Pandemic moves are complicating the climate crisis | Economics on Tap | Make Me Smart #491

Pandemic moves are complicating the climate crisis | Economics on Tap | Make Me Smart #491

Marketplace APM

3 года назад

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@km1dash6 - 07.08.2021 04:09

Always love these shows, no matter how apocalyptic it can get.

@craigmerkey8518 - 07.08.2021 05:27

you two are great !!

@robertking1818 - 07.08.2021 09:34

WTF are you two playing at? You have everything in this video exactly backwards. Living in the country is FAR LESS impactful on nature than living in cities. "Climate Change" is far from a proven theory and that is ALL IT IS RIGHT NOW...a theory. Climate is perhaps the most complex system humans interact with and you two are sipping drinks and pretending you know something about it? Please stop; you are shredding your credibility. NO ONE ON EARTH can accurately model complex multi-variate systems with anything even CLOSE to accuracy. There is just not a theory that can account for multiple values of multiple variables across multiple ranges and reconcile them all into a coherent format. THE TECHNOLOGY DOES NOT EXIST to do this. It never has. The "Climate Change" frauds are pretending to "know" things that are NOT POSSIBLE TO KNOW! After you finish your drinks and think about this for a little while you MIGHT RECOGNIZE THE FIRST SIGN OF AN EPIC FRAUDSTER! Claims to unknowable knowledge ring a bell?

@paulettejulaura3204 - 07.08.2021 18:04

Way too much laughing and both women talking at the same time--annoying. I guess I'm a Kia and Molly kind of listener.

@Nico5890 - 08.08.2021 00:53

loved this. STOKED on the meteor shower.

are you half-full or half-empty on the Electronic Frontier Foundation suing USPS for covert domestic surveillance?

@steelmage830 - 10.08.2021 03:52

I really enjoyed the show. I do wish Megan would cut back on the Activist rants. The main reason I love NPR is for it's even and non biased reporting. I was particularly annoyed by Megan's comment that the 2020 Electric Car policy wasn't enough. What would have been enough? Mass Transit for everyone? This may come a shock but there is a large percentage of the US population that does not live on the east and west coast area's of this country. Implementing mass transit in say Nebraska, Wyoming and host of other states that can't even get basic internet service let alone build and setup a mass transit system in rural America. In rural area's mass transit is logistically and financially unsupportable long term. If someone at NPR is looking for a great story to report on how about doing a story on climate change but instead of focusing on the doom and gloom, focus on impacts to ordinary American life styles and economic impacts that would result when you detail out what exactly it would take to implement even one solution such as an fully electric car solution, large scale mass transit solution for rural America, large scale fossil fuel replacement that is scalable to meet all Americans current consumption levels and scalable to meet future higher demands. I fully understand that detailing out solutions to climate change on a meaningful, scalable, mass encompassing scale and at a level that is both financially and long term sustainable is a MUCH darker abyss than anyone wants to look into.

@browntratorie9708 - 28.08.2021 17:15

Your name suits you to a T.
