Most Emotional Music - The Garden of Sinners | by Yuki Kajiura

Most Emotional Music - The Garden of Sinners | by Yuki Kajiura

My Soul Your Beats

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@jominhun - 12.12.2023 16:31

가끔 들어와서 듣는 ost..

@呆呆-b6n - 16.12.2023 12:32


@saganitesh - 26.12.2023 08:17

Such a beautiful anime, even though it's the darkest anime

@nekoya-ch.5858 - 28.12.2023 02:55


@stupidgameprizes - 28.12.2023 19:30

Love this. So beautiful and calming.

@anissaniss694 - 07.01.2024 00:17

It is 2024 and I am still loving Kara no kyoukai ❤❤❤

@brettduncan1 - 12.01.2024 00:01

Deadass I thought it was the omori title screen music on the very first note 😮

@청솔향-g9u - 12.01.2024 15:49

M-23 the most beautiful

@frankt4360 - 10.02.2024 20:17

Maravilloso. Maravillosas piezas.

@blackfire_x2964 - 09.03.2024 03:01

Listening to the ost from this anime sometimes just randomly hits me in the feels, I’m not even sure what I remember that makes me emotional or why I feel that way, but just start tearing up out of nowhere sometimes. I laugh out loud at myself when this happens, cause it’s funny how deep it hits. One of the reasons I love Kajiura’s ost and just kara no kyoukai as a whole

@Anubis4020 - 09.03.2024 11:06


@epicmusicmix7696 - 18.03.2024 11:03

This is art. You always do it great!

@battlemusicvevo - 12.04.2024 11:45

There isn't a song I don't like!!

@FireMewMew - 05.05.2024 00:36

How did this not get blocked???

@ItsVeriana - 14.05.2024 20:36

that was so nice 💗

@nashafathiaalazhar6341 - 01.06.2024 10:31

My dad walk in as i was crying as i was listening to this track he asked why i was crying and he thought i was watching a sad/tragic film and as he wiped my tears he said that i shouldnt cry cause the story wasnt real and i shouldnt watch sad films. But as he left i kept crying cuz 1. I dont cry easyly due to the fact im emotionaly numb 2. Ive been dealing with depression for 1-4 years now (he doesnt know that i have depression) and when he said that i -it just made me FEEL some form of clossure that i needed for so long....even as i am typing this right now im typing this im still crying. Idk man feelings are weird and are hard to understand. And sorry for the rant.

Edit : my younger brother came to my room asking why i was crying and honestly i dont even know why he even asked

@twilightmoongames - 15.06.2024 15:07

KnK II - M17 reminds me of a vision i had.. in music form. KnK I - M04

@unit4512 - 26.07.2024 06:34

Is there anywhere i can listen to m09 by itself? It's part of thanatos but i really love that part specifically

@anuradhamallick138 - 12.08.2024 21:34

Greatest anime ever made 🖤

@vegapunkedstudios520 - 18.08.2024 14:25

The third movie (release order) really got me hooked, showed how powerful those mystic eyes are.

@Rishisenpaii - 23.09.2024 21:47

My all time favourite anime thanks for this lovely soundtrack ❤❤

@noobicus727 - 26.09.2024 11:45

I haven’t seen KnK, is it good?

@aurumcaelo - 29.09.2024 17:13

Top top series

@rebecakinomotomartinez5446 - 30.09.2024 05:50

This is my favorite Yuki Kajiura tracklist..
I love it..
I use it to sleep..
To relax...
To remember good things ..
To remember people that it is not with me anymore..
THANK you so much ❤❤❤

@hoki8296 - 07.10.2024 21:38

one of the best albums in anime history.

@rolandalphs7022 - 18.10.2024 15:34

I still remember crying hearing KnK V - M20 during Tomoe's flashback on what his parents were struggling with.

@山中駿-h8v - 30.10.2024 18:39


@jannis11 - 13.11.2024 04:12


@Al_3_i - 20.11.2024 17:09

This anime is peak

@kio2135 - 25.11.2024 18:30

wait so long i don't see more newer video, this song so amazing

@TrederAlmighty - 30.11.2024 06:08

the end of humanity will be a beautiful explosion that fades to dark, like a firework.
in the infinete void of light and dark, there will be a bright light, followed by a deafening darkness.
clenched by the devouring darkness that exists beyond the finite humanity.
as the antithesis to beauti, humanity will provide yin with their demise.
there will be no sadness, but only relief, for beauty lives on.
yin devours humanity and there will be a symphony of light and dark.
humanity will be no more, but for a moment something so small will provide to something so big.
as a grain of sand in the beach,
the darkness of that grain protruding the light of the beach.
as suffering of humanity enhancing the light of life.
and in the symphony of this darkness, a firwork of light shines for a moment.
followed by complette darkness, followed by the reapearance of faint lights, softly lighting up the dark.
as the yin and yang of humanity dances to it's halt.
and only memory of darkness is left.

this is the predators syndrom.
humanity caught by the spiders web.
the path of heaven eluded, and humanity devoured to digest in the belly of hell.
the wasp getting caught, so that the butterflies can go on.

@Sakura.さくら-c4k - 29.12.2024 14:59


@주주-o7q - 16.01.2025 18:33


@김영운-k3v6x - 30.01.2025 07:11


@LEO_AUGUSTY31 - 16.02.2025 19:28

happy birthday Ryougi Shiki 2025

@stormer2349 - 17.02.2025 23:41

Back again for Shiki's birthday
This will be an anime that'll always stick with me
