human

RickG - 03.10.2023 04:15

Star field makes Cyber punk a good game, good for cyber punk 2 franchise

Emanuele - 03.10.2023 02:18

Cyberpunk NPCs were totally nuts, the fact they are more realistic than in Starfield tells stories

egm092478 - 03.10.2023 00:10

Starfield is trash , this people are making the same game over amd over again

Schlonz Schuppe
Schlonz Schuppe - 02.10.2023 23:40

this psycho mocks a game.

Buckle Nuckle
Buckle Nuckle - 02.10.2023 20:16

I think Starfield stole a pound of Indica from these haters.

VEY_ - 02.10.2023 20:07

Just remember that there is someone... someone who defend the shit out of starfield but also talk smack about cyberpunk being shit

super321able - 02.10.2023 19:59

All I want to say about starfield is that, with the marketing and the resources put into this game, I expected so much more.

Goatman BDX
Goatman BDX - 02.10.2023 18:40

They could’ve just compared it to grand theft auto five. A fucking 10-year-old game. Also, didn’t cyberpunk launch like a pile of shit too. So wouldn’t this video be more advantageous if it’s Starfield in a year after they fix it, sorry Starfield in a year after the community fixes it. you could even compare to grand theft auto four I’m sure.

Fit Inspire
Fit Inspire - 02.10.2023 18:28

Angry call of duty players whining about a game they don’t really like to play. That’s so not biased at all.

vatarants - 02.10.2023 11:47

It looks unfinished.
Cyberpunk 2077 is just like this too in the day of its release

Chad Hellgado
Chad Hellgado - 02.10.2023 10:31

Gears of War 2 got better water physics

Infamousuk - 01.10.2023 23:53

Xbots are so down with starfish it's the funniest shit

Michael Yiannett
Michael Yiannett - 01.10.2023 20:03

What is it with people thinking 100 dollars or even 50 dollars is an huge amount to pay for a game that takes years to make? Anyone else here live through the 80s and 90s when games came on a single diskette, were often made by one person, were miniscule in content and complexity and still cost 50 to 100 in 1980s money. Y'all too spoilt now days.

Keetz - 01.10.2023 16:43

Play Cyberpunk for the story, play Starfield for the glitches! Win-win all around! Got my feels AND my comedy! 🤣🤣🤣

Twisted Operator
Twisted Operator - 01.10.2023 16:39

Starfield has good bones. Cyberpunk never did. Both are full of lies. Modern gaming.

Sanguine Crimson
Sanguine Crimson - 01.10.2023 09:51

Prisontime, Todd. ANY other industry and you would be behind bars.

IR1 - 01.10.2023 08:52

So called next gen game…starfield is bullshit

Tennyson Bell
Tennyson Bell - 01.10.2023 05:08

The Amount of gums when u smile is disgusting

Luke Mares
Luke Mares - 01.10.2023 04:22

This guy is really obsessed with water effects

Braydo Pain Train
Braydo Pain Train - 01.10.2023 00:54

Cyberpunk feels like its a decade ahead of starfield.

eddy_386 - 30.09.2023 20:46

"16 imes the detail! All of it just works."

marcios889 - 30.09.2023 15:17

Too much bugged this game i tried but i gave up

The Lost
The Lost - 30.09.2023 05:53

This is why I haven't bought it yet.

Scott Jones
Scott Jones - 29.09.2023 15:14

Oh no the game isn’t absolutely flawless in every way it’s trash. Dumb. Starfield is a fun game with loads of content.

Y’all want the perfect game with perfect graphics or it’s trash, yall wouldn’t have made it in my world of gaming when video games started lol

karen - 29.09.2023 11:18

completely unrealistic grenade explosion in water

Ondřej Kylián
Ondřej Kylián - 29.09.2023 11:09

yeah.. starfield is obsolete shit with engine from skyrim.. stopped playing it after few hours. Bethesda should learn from rockstar or cd red..

Grimman - 28.09.2023 23:57

Im glad i pirated starfield

coolhawk2008 - 28.09.2023 05:50

Lol people still buy games off them lol

coolhawk2008 - 28.09.2023 05:43

Give it another year or to and buy the extra pack for 59.99 then its will look sweet

Cosco Nomax
Cosco Nomax - 28.09.2023 04:34

im not going to lie I downloaded starfield. After the shootout with the aliens when the guy arrived on the ship I knew right then that it wasn't the game for me....

Uninstalled that shit and never looked back. And the graphics looked horrible like a constant trash filter that you cant take off is just there.

Brakiri - 28.09.2023 03:30

Googly eyes galore!
