Building the Best MWO Sniper | Gauss vs PPC

Building the Best MWO Sniper | Gauss vs PPC


2 года назад

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@kaboom-zf2bl - 18.12.2023 19:22

tbh its not Gauss or PPC ... it's Gauss and PPC and Large laser ... with 4 martell medium backups for when stuff goes south ... and dont forget the srm6 pair ... it's Called a sniper .... it's jb is to snipe enemy mechs specially command ones as it has plenty of room for 3c and targeting cockpit ...

@sethsonnier5843 - 05.12.2023 08:42

I'd argue the gridiron can do it better with light gaussx2 but thananos isn't mech credits so this one is great if you won't spend real money

@LavaDa1shi - 28.10.2023 03:56

Except one of the best snipers in the game is a 2 gauss 4/5erlarge dwf, speed is not something you need for a sniper, lots of really good snipers are slow assaults. Also lppc is not a sniper weapon.

@cscrossman - 12.08.2023 11:17

"Hasta la vista....


@myhorseisamazing5883 - 04.08.2023 16:01

grid iron with 2 lgausses

@pbwc781 - 27.06.2023 20:08

Also thano is lacking in self defense and armor. I like the hunch II with 2 gauss and 2 er med lasers for a med mech, Heavy sniper either night gyre .

@xenocore01 - 22.06.2023 00:25

I'm still using my Gaussapult from way back in the day! Meta or no, Gaussapult is a go!

@ReelSpider - 22.04.2023 05:34

Carl Friedrich Gauss would be appalled at how you pronounce his name. Truly an affront to mathematicians the world over.

@dirtyclanner2250 - 01.03.2023 14:27

Somebody really should teach him how to toggle arm lock.

@hunterkincaid4972 - 24.02.2023 20:49

I’m confused. Why aren’t you target locking the enemies?

@raphaelng89 - 27.01.2023 09:34

sorry if i'm asking a dumb question, but how do you get that magnifier/scope like window in the middle of your screen?
Is that a mod?

@radgaming8437 - 17.01.2023 23:41

Been a bit, but I like using the hbk-iiC with Gauss rifles. No jump jets, but nice weapon mounts and decent speed. I can’t seem to get the hang of stealth sniping, I feel I’m much more effective when informed of weak points.

@MunitionsDudTester - 04.01.2023 08:22

I'm too broke to try either of these xD

@ctakitimu - 06.12.2022 06:53

Made me sad, when I realized for 3 years I've never had a unit or friends to drop with in MWO! Ah well, carry on. Hunchback GI is so much fun with x2 light gauss, they cycle at around 1.4 seconds with skills

@nerdly44 - 07.11.2022 19:04

Some seriously satisfying kills with both Mechs. Great vid. I don't have many friends to play with, so I'm always looking for good sniper solo builds. I'm gonna try the PH build.

@Llaceroche - 05.11.2022 20:05

Rad video bro

@rylanddungan8797 - 19.10.2022 04:36

I know I'm late to this party but a MAD-4L makes a great gause sniper. It's got full stealth capabilities and jumpjets. Mine has a Gause rifle in each arm, 4 tons of ammo, 2 Er large lasers on the right torso and a mk VI targeting comp, a light 300 engine with 2 internal DHSs and a jump jet in the CT it's still got weight for nearly maxed armor (I gave up 3 points on each leg). It's an amazing build that can sit near the back and snipe while using the ER larges to whittle down more armor and if you do get flanked it's got great armor and can brawl suprisingly effectively.

@HankFacepunch - 14.09.2022 18:58

I've got one of those 2xGauss Thanatoseses. They are indeed a lot of fun.

@constantinvasiliev2065 - 12.09.2022 16:26

Thanks. That was great!!!!!!!!!!

@galahad626 - 07.09.2022 08:25

nightstar 9j 3 erppc 2 light gauss

@BrokenCurtain - 04.09.2022 14:49

UM-R80(L) with 3x light PPC, stealth armor and two JJs

@TroidHunter - 04.09.2022 03:52

If you want a stealth sniper, you can easily just do both PPCs and gauss on many assault mechs, the MAD-4L marauder II variant is a great example of this, with easy to handle double gauss and double ERPPCs. You draw a lot more attention with such a large mech, but 50 pinpoint damage pretty easily cripples or outright kills most mechs, with two shots being enough to threaten even assault side torsos.

If you feel too vulnerable to lights, then I'd suggest something like the Black Lanner A or the Shadowcat B with much higher mobility that's more of a harass-sniper. You can also get decent sniping performance on a Cougar E/H or an Adder Prime using dual ERPPCs, but both of those mechs are quite squishy and the Adder has no access to ECM or jumpjets.

Sniping mechs are pretty tricky in this game, since you tend to either lack damage or lack mobility on most of the extreme-range builds, and keeping track of enemy movements is crucial to avoid getting caught out by an opportunistic light/medium mech that hunts you down.

EDIT: Also stealth armor sucks, especially for snipers. You're so far away that the ECM handles all the stealth for you anyway, so you're better served just bringing more heatsinks/a bigger engine/etc.

@omgsiggy - 26.08.2022 23:05

Anyone still run a catapult k2 for sniping dual gauss?

@MC-gj8fg - 24.08.2022 03:45

I want to like the Thanny. Seems as though it has so much going for it, but whenever I play one I just get melted. Bad hitboxes maybe...

@malcolmtudor8039 - 19.08.2022 22:59

Definitely a fan of the Thanatos generally speaking. The sniper build you ran is popular in the game. Unfortunately you couldn't run when you could no longer hide. Speed and mobilty are part of any good sniper toolkit. Bigger engine in the Thanny with more weight friendly weapons. ER Large is a good long range poker and weighs 1/3 what the GR weighs.

@hyZfps - 19.08.2022 20:45

both of the gauss builds are sadly very bad for actually contributing to your team. you’d be a lot better off playing a NTG-H So8 with 2G 2ERLL or a DWF-C with 2G 4ERLL. if you want a medium, a HBK-IIC-A with either 4ERLL or 2PPC 6SPL is great. or you can take the base HBK-IIC and play 2Gauss.

the second PXH is nice but it’s not a sniper mech, it’s a LPPC light.

@zedwild7823 - 15.08.2022 00:04

Great Video <3

@markkarnes5597 - 07.08.2022 19:25

You can add 2 erl to the thanny with a little work. That gives you another 18 damage on back shots or when you don't care if they know where it's coming from. I like 2 erppcs on the Phoenix hawk.

@__mader__ - 02.08.2022 12:40

the thanatos with light gauss will allow you a faster rate of fire and equip jump jets

@questionablecooking7019 - 31.07.2022 19:12

way too much back armor it looked to me, nice builds otherwise

@MechEagle - 26.07.2022 09:17

Good video thx for the info !!!

@RS8XB - 22.07.2022 00:20

1st off thx for the video review, nobody is doing this content anymore.

how can these be a great sniper choices, none of them are clan????
Thanatos isn't fast. XL engines are a liability on IS mechs. PH mech in 1st match was red, cored and lucky.
I would have gone with the SunSpider SNS-D. They just fixed the quirks on this and with ECM and skilled out this is a very viable option. no issues with XL engines or ammo explosions. Night Gyr would work too but it's too squishy. I do a lot of sniping in my shadow cat and Cougar
