Top 10 Times Boy Meets World Tackled Serious Issues

Top 10 Times Boy Meets World Tackled Serious Issues


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@lowkeytheoneandonly - 16.01.2024 18:18

What I still can't get over is all the living space theft that never got dealt with.

@aylac3144 - 12.12.2023 23:44

i think the reason this show is so good is because of the audience it is aimed at a lot tv shows and movies aimed at adults use heavy topics like this as shock value hearing about topics like sex hits more as a child because it feels scary when a lot of shows aimed at adults use sex as an icebreaker or something to hold over the audience so that they dont have to depend on the plot

@Roxxolotl - 12.12.2023 19:06

God I love this show so much.

@gmmartines7331 - 27.11.2023 07:46

The irony is that the main cast (with the exception of Rider Strong) were racist toward Trina McGee, including the crew behind the scenes. They've since apologized to her but who knows if that was genuine with it being on tv and all.

@purplemermaid179 - 11.11.2023 20:47

I love it when shows get real

@kidistight - 10.11.2023 19:41

Man forgot how great this show was.

@Dzx.d - 06.11.2023 12:39

We all live the same life

@joeygula581 - 17.10.2023 13:10

thats how a sitcom supposed to feel we're supposed to be able to family ties number one

@arcadealchemist - 15.10.2023 11:01

this show was about not taking the dumb things we do in our lives too seriously but to take the SERIOUS things seriously

shame we won't ever have kids watching things like this that can be some what beneficial for their mindset kids raised on anime are taught BEING OVERLY EMOTIONAL IN LIFE GETS YOU ANYWHERE because becoming a sociopath is the result.

maybe instead of an Ipad give your kids a VHS/DVD player and slowly give them inspirational TV shows instead of cartoons

@siriush100 - 08.10.2023 16:31

Pretty much every episode after season 2 👎🏼

@Im__Your__Huckleberry - 07.10.2023 02:09

Come on why'd you do that to me, I didn't want to be crying right now.

@Mr.Nate132 - 03.10.2023 05:16

Since Boy Meets World is Disney, Shawn Hunter is one of the Disney characters who has lost a parent.

@kristin6351 - 28.09.2023 06:20

The episode where Corey and Topanga came back from their honeymoon and realized they didn’t plan ANYTHING drove me nuts. The sheer entitlement of thinking you can just come home from Hawaii and expect everything to just fall in place with no effort. They HAD a place to live. They weren’t homeless. All they had to do was clean the damn place up and fix the damn sink and they were acting like they were destitute. Then they give everyone attitude because heaven forbid they have to figure something out on their own.

@CatKun-2000 - 27.09.2023 22:00

Do top 10 times girl meets world tackled serious issues

@johnrainsman6650 - 09.09.2023 00:22

I'm wondering if I became Stuart. I was once taken to my boss's office with her and a high-ranking chef. The chef told me that I've been touching my coworkers too much (casually on arms or shoulders). I was always very outgoing and tactile at work. She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment. That I shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school or tell my stories, because they may be inappropriate or upsetting (can't remember her exact words) to others. Now yeah, I pretty much didn't have a filter, but I don't think I said anything horrible. I only meant to have fun with my crew. I really didn't get specific information from the chef about subjects and references. She likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits. And again, that I shouldn't touch anyone without consent.

And no one seems to understand. Most of the times, when I share this story on a video, including Dan Schneider ones, it's the same thing: I shouldn't have been touching coworkers, or my behavior needed to be addressed, or I'm taking it too personally, or the chef was right and just doing what she was expected to do as a manager. It's always the same thing. I get it. I made some mistakes, but I never meant to discomfort anyone. I own that fault. No one seems to understand my shame though. Commenters just have to keep defending the chef and striking me with reality. Almost everybody makes me feel like a bad guy, and they're not trying hard enough to make me feel respected or sympathized with. No "Hey, you made a mistake, but it doesn't define you." It's basically always 👉John👈 Well, I feel bad enough, and no one cares. The truth and my past fault and correction matters more to them. I get it. Commenters might as well just say I can't redeem myself.

@AYENOUN.1 - 07.09.2023 08:55

Y she can't let the whole scene play

@andreafederico6900 - 04.09.2023 18:22

What's the name of the soundtrack?

@puppetshack4931 - 01.09.2023 23:06

I remember all of this. They knew how to hit it hard & funny. That’s why they ran for so long are dear to our hearts and got a sequel series. ❤

@arounddablock9976 - 17.08.2023 15:48

Did you know the professor Stewart got charged in real life?

@coll4455 - 14.08.2023 23:37

I feel like I’m a better person having grown up with this show. I remember all of these episodes. I never watched girl meets world so I never new that Eric and Tommy met up again and now I’m crying lol

@JakeNaughtFromStateFarm - 14.08.2023 09:20

There were many issues I remember, and they were powerful then. But now that I’m a parent, most hit me a lot harder than I remember.

@Rozaysummyy - 09.08.2023 15:17

The mother sitting on that back stair case while the father was going off is how real parenting felt back then. Shit be heavy but necessary.

@FallouFitness_NattyEdition - 29.07.2023 09:43

In regards to #4, I find it ironic that the actor who played Cory's dad also played a racist father in American History X

@FallouFitness_NattyEdition - 29.07.2023 09:35

This and Fresh Prince were masterful at drama and comedy. They made you laugh til you cried one minute and then bawl your eyes out the next.

@mikejohnson8391 - 29.07.2023 04:58

No marriage was her idea not his.

@amysmileyreid95 - 26.07.2023 13:56

God this got sooo preachy.

@nicklang6798 - 12.07.2023 04:47

Where can I see these shows again?

@crissranger8925 - 04.06.2023 11:26

Happy 30th BMW !!!!!!!!!

@JennaMaBob - 29.05.2023 06:29

Just noticed Shawn's eyebrows for the misogyny episode

@kaliehall-to8im - 27.05.2023 07:19

Kazooie tackled from John Beal my name is Heather

@NomadaMayaCancun - 05.05.2023 20:58

Super like❤

@chemoboy-dannypheleps9234 - 03.05.2023 20:00

A children’s show 30 years ago is more well written than any tv show or movie now. Like talent skipped an entire generation.

@christopherelsworth9559 - 19.04.2023 04:24

Could’ve been a great video watching the actual scenes. Thanks for being the focal point. Boo

@sweember - 13.04.2023 14:53

"Boy Meets World" is one of the best teen shows that never gets old. Right now I'm watching the whole thing for the first time and it's facinating! I'm 25 y.o. but many of the issues are still relatable. And it's good when there is a balance between serious episodes and funny ones. I love it. In fact, I first watched "Girl Meets World" with my little sister, and I really enjoyed it because of the themes and how the kids and their parents deal with their difficulties. But it's true that "Boy Meets World" is much deeper and more beautiful. I'd love for my future children to watch this show too. It has a great impact and I loved every episode I've seen.

@musings2134 - 13.04.2023 02:36

Sure, I enjoyed shows like Breaking Bad, Prison Break, Game of Thrones. But this is the only one that I keep coming back to. This will forever remain my most favorite show. It let's me have a childhood that I never had.

@allencollins5666 - 25.03.2023 03:15

Someone Should Do The Top 20/25 Times Family Matters Tackled Serious Issues. And There Still Would Be A Lot More Edgy Content Off And On-Camera. Family Matters Had Over 50 Serious Episodes. 37 Of Them Had Violence/Something Happening To Someone. Maybe There Should Be A Top 30 Times Family Matters Tackled Serious Issues. 40 Times Wouldn't Be Too Much.
Thank You. Boy Meets World Is Over-Praised.
I'm About To Bust This Show. Boy Meets World Dealing Tackling Serious Issues Was Subpar. Anytime Someone-Critics Review And Talk About Serious Issues Tackled They Can't List The Violence. Before The Last Episode Of Season 4, Things Happened To Two People And Those Weren't Of Violence/Gun Violence/Gun Crimes, Only ACCIDENTS. Turner's Motorcycle Accident & Mr. Feeny's Appendicitis. Four Seasons Was Too Long To Be On The Air Without Content Of Edginess, Violence. Boy Meets World Had No More Than 6 Episodes Something Happened To Someone In 7 Seasons.
The Show Was Continued Due To Dirty Politics And A$$-Kissing. Karma Happened With Girl Meets World. I Heard How IT Sucked. I Found Out Shawn's Father Heart Attack Was From Years Of Drinking Alcohol. And The Fights/Scenes In The Show Were Embarrassing/Unpraisable. Mick Foley Cheated For The Topanga, Angela And Rachel Against Eric And Jack. It Was Already 3 Against 2, Then He Took Eric Out. Then It Was 3 Against 1 And They Still Cheated. Mick Foley Distracted Jack And Rachel Jumped On His Back Put Him In The Sleeper Hold. As He Was Halfway Sleep & Probably Strickened, Angela Takes Him Down. That's Embarrassing 3 Girls, Two Being 5'7" And One Being 6 Feet Tall Can't Take On A Nonbuilt 5'9" Skinny Guy(Anyone). Fans Failed To Criticize Topanga, Angela & Rachel And Mick Foley For That, Because They're Low/Are The Lowest. Wasn't It Jack's Apartment? Mick Foley Was A Glorified Stuntman/So So Overrated. Smarks Loved Him. No Real Casual Fan Would Cheer For A Fat 288 Pound Wrestler As A Main Eventer. Boy Meets World Had Some Inferior Characters When It Came To Impressive Toughness. Were Topanga, Angela & Rachel Scared Jack Was Going To Take On The 3 Of Them. There Were Shows Women Kicked/Beat Men @$$es Or Intimidated Them/Knocked Them Out. BOY MEETS WORLD WASN'T ONE OF THEM. I'll Name A Few; Good Times, Willona Punching Her Ex Husband; Saved By The Bell, Jesse Punching Eric; Family Matters. Estelle Winslow Flipping A Tall Man, Harriette Can Put A Man Bigger In The Crossface Chicken Wing On Their Knees And She Know Karate(She Couldn't Tell Who Frank Winslow Was Because He Had Face-Paint Of A Clown And Saw A Stranger At Her Door Asking For Hug),

Laura, Myra & Maxine In 1704 On Pirate Ship Kicking Pirates @$$es-It Was Carl, Steve, Laura, Myra & Maxine And They Were Outnumbered There Were 19 Or 20 Pirates(LAURA Took On The MOST)Carl Kicked A Lot Of @ss And All Those Years Dealing With GANG VIOLENCE, He Dealt With 10,000,
-And I Found Out That Off-Screen Eddie, Steve, Rodney & 2 Girls Laura And Judy Took On 45 Gang Members; Fresh Prince, Lisa Did Karate On A Guy Messing With Will; And The Parkers, Nikki Beating A Man Up Who Accidentally Punched Oglevee After Trying To Punch Reginald Vel Johnson.
The BMW Garage Sale Fight Wasn't Nothing. It Appears That Boy Meets World Sugar-Coated That Garage Sale Fight. Didn't Nothing Happen To The Matthews For 4 Years. It Was Some Of The Most Overrated Television Of All Time In Those 4 Years.
Boy Meets World Villains Suck.
None Of Them Were KILLERS.

@jerilemons5281 - 22.03.2023 03:59

Ben Savage And Fred Savage Are Brothers Steward And Corey

@jerilemons5281 - 22.03.2023 03:53

Eric Was Hilarous

@jerilemons5281 - 22.03.2023 03:52

I Loved Watching Boy Meets World Corey Was Hilarous ....Great Cast

@nicolegnabasik9874 - 16.03.2023 08:09

Crazy how much ben and fred sound and look so much alike 😮

@Infuris1 - 01.03.2023 17:45

I loved this show growing up.

@Botsy - 01.03.2023 05:38

I had no idea this show was so deep and went all the way into college years.

@adamhardnock8473 - 27.02.2023 10:47

Shawn lost his father I recently have lost mine. I don’t deal well with most of the time

@CBlizard - 23.02.2023 17:47

They don’t make shows like this anymore!! I will always forever love these shows. This is what kids now and days need are shows like this!

@lexluthorpm - 14.02.2023 16:59

Kevin Arnold grew up to be a real asshole.

@missmizer - 05.02.2023 22:25

Wow.. this video actually makes me want to binge watch the entire series. So well done❤️

@regalcartoon3952 - 31.01.2023 21:23

I can’t wait until someone does a video about all 0 times that Girl Meets World tackled serious issues.
