PH Swings in DWC? I Don’t Adjust My PH

PH Swings in DWC? I Don’t Adjust My PH

Dusa Farms

1 год назад

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Rio Salnac
Rio Salnac - 14.09.2023 04:10

Well my tap water is very alkaline, it sits on 8.0 pH. I guess most of you are using RO water which would explain why your pH swings are still within the safe range, but I have to use pH down to keep it in the 5.5 - 6.5.

Mr. Good Vibes
Mr. Good Vibes - 13.09.2023 16:43

I have never pH to my water and I have a healthy looking plant if it isn’t feeding time I just add freshwater to it I do a feed once a week .

Smiley Farmer
Smiley Farmer - 07.09.2023 01:39

P.H. Adjusting is always a good thing! It's important that you monitor P.H because if you don't your plants will suffer, and so will your harvest!

Bridget - 17.08.2023 03:03

I dont adjust my ph and my plants do good

jason kinney
jason kinney - 07.08.2023 02:10

Older video, but 100% agree. I change once a week but I only grow a couple at a time. That said most of the people I physically see using DWC, depending on the strain, go 2 weeks with nothing more then adding water. They do use that reverse osmosis water though.

All that being said, the video out lined the number one issue people have: Worry to much!!! Keep in mind this stuff grows in the wild and most illegal grows are just outside. They don't PH shit and don't use anything as far as nutrients etc. So just chill, keep an eye out, but leave it alone!!!!

chomolivesdontmatter - 20.07.2023 13:23

same bro. havent phd for years. dont even have a ph pen since i dunked my last. 6 weeks now. keep my ppm at 1100 done. till end of august then giving them organic bloom that smells like a french whore but well see how the girls smell. stay tunsd subbd

Jason Meyers
Jason Meyers - 11.07.2023 03:59

You're not my dad lmao.

sergio martino
sergio martino - 06.07.2023 14:53


Chris Robinson
Chris Robinson - 26.06.2023 21:25

Also your plants inndwc dont eat food in all up in one week like u think your plants can actually go two weeks or longer before u need to change the food... plants only eat what they need so feeding it every week for no reason jusy to make sure u have strong solution whichbis really all your doing in veg.... until its really eating and drinking i n flower. I let a oreoz strain go dwc a 3 weeks to almost 4 weeks. Outdoor dwc started right beneath barely touching the pot... withbdyno grow... as an experiment so its not sceincetificlly proven 😂.. just something i did ounce and noticed that u can do and i saves on food and money...did the same in bloom .. just let it eattill the water got low low.. and it was fire... .. so if theres issues i could have had doin that please feel free to educate me ..❤

AndyArtist - 08.06.2023 00:40

at 5.8 are some things not good avlible u should go for 5.5ph and 6.0-6.2 for later flower.just around 5.8 are the sweat spots. Btw there are some nutrients that are very ph stabile but even with perfect nutrients i got serious problems if the envorment is off. The envoirment can couse bad metabolism and that influence the nutrient uptake. Sine the nutrient uptake is differnt from what the nutrient producer expected the ph will fall or rise in a matter of hour some times. I learned this by exident with some vegetebles. Befor i was growing under 100% perfect conditions and never got this problem. I am glad that i tryed some differnt things. The goal was to use a very low amount of energy. The experiment failed :D

JUNGLE BOY - 25.05.2023 16:57

Agree with you 100%, But you must control pH level when plant is small and have smalls roots because easy to get chlorosis problem, and block nutrition, leafs start be brown -yellow colors, and plant can die. I almost lost 2 plants in dwc from chlorosis, but quickly change to pot with coco and they alive 😊

Keep it Simple Hydro
Keep it Simple Hydro - 12.05.2023 12:11

pH swing is only a problem if youre running low PPMs , only every have issues with iron def with high pH with vegging plants with low ppm , in flower im no longer bothering to check flower pH

Jomar Cordero
Jomar Cordero - 03.05.2023 15:35

El curry del p.h

David Hewitt
David Hewitt - 20.04.2023 21:44

Just got a new subscriber!!

David Hewitt
David Hewitt - 20.04.2023 21:38

Didn’t work out for me!! Commented before I watched i understand what you mean 😊

P G - 17.04.2023 13:16

Dope video! Thanks

Rillwill - 13.04.2023 21:03

I stopped chasing PH then the PH got Soo low that my house burnt down 😢

FNQRBASHER - 07.04.2023 03:33

I only ph on top off mix or when I switch out the reservoir completely after that it is what it is and mines worked fine so far

Diego Campos Nunes
Diego Campos Nunes - 13.03.2023 14:22

You are a great font of information, but this one I don't agree, you gotta measure PH, primary for hydros...

Bangkok Inc.
Bangkok Inc. - 05.03.2023 19:46

I heard a theory recently which makes sense, but fungus in the air pump. Also low ph levels also cut into the plastic of whatever you using. Makes sense

analog samurai
analog samurai - 03.03.2023 16:06

canna coco A&B in dwc. 30ml per 10L water. never ph. never have issues,

Jr Edge
Jr Edge - 03.02.2023 02:06

That's why I use advanced nuts ph perfect

chase worthley
chase worthley - 01.02.2023 00:41

This guy is dumb my plants will die if I don't adjust pH so just let my pH drop to the low 4s it's not going to come back up🤷

Michael gallagher
Michael gallagher - 27.01.2023 14:26

So just to be clear you do pH your nutrients when you first put them in right? And then you just monitor it within that certain tolerance?

Conkrete Records
Conkrete Records - 24.01.2023 22:01

Hey brother good video. I've got a question for you. How do I do water changes in dwc if I'm scrogging? Not a new grower I've been growing for 15 years but I'm trying out dwc so id like to know how I go about water changes while scrogging.

cj432T - 22.01.2023 09:29

Thank you DF!!

casen lemafé
casen lemafé - 11.01.2023 18:42

thank you !!

very important information ,i was tired to chase that ph

Jeffrey - 10.01.2023 04:49


Darris B
Darris B - 08.01.2023 13:52

Well I have not had such luck DWC. My PH falls low during week 4 and beyond in 12/12. I have been using the 5 gallon buckets. I was thinking maybe I need a larger reservoir to control the PH better. I have grown using organic Pure Blend Pro and chemical Advanced Nutes. All the same for me ph falls to low around week 4. Only hydro grow that I was able to manage ph was when I used an external reservoir outside the tent and use gravity to feed the plants. The system was called AutoPot Easy to grow.

Chriso Nuttah
Chriso Nuttah - 05.01.2023 03:34

Peeps gotta chill don't chase PH as ole mate said let the plant Do what it does stress if it jumps or dives down. Stop over thinking stuff✌🏼

Carl - 29.12.2022 20:32

The roots fluctuate pH to what they want most of time

40Fonz - 26.12.2022 09:58

Makes sense. When I feed with coco, I alternate Ph every feeding. Feed at 5.8, 6.0, 6.2, and repeat. And I rarely have to go above 500 PPM in DWC since its efficient and nutrients are easily available.

Jacob Benner
Jacob Benner - 25.12.2022 18:55

My ph is at 7 from the tap so I adjust overall water to 6.0 and let it ride

Kingpin78 - 17.12.2022 01:24

Thank you kind sir

Pete Schwartz
Pete Schwartz - 12.12.2022 07:45

People overcomplicate DWC. Great video.

Luis Serrano
Luis Serrano - 05.12.2022 13:05

Definitely good video, as always great content

Vance Morton
Vance Morton - 23.11.2022 16:10

I stopped chasing pH ,,,same results ,,plants are doing great

Dwaynne Lucas
Dwaynne Lucas - 16.11.2022 07:07

Thanks bro. I needed this video

HOMEEGRO - 15.11.2022 14:55

I gotta try that because I am a PH feen…

ZooCraft - 06.11.2022 20:42

It sounds logical but 5.8 is not the magic number. It is during veg but not flower. Flower likes 6.0. Just try to stay close to those numbers. The full range is 5.5-6.5. Your plants will do fine in this zone as long as you stay close to the 5.8 or 6.0.

Veg will lower pH and flower will raise pH.

To buffer pH mix nutrients with potassium silicate until you're close to target pH. The pH up or down is not needed. What you need to do is balance your nutrients. You might need a few drops of pH up or down but you won't burn through bottles.

I've got 25 years of raising plants knowledge and it's still changing. But what I can say for sure is scientifically pH matters a lot.

Buddha_Approved - 28.10.2022 17:58

All fluctuations and all plant temperaments need this fluctuations. It's good stress :)

Jerr Shaver
Jerr Shaver - 16.10.2022 02:14

The water here will jump from 5.8-6 to way out of range. Up as high as 8. Not sure this would work in our area with tap water.

Anonymous Enscriber
Anonymous Enscriber - 14.10.2022 05:16

I like my soilless medium but I’m revving up for dwc. My friend is like “you are going to be so much busier chasing your ph everyday. That’s why I went back to soilless medium.” I’m gonna just do what you say and roll with the punches. Thank you! ❤

TheShizzles - 11.10.2022 22:34

What’s your thoughts on using rain water?

DeeJuggalo - 06.10.2022 21:40

Great video !!! So much help I was getting so tired of chasing that PH EVERY day.

Illusunati - 04.10.2022 05:19

I don't really ph unless it's a seedling, after they start growing I leave it be and just occasionally monitor it, never really made a difference, had some yellowing, my ro water is at 6 out the sink, I don't even measure my nutes and Calmag, just feed some tablespoons every water change, managed a qp my first auto grow off one plant, it's not as serious as people make it out to be, you end up just stressing yourself out spending hours watching leaves grow. Eventually you grow extremely tired of trying to chase perfect. People say dwc is hard, it's not it's very very easy, soil is what is hard, you legit have to be there nursing it everyday if not it dies, I've left my dwc for a week, came back it grew and was normal with nothing wrong.. do that with soil and you come back to a dried out plant if your using high temp lights.

Monte White
Monte White - 03.10.2022 14:30

I’m on my third grow no ph pen. Besides these are outdoor plants anyway and God don’t have a ph pen that I know of.

Luffy Pirate
Luffy Pirate - 02.10.2022 18:53

Past growers should be able 2 grow without checking I mean you know your base n what's in it a person that's been growing yrs should be past this . checking h20

MrCBeery - 02.10.2022 11:38

Ok look people. If you used distilled water. You would never need to fix the PH.
I use PH Balanced nutrients. Which never messes with the PH and my plants are happy.
