Top 5 Tips to Make Money in Delta Force Extraction

Top 5 Tips to Make Money in Delta Force Extraction


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@Dark.Syndicate - 14.12.2024 00:07

This game is way deeper than I thought. WoW!! Thanks for this incredibly valuable guide 🙂
From a DMZ veteran.

@rosseflosse420 - 14.12.2024 03:06

I found the diamond sold it for 10mil

@SagaraGaming-025 - 14.12.2024 03:14

I also run on solo because you are not obliged to help your downed team mate if you're on squad and no one will tell you what to do that might put you at risk.

@Axalon1213-uf1mt - 14.12.2024 04:54

Have you tried playing Arena Breakout infinite?

@Crostile - 14.12.2024 08:35

Are helmets really that lacking? They still save you from a shot don't they?

@Sunnyside845 - 14.12.2024 10:09

How many pvp people can spawn on a map?

@TheKaMeLRo - 14.12.2024 11:30

I want to wear a helmet and combat vest to Warfare mode,

@eloricclero3922 - 14.12.2024 12:40

How you get the gear ticket? I can't get new ones blue or better rarity only the bad one

@joshbreaux5475 - 14.12.2024 16:02

From a part time gamer just getting back into gaming after 10 years off, and someone who is new and not good at FPS games...does it even pay for someone like me to get into this game solo? Chances are I will never be able to get one of those Mandel brick things by myself, so does it even pay to play the game?

@foreveryoung9561 - 15.12.2024 02:34

I make 600K every 12 hours in Blacksite by crafting level 5 vests and level 4, 7.62 ammos. When prices are cheap, buy and collect lots of essential materials such as titanium plates.

@ADVtheMISSIONARY - 15.12.2024 03:34

I found brakkesh was not easy to solo, thanks for the gear ticket info I didn't know that one.

@SnakeTheCowboy - 15.12.2024 03:45

Yeah, this does work when you not getting beamed to insta-death every single round on Zero Dam. This map is literally meat grinder. I've tried to que solo for normal few times & had no chance to survive even 3 minutes trying to hide & avoid fighting. I better go burn all tickets on Loyali Grove and then que with no gear or only with backpack & chest rig making like 9 out of 10 successful runs ~200k each rather then go Zero Dam, burn everything I have to maybe get only 1 time out of 10 for 500-800 on average. Also now I completely stopped to play Zero Dam easy for same reason. Even sneaking on Space City is not so brutal.
Idk I've heard ppl saying same things as you, maybe it depends on server? And somewhere like NA there much more variety of different players who can casually run around like bots... b'coz on EU (which I'm playing at) everyone is just always hungry to fk you up on literally every step, so you ether dead in first few minutes or you the one who killing, so going solo scavenge that map is just stupid.. As well as some stuff is completely questionable, like getting beamed by single guy for less then 0.2 sec 4 shot from over 30-40m range with full health, lvl2 50armor by QBZ + lvl2 ammo. (I've tried this on firing range... and it does not work like that. U need at least 5 shots, so how???? And 0.2 sec? this gun fire rate is around 600, and does not launch bullets that fast, while you could heard clearly only 3 hits on you where 2 hits were almost not noticeable delay ... like fire rate is over 1000) So ending up reporting another person... b'coz clearly it is nuts. While i'm meeting huge amount of players solo farming Loyali. Not even mentioning on Zero Dam ppl in half of situations after getting close to you knows exactly where you are even if you were not spotted by arrow and where not moving for a while not making noises & not being anywhere near loot. So well, your guide does works only for those who have aimbot set up to head (not even mentioning having some armor lower then lvl 3. To me and to a lot of ppl I've played with so far your video is freaken fairy tale. You showing being at Cement Plant casually standing in center platform, killing guy who literally looked & acted like a npc/bot/blind/deaf. Is this even a real game against players? On our EU server ppl do not acts like that, especially on Zero Dam both difficulties.

@Bigchungusbangs - 15.12.2024 09:35

If this game didn’t have warfare mode it would be dead within a month tops and that’s being generous

@nechitacosmin413 - 15.12.2024 13:44

The game is full of chinese cheaters!!!!!!! This game is already going down. They promised compensation and we got nothing.

@_DirkPitt_ - 15.12.2024 15:34

This "mode" should be called "LOOTER" 😂 Tell me where do you keep all your loot? In an IMAGINARY cart while you fight? STUPID! Totally ridiculous even for a combat game. If it's about making real money, it makes sense, but for a game it's UNACCEPTABLE! If a game is about combat, then it should be as realistic as possible. But hey, there are people who like fantasy, I don't judge them. I prefer a more realistic Battlefield mode.

@manfromthefuture4436 - 15.12.2024 17:40

i lost all my gear to th fkin captain saed dude

@karlgustav3186 - 15.12.2024 18:46

Turk8 wants third fight and put pressure on usyk. Thats unfair. Dont do that before a fight. But i know usyk is professional enough to take it. Hopefully turki didnt by the jugdes

@JapaneseCharacterNameMan - 16.12.2024 06:19

Just wasted 2M trying to farm Zero Dam normal. This guide doesn't help worth shit. Nothing but 3-man premade running tier-4 and 5 waiting around every corner.

@Businedu - 16.12.2024 19:28


@BubblesMcNair - 16.12.2024 23:36

Why does my recoil seem worse than everyone else's. Most of my guns are above 70 in control yet it still seems I can't full auto bc the bullet spread goes every where but everyone else can full auto and I am dead in .5 secs

@mauriciomartinezdelgado268 - 17.12.2024 00:25

I really love how the game gives you ways to earn money and loadouts by playing the other game mode, for the times you just want to play casually or just want to warm up a little, and integrates these rewards in both game modes. This is perfect for me, a very unconsistent player, sometimes I just want to jump in for 30min, and the next day I would spent 8h in a row doing extractions

@davidx.1150 - 17.12.2024 03:24

The biggest issue with the gameplay is once people start using purple ammo or above, armour and helmets are irrelevant. TTK is pretty much CoD multiplayer level fast. 3 shots from a SCAR-H and 5 shots from an M4. With how much is at stake the TTK needs to be doubled. And if I’m spending 300k on a vest, it should do a lot more against level 4/5 ammo.

@kylephaneufmusic - 17.12.2024 03:46

Just $10 million over 6 hours is an incredibly slow return

@TacticalPenguin-j9y - 18.12.2024 06:23

So glad for the DF videos dude. Brings me back to the cycle frontier days! Solo jungle all day

@skinnyPH. - 19.12.2024 16:35

thanks for the video buddy

@multi-mason - 23.12.2024 02:36

Kernel mode cheat detection. This is just such BS. Kernel mode tools are lazy AF, and totally ineffective, besides being unacceptably invasive. Cheaters use peripheral hardware, and/or run software on secondary PCs, easily bypassing kernel mode cheat detection.

Dev's could and should be focusing on behavior based detection, server side. It is not difficult, it's really straight forward, it would only take a modest amount of dev time. But why bother, when it's easy and cheap, to just throw some existing 3rd party kernel mode trash on your client's systems, never mind that kernel mode anti-cheats are easily bypassed by contemporary cheaters.

The behavior is the actual problem, detect that, server side (by analyzing the behavior in real time), and cheaters will basically be finished. This could, and should, have been done, using conventional methods, any time within the past two decades, easily enough, if any of these devs actually gave an f. Now though, with advanced AI, there is absolutely no excuse to keep trying to load kernel mode malware on client machines. Especially given that the cheaters have long since developed methods of bypassing such BS.

If/when Delta Force drops the invasive and ineffectual kernel mode nonsense, I'm in... until then though, no fuggin way am I letting anyone install what is basically a rootkit on any of my machines, so they can f right the hell off with that sht. Mark my words, these kernel mode anti-cheats installed on client systems will be exploited by hackers to attack clients more and more frequently in the coming years. It's lazy AF, irresponsible AF, and shockingly anti-consumer for devs/publishers to continue pushing this trash.

@furigasa - 24.12.2024 14:16

This game only looks casual. It's hardcore AF. If you are a solo especially - the grind it's real. But it's amazing - definitely more friendly and fun than Tarkov.

@Zinedamzy - 26.12.2024 13:31

Great addition to the extraction genre that’s true ✌🏻

I don’t like the different type of ammo and skills in PvP but overall it’s great 👍🏻

@rokidown7030 - 26.12.2024 18:59

whats the code for your budget loadout pls

@pubadubgthreemeninatree8596 - 28.12.2024 00:37

love the game but can't get into it being stuck with 130 ping playing with fiber optic internet in LA. where tf are these servers at and what kind of cheap 1999 chips are they running on?

@daswiesel04 - 29.12.2024 17:34

Well well well here we go again. I first watched you when you played The Cycle Frontier. I played it with my squad too until they took down the game. Then I took a break from extraction games but now I am playing Delta Force with my same squad from Cycle and watching Phixate again😂
Keep it up my guy!🔥
I am looking for future guides on your channel for this game.

And btw english is not my first language so I am not sure if everything I wrote makes sense...

@JasperEades-qc3oi - 30.12.2024 11:09

i remember when he played the cycle

@michaelmcguffin5534 - 02.01.2025 08:24

You can tell that "you cheating bastards!" came straight from the heart. I feel it bro

@Jaydtrade - 04.01.2025 21:02

You also have to worry about hackers who can see you no matter where you are. I do love running steath missions though cause its super hard to get out alive with all the hackers and if you do you get to keep all the loot to yourself!

@Holdthelube - 05.01.2025 10:03

Budget loadout
1: ammo
2: one gun/a handgun incase u need it
3:med kits
4:armor an backpack with more space
5: an know when to get out
An watch ur $$ stack

@Lepokonen_Ajem - 07.01.2025 09:48

My Stash is full of extracted items. Should i sell all of the items?? Please help me here. Thank You

@Phvntxm__ - 15.01.2025 02:23

Might be jumping the gun here but can you go over a video for gunshot audio to figure wheee it’s coming from

@Miller-tv1 - 17.01.2025 06:05

Aimbot ando wallhack

@Miller-tv1 - 17.01.2025 06:07

Live Action report

@linuxlex6885 - 24.01.2025 09:39

Sinne the new patch this game is shit also the skinns are much to expensive . Just a nice hint 4 you this game will go down soon also the sbmm is shit they dont Tell the truth . So Bad patch . Expensive 150 a fucking skinn . And the sbm and nerv will kill this game . The boys with mony dont pay 4 this sbm bull shit the want a good time not swety lobbys

@jhonquack9721 - 27.01.2025 18:27

I face only pinnacles and sweats in normal and make more money in easy mode off lego bronze players i think it depends on the servers you are on mine are harder

@lucygray4314 - 08.02.2025 17:56

BRO NO WAY! I just picked up the game so I needed help with a jump start. bout halfway through the video I realized I watched your videos and stream for The Cycle Frontier back in the day! thanks again for your help man. <3

@blookester6583 - 10.02.2025 17:34

Another tip for the gear tickets:

The daily missions in Operations provide you with tickets, if you finish those missions BUT not claim the rewards, they will be sent into your ingame inbox the next day, in which you have 30 days to use the tickets before they expire, this basically means you can have more than the max amount of tickets possible given that you use some of them before the expiry.

@wupins1207 - 16.02.2025 03:38

not you killing Chap in the video lol

@nickblood7080 - 18.02.2025 15:00

I got a pc and I tried playing but my keyboard and mouse skills aren’t good enough. Been on console too long. Can’t get controller working good enough to use either.

@ThrobRoss - 27.02.2025 15:37

Brand new to this and I just got the armor bench unlocked. I started a craft on a purple armor and the materials only cost around 40k. Am I missing something?! That’s a really good deal.

@saminnayaz4837 - 03.03.2025 05:40

I just buy laser they give 4 lasers so more than 100k profit each time
