DEATH URGE- Why Do Anti-SJW YouTubers Want EVERYTHING To Die?

DEATH URGE- Why Do Anti-SJW YouTubers Want EVERYTHING To Die?

Comics MATTER w/Ya Boi Zack

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@NotThisBrayne - 20.06.2024 15:32

From the movie "Highway to Hell" The Devil explaining Hell to the protagonist : Beezle: "People live, people die...they come down here. I have infinite levels of Hell. What you've seen is nothing, a mere kindergarten. It's so easy for me now. People have lost their willpower, their hope. They think the world is going to come to an end. Wishful thinking. The world will last a long long long long time." From 1991. My favorite quote from any movie or book period. Stay frosty Zack.

@mikebickle823 - 20.06.2024 15:41

House of the Dragon shows this is not the case. Take a breath!

@danielhild9448 - 20.06.2024 15:58

Talk of quality and enjoyment has gone out the window. It is all about if "their side" likes it or not. Hm, that sounds a lot like what happened to comics in 2017...

Outrage is never a rational thought pattern, especially for any extended amount of time.

@bclayton9610 - 20.06.2024 16:03

Media criticism in general is absurd
I watch or read something I think looks interesting and say I like it or I don't like it. I liked Ghost Rider 2, most people did not, end of issue. People online defend everything with such passion and fury. It shouldn't be that serious. We are not debating on Bach or Beethoven over here.

@rishnix - 20.06.2024 16:10

Saving this to my Watch Later folder. Judging from the like/dislike ratio, the video title, and the comments Zack has been making lately, is this going to be one of Zack's recent comments in video form? Cause it is so bizarre that he's now using the term anti-SJW as a slur when he has been one for years on behalf of comics.

EDIT: Okay, yeah. Zack has lost it. He's been mind broken by the SJWs to the point where he's now defending to them.

@mikebickle823 - 20.06.2024 16:22

I want a decent Star Wars from my kids, not the gay shit.

@sith_cake - 20.06.2024 16:40

You're missing the point, it's not just that one thing. It's years of compounding BS that got us to this point. Acolyte or Furiousa is the end result, not the cause. The cause started years ago, and now everyone is tired of it. So with everything the way it is, why would any normie spend 40 dollars on a movie that looks like every other girl-boss movie over the past 6 years.

@PandaxAnna - 20.06.2024 16:46

I would word it more like this. You know that Disney is never going to make Star Wars good. It’s pretty obvious so why give them attention? Ranting and raging against them at this point is just giving them the attention they want. Ignore them. Let them die out silently and try to search for better media to talk about so they get the attention and can grow.

But I know most people won’t do that because hate is a powerful thing that people love to bandwagon. they probably get better views on videos and interactions on twitter ranting about fire in space than talking positively about a lesser known product that is actually worth talking about.

I can’t stand new star wars as much as the next fan but I’ve reached a point of apathy where I just don’t care anymore and haven’t watched anything they made since book of boba Fett.
And for that matter I haven’t watched a marvel movie since end game.

@Stevie_tha_tooth - 20.06.2024 17:12

I just don’t watch shit I think is dumb and watch shit I enjoy and like. It really simplifies things.

@berserkerpride - 20.06.2024 17:14

This lesbian power-fantasy trash fire is not worth defending. None of Disney Star Wars is.

@Cunnysmythe - 20.06.2024 17:22

Sucks to be the cover artist of Iron Sights 3, got a chuckle out of that

This is indeed cancer but nerds gonna nerd, let them have their niche gripes. These Star Wars kerfuffles are going to be a tiny contingent of hardcores and fake hardcores.

Forget it Zack, it's Chinatown

@Torviticus - 20.06.2024 17:23

There are of course issues with channels like Nerdrotic, Critical Drinker, Midnights Edge, That Park Place, etc... they are essentially businesses that have built up as an outlet for the ever growing discontent of their audience. They profit off the failure of entertainment, look at the performance of videos related to things they like vs things they hate. But it's worth keeping in mind commentary is their business they respond to the market unlike some other entities.

Which is to say that the market (the audience) has been unhappy with Star Wars/Marvel/Star Trek/Doctor Who/.../whatever. And when they complain they get called racists, Russian bots, sexists, transphobes, bigots etc. Which of course has made them angry and the aforementioned channels have responded to and profited off of. Superchats and such have given them an outlet for that anger and there's been a major reverb effect.

There's another issue and that's that political interests have latched on as they believe that discontent can be translated into a voting block.

I actually find the networking between the channels/entities to be fascinating it's quite the rabbit hole when you really examine the structure and the web of inter connectivity. I will say that I do enjoy these channels the personalities are engaging and magnetic. The introduction segment of FNT on Nerdrotics channel is some of the best entertainment being produced.

@linusgustafsson2629 - 20.06.2024 17:53

I still don't get why anyone uses the term anti-SJW. I call them "normal people". Why do "normal people" want fun movies? Why do "normal people" complain about bad movies?

After all, if 85% of the people seeing the acolyte gives it a bad rating, it isn't really like you can claim "It is the far right extreme minority group". No, it is just about everyone. Normal people.

Now if the Acolyte had a 95% positive rating, we could argue about "What is wrong with this 5% minority group who just want the show to die? Why can't they be positive?" But nobody does. Because for some reason we think if a minority dislikes something, they just didn't like it. If a majority dislike something, it is a conspiracy.

@nicksoapdish9478 - 20.06.2024 18:38

It does seem like it is becoming an industry. Like Bizarro World versions of reaction videos.

@backwards7 - 20.06.2024 18:44

Towards the end of the anti-SJW version of The Deer Hunter, Mike shoots a deer, after he is offended by its appearance, which contradicts a sketch of a deer that Tolkien scrawled in one of his letters. Afterwards he burns the body. A much-improved deer, based on conceptual artwork by Ralph McQuarrie, rises from the ashes. When it wanders over to Mike and attempts to lick his hand, he turns away. He goes to see Linda who is now played by Donald Sutherland, as Meryl Streep was regarded as too feminine for the role.

@AZURAKAZ - 20.06.2024 18:52

I'm reminded about how 2016 WWE fandom really wrecked Spoony mentally. He was doing unhinged reviews until he seemingly hit a wall and fell off. There were some people egging on that collapse as well; buying banner ad space on his website to troll him.

@nopenottoday403 - 20.06.2024 19:17

I don't really buy comic books, but I appreciate your take on the industry and mental health. Keep pointing people in the right direction

@user-iq2yp1dn1q - 20.06.2024 19:46

wanting everything to die because of missing the fun of being young

@samael2112 - 20.06.2024 19:50

Don't make Jawbreakers like Jawbreakers. Jawbreakers 2 wasn't good, and 3 was okay. Never received 1, so can't judge that one. Rock n Roll Ninja was great!!!

@SinistralRifleman - 20.06.2024 20:06

I got burned out on outrage content. Unsubscribed from several channels that that’s all they did.

I just don’t watch stuff that isn’t interesting. Watched the first episode of the Acolyte. Felt like lame fan fiction. Moved on to something else.

Being constantly outraged/angry for a decade isn’t healthy.

@europeanlore - 20.06.2024 21:35

I go the opposite way. I keep discovering old things I never really discovered before, despite me being a massive nerd (like Transformers G1 or Warhammer 40K). There are so many old books you will never ever manage to read them all in your life. So many films they will last you a lifetime. And I am having a blast. I love things, I enjoy things, and I am happy. The occasional bad thing I criticize on my channel is really for fun. And the revenue is a nice monthly pocket money :D

@Quarckster - 20.06.2024 22:23

Okay, listen dude, even if there's a new show or movie on in the mainstream industry that's good, they’ve churned out so much bad media for so long that it barely matters since they’ll simply continue to produce mostly media that the general populace either explicitly dislikes or doesn’t care about, thats outpacing the good content. So as a result, any good media under them will likely be caught in the crossfire of failure because of the company's actions.

@DevineInnovations - 20.06.2024 23:04

We spent years warning these people that they were going to destroy the industry if they keep doing what they are doing. They responded by spitting in our faces. Now that the industry is burning down, the only joy we can get is to say, "I told you so."

@madmanga64 - 20.06.2024 23:07

Zack I gave you over 10$ in superchats! Why aren’t you talking about Blackrock’s gay agenda!?

@TheCaptain610 - 21.06.2024 00:29

Animator, comic book writer/publisher, war vet . . . you've lived a full life.

@gurneyhalleck1127 - 21.06.2024 00:50

Its called "despair". Don't get it twisted it doesn't always look emo.

@Morbid0007 - 21.06.2024 01:02

I think Zack overlooks the fact that a lot of the people 'in the second half of their life' complaining about fiction made for people 'in the first half of their life' are parents. We may be too old to be complaining about the current state of Star Wars/Star Trek/Disney/comic books/etc., but we have valid reason to be upset about franchises we care for being used as weapons against our kids. The original 'Star Wars' inspired Zack to serve. What does 'The Acolyte' inspire its audience to do?

@Ash-Winchester - 21.06.2024 02:15

"Fandom isn't about liking things, It's about not liking things."

Yup, hit the nail right on the head.

Note: I think the game you were trying to think of was Star Wars: battlefront 2.

@calebblack5540 - 21.06.2024 02:20

I loved star wars, don't love it anymore. simple as that. I can't get upset anymore unless a repressed memory gets triggered. It feels like I'm in AA or something. Hello every one. I've been Star Wars free since The Force Awakens. On to things I actually care about. I respect thehustle but I don't think you're getting a story as good out of Iron Sights as R 'n R Ninja. Sorry dude. Rock 'n Roll Ninja is its own thing. That shit was sublime. Take it Uzi my dudes.

@bordeaux8791 - 21.06.2024 03:16

People want franchises to die because it's the only way to preserve thier integrity.

@kaioken654 - 21.06.2024 08:18

Yeah, I'm tired of these fake grifters too...

@TheresaMayPM - 21.06.2024 11:37

Ah, so that's why I saw people complaining about you in various video comments. That was an anti-climax.

@glyninmonsterland547 - 21.06.2024 11:48

I've never understood hate watching. I suppose it is just something to talk about

@joelcraig9803 - 21.06.2024 13:07

Listening to Zack bitch is still better than watching the Acolyte.

@wadewilson7000 - 21.06.2024 14:35

They do it for the clicks and tips

@makcity7850 - 21.06.2024 14:38

Everything has it's day, so why should we pay to prop up a industry that we know is bad and is producing garbage. The market decides what will survive, not rose-tinted reviewers and they are moving on to other things.

@henningeide8355 - 21.06.2024 14:39

Hollywood is a depraved den of vipers and they don't bother hiding it. Most people don't watch any videos like this, most people have instinctual reactions and gut feelings.

@mrgigglesmd - 21.06.2024 22:13

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

@davidletarte214 - 22.06.2024 03:09

i'm just sick of the narrative, "it's woke boo hoo hoo." i'm bored of it, it's not new it's been going on since the ewoks showed up. now it's just moving from the fringe into the mainstream (like a lot of things) though.

& star wars theory was the guy who posted a positive review of the last jedi, saw that it wasn't getting the same views as the negative ones, & promptly deleted it & posted a negative one. no respect for that.

@Bill_Dippertly - 22.06.2024 04:16

when you get black pilled — there is no more bleur pill

@umbrasunbro2142 - 22.06.2024 04:57

The culture around hate watching is so weird. Like not long ago someone I know asked me if I seen the Acolyte and when I told them no their response was “what!? How have you not watched it yet? It’s so bad I need someone to talk to about it!!!” Like, why would I watch something that’s bad, and not even the fun bad? I have very limited free time due to work and other commitments, I’m currently Watching the new season of the Boys and rewatching old episodes to refresh my memory before next one. I finished Fallout, and there’s still a number of shows, movies, and anime I really want to watch on my lists… not to mention I also play video games… so why would I spend that limited free time watching a show I know I won’t like? Much less a show people want me to watch don’t even like. It’s counter productive. How are you “voting with your wallet” as anti-s use to say, if you’re giving money to a company to watch every episode of a series you claim not to like

@jaredsmith3024 - 22.06.2024 05:55

Instructions unclear, I am now financially backing Mags Visaggio

@SlaserX - 22.06.2024 21:51

The Force is The Dao by another name

@moviegique - 24.06.2024 06:03

On the one hand, it's naive to say "Well, this is good, so you should set aside the culture war," and on the other hand, it's foolish to give your purported enemies oxygen. (What do a million fan views of "The Acolyte" have in common with a million hate views? They're both a million views.) At some point, you just gotta say, "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

@myriadhues457 - 25.06.2024 17:53

There's a parellel with video games. A franchise is either left on the shelf by its owner or changed into sonething that deviates from the original.
But with video games I've seen fans of franchises go on to make their own games that are a hark back to the original series.
Its why theres a genre called the metroidvania side scroller.
These nerds have plenty of energy to lament star wars. Imagine if they put that energy into making new stories about conquering a seemingly impossible foe in the frontier of space.
