Hydroponic Peppers Race - Kratky vs DWC

Hydroponic Peppers Race - Kratky vs DWC

JimmyB Harvests

4 года назад

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Growing Answers
Growing Answers - 09.03.2020 23:49

As an aquarium keeper I am pretty sure that low oxygen levels is more favorable for algae than high oxygen levels. The higher the DO then less mold and algae can survive. Circulation also plays a part in that too. I have done this same experiment with vastly different results on my channel. The aeration needs to be more powerful. And once the stone becomes encased in a root mass, it looses its effectiveness drastically. The oxygen exchange happens at the surface with the agitation that the rising and popping bubbles create. The large bubbles themselves do not put O2 into the water column by simply being in the water. They need to rise to the surface and cause a lot of agitation. What happens mostly with aeration is the CO2 in the air reacts with carbonates in the water and creates carbonic acid, lowering the PH. The fluctuating PH and CO2 levels in the water is what drives algae growth. Not the oxygen.

Darren Pfefferkorn
Darren Pfefferkorn - 24.10.2023 16:37

Bigger roots bigger froots

Hayruss Hayruss
Hayruss Hayruss - 21.08.2023 17:04

Having translucent buckets and algae growth skews the results as both plants are not growing in the same conditions. The more algae the more nutrient loss occurs in the buckets which means less for the plants.If you are comparing DWC Vs Kratky then aeration and nutrient solution replacement should be the only variables. One benefit to DWC is there are less air roots produced which allows refilling the buckets with nutrient solution causing less stress on the plant. Alternately refilling a Kratky bucket with more nutrient solution should if it run out prior to growth completion may drown the plant's roots as 80% of them are air roots.

MICHAEL LASLEY Sr. - 20.08.2023 21:20

He did not mention if he fed them exactly the same, He seems to be leaning towards Kratky but be fair about it.

Arkendu Banerjee
Arkendu Banerjee - 10.08.2023 07:00


Tom Johnson
Tom Johnson - 03.08.2023 16:11

Try again with buckets that let no light through. Until then, your results are bogus.

jason redford
jason redford - 29.07.2023 11:55

You are an embassy the air pump should be at the bottom not at the top sir

Anonymous - 16.07.2023 12:10

you dont know how to DWC, your roots are green, its algae

Cathy Cathywild
Cathy Cathywild - 18.06.2023 10:19

pour ma part je suis fan du systeme kratky je n y trouve pas d inconvenient!

I've Moved to Meteorite Hunters...
I've Moved to Meteorite Hunters... - 09.06.2023 13:43

I just subscribed to your channel. I believe the use of an air pump in hydroponic systems is stemmef from the belief that plants need oxygen at the root source to grow. I think this was more of a hypothesis or probably worked on some plants. It is my belief that the nutrients solutions that were being provided to microgreen systems actually stirred the nutrient supply tanks there-by providing a better supply of nutrients. I have noticed on larger farms that (although controlled by computers) they use actual methods to physically stir the tanks rather than use air pumps. It is also believed that moving water would not incur algae growth. That is still yet to be tested. Your buckets may have proven this if they were dark on the inside. None-the-less, kudos to you for running tests like this. It helps me and I am sure others decide on a direction to go.

Lucifer SkyWalker
Lucifer SkyWalker - 08.06.2023 05:50

Jimmy wheres the cannabis one 😢

Liam Sadler
Liam Sadler - 07.06.2023 19:08

Only should use your air pump when in sunlight if you have it on 24/7 it causes root rot

T Switzer
T Switzer - 27.05.2023 22:01

Use black buckets

Edward Decker
Edward Decker - 22.05.2023 23:51

Your using white buckets that let light in!

Engineering Science
Engineering Science - 12.05.2023 03:26

Try using true high pressure aeroponics system you can build your own. Uses 90% less water and grows much faster. Did the DWC grew faster?

M - 07.05.2023 18:23

use cheap aluminum tape to minimize algae

Carl - 04.05.2023 11:04

Why u coming on here with your white buckets u fool

Cajun Vegan
Cajun Vegan - 14.04.2023 18:19


Елена Анисимова
Елена Анисимова - 11.04.2023 11:39

Perhaps the harvest will be very different because of better roots

Pierre X
Pierre X - 03.04.2023 09:03

Kratky method means that water level comes down over time in the container, so the root system that's not exposed to water absorbs oxygen. Therefore I wouldn't expect an air pump to do much good, unless you're constantly topping up the water in the container.

* USA *
* USA * - 02.04.2023 20:20

Is that Calgary?

LSD Leigh's Silver Designs
LSD Leigh's Silver Designs - 24.01.2023 00:18

Using black buckets, and black airlines are what you NEED to do....drill a 1/4" hole about 1-2" from the top of the "side" of the bucket. Insert the airline thru that...
In a 5 gal bucket you NEED a 8w or greater air pump. Small 2-3 watt pumps are garbage...I use a 8w quad outlet pump for 2 buckets for my Cannabis, works amazing. Also black buckets....Not one sign of alge growth in years of use... hope that helps you and others that don't know much about DWC systems with air pumps...good luck.

Kinetic CGI
Kinetic CGI - 30.11.2022 19:53

Make sure you use food grade air stones, I know that some cheap aquarium air stones use carcinogens in the material they use to make the stones, would not want that in my system. May also alter plant growth.

vargonian - 22.10.2022 12:34

Did you use any nutrient solution before moving them to the small jars?

Yoriichi - 01.10.2022 09:56

Can i make hole in the side so it can have a aeration?.

Paul - 01.10.2022 01:57

As far as algae goes that's because u using white buckets use dark ones

If have them out side paint over the black tho with white paint to reflect the sun so water don't get hot

Or wrap bucket in tin foil

Paul - 01.10.2022 01:55

Should been from clones of same plant to make fair

Delta9 - 18.09.2022 07:02

I figured it would mostly be used on the ISS.

Sean Ewan
Sean Ewan - 03.09.2022 07:51

Do not paint the buckets.. Cover with growers poly, the back and white kind or use contractor garbage bags that are thick and black.. A lot more easier. Was for me anyways. Air pump is used to get air to the roots as well as keeps the water circulating in the sump.

Kings Bing
Kings Bing - 02.09.2022 18:32

The plant with smaller roots looks bigger on top

pasindu wickramanayake
pasindu wickramanayake - 31.07.2022 06:13

Will it minimize or not at all occurred the algae growth if the system designed to have a water circulating system !?!

MEGAFLUX - 04.07.2022 15:57

... you used a dinky little air stone! try it with a way bigger pump AND bubbler. typical zoomer refusing to accept that technologies that existed before they were born were effective.

Adam Fehr
Adam Fehr - 13.06.2022 23:17

You need dark buckets for this. Sorry. Algae locks up nutrients so it's not a fair comparison

brett harter
brett harter - 13.06.2022 23:01

Using a airpump is good if you want to use a pipe and pump the water through loads of plants in a small space.

Steve Matatahi
Steve Matatahi - 18.05.2022 20:55

The agae is taking oxygen from the water so the larger root system needs to grow larger to get oxygen. That's my thought anyway.

Rick Davis
Rick Davis - 04.05.2022 18:32

A circulation pump would oxygenate the water better than an air pump. The oxygen exchange happens at the surface of the water when it's moving.

Jolanda - 26.04.2022 00:47

Ì don't understand this video as an unexperienced grower I'm trying to look up some information. You're telling there is not a lot of difference with or without an airpump, although I see a difference. Look at how the leaves a hanging/behaving. However, what does this mean for the end result? What is the end result? It makes no sense to make a video without a result.

Blunted & co.
Blunted & co. - 22.04.2022 13:43

i thought air pumps give your roots oxygen? is that not the case? i think it also keeps the nutrients mixed up as well.

followyourbliss101 - 18.04.2022 00:17

i would wonder about pepper production differences - size/quantity/ how long it takes to produce etc. You would think that a larger healthier root system would have to have some sort of positive impact

Oregon Patriot
Oregon Patriot - 11.04.2022 03:36

It's not the air that produced the algae, it's the light filtering through the plastic.
Wrap the buckets in double or triple newspaper, lay something on the bucket tops, and your algae problem will be gone.

piffman90 - 02.04.2022 00:22

I love airpumps to naturally diffuse the chloroamines the water treatment plants add instead of vitamin c

Mr j (boom seed co)
Mr j (boom seed co) - 21.03.2022 06:18

I use a aquarium sponge filter on top of air so it gets filtration but not too much and water agitation

Kj M
Kj M - 19.03.2022 16:00

Love the background view of the city! Id love to know which nutrients and lights you use for indoor peppers.. Do you initially PH the nutrient solution?

jamie fleet
jamie fleet - 15.03.2022 09:34

Why am I one of the few who knows the best thing is to get black buckets and paint the outside of them White the black blocks out the light and the white prevents your bucket over heating they work hand in hand it's not rocket science but I let u all off if you're thick or just new

TM69 - 13.03.2022 01:16

Thank you for the video it helps alot and question; was there a difference in taste between the 2?

DerMayer - 02.03.2022 02:37

How often do you change the Solution in the Kratky System? Do you check PH Daily?

B Green
B Green - 01.03.2022 11:23

And you can use a float valve to keep the kratsy method bucket at the same level even when the plant drinks it.

dkd0m - 19.02.2022 19:17

The reason why there was more algae in the container which had the air pump could also be because the air which was pumped into the water contained algae spores
