Disney has ruined Disney..
ОтветитьMaleficent was so beautifully done and reworked and I also enjoyed the depth and message behind the live action Cinderella. All the others seemed lazy with surface level messages and shallow characters. A remake should enhance the original.
ОтветитьNothing wrong with the original character of Snow White. Actually it was quite ahead of its time. What? a princess without a princess complex, one who is well aware of her present predicament, be it a Cinderella in her own castle, a damsel in distress, a stranger in a totally different world - the forest and the dwarves household - than where she came from. Through it all she shows pluck, amazing communication skills toward the outside world that she was forced to deal with for survival (asking the animals where she can take shelter for the night, later introducing herself to the dwarves) and above all the chutzpah to come through under whatever life was throwing at her. After she fell to pieces from her flight, she picked herself up and carried on (daintily lifting up the hems of her skirt as she sauntered through the forest trails). She adjusted herself to be the dwarves den's mother, without them asking.
In the original movie, the most touching scene to me was when she withdrew behind the curtain, adjusted her rags and composed herself, before she stepped out again to the balcony to meet with the prince. That spells self-awareness, already at that age.
From the beginning Disney was a company and they sell products to be profitable. That was in true in 1937–and it's true today in 2025. Entertainment—and art is entertaiment—is an industry. God bless capitalism for catering to such diverse forms of amusement. All those Disney movies you love are products you have bought to be entertained. They were made by the same industry for that purpose. Just because you think they are better or more beautiful doesn't mean they were not made to sell, to give people a living and to expand their capital. I'm not saying I like the live-action remakes. I don't. But it's not because of money or profit. That does not make sense. No rational company will intentionally make products they think people will hate. The idea is absurd. I think weall need to go back and study economics and what capitalism is and what it is not.
Ответитьthe fact that professional writers, character designers, and animators, can't come up with an original idea even though i, an UNTRAINED, MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL, have several disney style movies buzzing around in my head 24/7, just ticks me off.
Ответитьnothing wrong with raceblind casting, but i can't at all get behind Snow White being tanned, i'm just really hung up over that part because the thing about Snow White is being pale, so it doesn't really make sense to me unless it's a nickname the Evil Queen gave to her to mock her or something.
Ответитьnarrator admits disney is being too woke in some respects, while at the same time insinuating that anyone who criticizes woke casting is racist. and that disney should 'protect their actresses' better. from what? the actress' own stupid public statements crapping on the original snow white storyline? disney didn't do zegler dirty. zegler did herself dirty!
ОтветитьWe really need to stop pretending that people are “racist” because they want a live action film to look exactly like the cartoon it’s based on. That’s the entire point of a live action film.
ОтветитьThis video fails to even mention all the hateful and despicable things that Rachel Ziegler has spoken about the original movie itself and the new movie's potential audiences. In my estimation that has much more to do with the anti Rachel Ziegler narrative than any of the other things you mentioned!
Ответить"And Jasmine wants to rule Agraba by herself " while also not knowing HOW MONEY WORKS! It makes me so mad every time I think of the live action version. She was utterly unprepared for the role and just wanted it cause... she loves the people or something? Like you couldn't take a little time to show that she knew how the country worked before wanting to rule it?
ОтветитьI can’t wait to not see this movie!😂😂😂😂😂Off White
ОтветитьWhoever ever is running Disney checked out long time ago and is doing everything in his power to ruined it to later come out with a different business or something???? Tired of your job than quit
Ответитьyes many people complained about stupid things, but Snow White, in particular, will have a problem mainly due to the main actress, who expressed herself in a very controversial or even inappropriate way. Yes, the fanatical feminists will be happy, but she not only brings down the entire movie, but most women with her comments.
ОтветитьThe person they casted as Snow White herself isn't very easy on the eyes, that alone makes me not want to watch the film.
ОтветитьWell snow white is called Snow White because her skin is white as snow
Ответить"Since the casting Rachel Zagler had a hatred campaign - she's not pretty enough, she's too antijew, she goes against her co star, she's a b"
ОтветитьThis was a mess since they decided to make a remake of one from their oldest films, nonetheless I’m excited for the music, Rachel’s voice is stunning.
ОтветитьI don't think people bash on Zegler because of her physical attributes - at least they shouldn't. They bash her because she seems kinda not very nice...? I mean, her comments were pretty problematic. xD
ОтветитьYeah, and seeing how the Lilo and Stitch remake trailer had such good reception....the live action remake train won't be stopping for a while. There was hope with "Snow White" making it stop, but......I can just see "Stitch" earning a billion at the box office. It just seems like one of those remakes that would do that.
ОтветитьThe cgi looks like somewhere between live action and frozen/tangled, but closer to frozen/tangled. This looks like Roger rabbit with cg animation, not a purely live action film
ОтветитьMuslims are boycotting this movie solely because we warned against casting Gal Gadot who is proudly speaking for genocide against the Palestinians and who was a IDF soldier complicit in the unaliving too. I'm pretty sure she was casted just because of her heritage. Only reason i'm glad the movie flopped.
ОтветитьI can't believe that you just equated Gal Gadot's accomplishments to a couple of films, Wonder woman and FastnFurious... do some better research, she has played lead roles in many more films than that and is far more well known and respected. There was nothing wrong in the casting of Gal Gadot, the problem is with Disney and it's overwokeness, casting anyone to play the roles either of these ladies were in would have been a terrible fit because the whole narrative of the story has changed and it no longer mirrors the original fairy tale. Having said that, Rachel Zegler was just terrible casting anyway because of her own personal personality.
ОтветитьI really don’t mind the girlboss approach, I just hate the constant indecisiveness on what they’re supposed to be doing with the dwarfs or the film direction itself after the initial criticism.
ОтветитьI think the reason why many people don’t like Rachel Zegler for playing Snow White is because she really doesn’t resemble her. Bear with me now, I’m not commenting on her race. I think it’s nice giving people of color more representation, but I think you should resemble the original. If you want to give people nostalgia, I think you should follow their description. Pale as snow is something that immediately gives you recognization that who you’re describing is Snow White. It’s how you recognize her. And I also really agree with her hair. Rachel is BEAUTIFUL. But I really don’t think that hair suits her. She looks better with long hair. The bob just did her dirty and made her face look longer. It doesn’t match her features.
ОтветитьThe only live actions i like from disney are the alice's live actions, but I am truly biased since I've allways liked alice ane Im a big fan of Alice Madness Returns
ОтветитьThe problem actually is that these movies are NOT for kids. They’re aimed at the 90s / 2000s kids who are now adults with children. That’s why they’re catering toward all the criticisms from the 2010s buzz feed bad faith arguments that they grew up on. And everyone keeps eating it up even though they’re terrible so they just keep doing it as a quick cash grab. Can’t wait for this era to end, maybe the next generation will get good movies. 😢
ОтветитьI cant stand the OG Snow White. I also couldn't stabd Cinderella. That being said I adore the Cinderella remake! They stayed true to her OG character's personality while flushing it out more so we understood her better. It showed that strength can be portrayed as more than just a girl boss! My respect for Cinderella as a character and a heroine shot through the roof! There was absolutely a way to bring Snow White to life while staying true to the feel of the original and they completely dropped the ball.
I also couldnt care less about skin color (though i do think it's odd they deviated from a very clear character description in today's climiate) however Rachel just did not fit the role. She has openly stated she hated Snow White. Why in the world would you try to land the role of the character you hate? I do agree they did that poor woman dirty. She looks ridiculous through most of that trailer. Her dress and hair at the premier? Absolutely stunning! They didn't even have to give her red lipstick. They could have done a stain so it reads as a deep red lip. So many mossed opportunities
I'm a little disturbed that Zegler looks like Aramayo from Rings of Power. They're both supposed to be beautiful people and they both look like Matt Gaetz.
ОтветитьIt's not "color-blind" to specifically race-swap out white characters and then market the virtuosity of the swap. You don't have to be racist to get frustrated by it. Great video, though.
ОтветитьThat bob is tragic chile.
ОтветитьI don’t know about zoomers but millennials definitely watched all of the classic animated Disney films growing up. We didn’t have the liberty of streaming or a constant choice of 1000 things to watch. We had VHS tapes, good attentional spans, and a few channels with cartoons
ОтветитьPure laziness.
ОтветитьThere’s no hate campaign. That’s ridiculous. People are just responding to her. Every time a microphone is presented to her, She says the most wildly divisive and toxic garbage, in the most arrogant and smug way possible, and expects it to be accepted as a non-controversial mainstream opinion. She took away the chance of people liking her before we even knew who she was. If it wasn’t for all the nasty things that she has said, I wouldn’t know who she is either way and I definitely wouldn’t be speaking negatively about her.
ОтветитьHollywood CGI is starting to look more and more like 90's B movies practical effects. In some cases worse.
Ответитьcan we all agree to boycott this film lol
ОтветитьThis video defends Rachel zegler from start to end , when we know she is the issue. Toxic cvnt that hates men for no reason. Yes, before we used to have people of color in movies but it was natural, not how they are now, hating on fans and normal people. Hating men just because of our gender and hating white people because of their skin, still racism. Literally hating anyone that don't share their extreme ideology. I just want to go, watch a movie, get entertained and go home. Not getting lectured about how i need to live my life or what to think. Hollywood supposed to be about entertainment and family, not ur woke politics.
Ответить"Noone is that pale" I see you've never visited the British isle. I swear some of those people are corpse-pale.
ОтветитьAs in the Federal Government, a lot of money was stolen by DEI scam artists. Not much money went into making a quality movie. That is why the movie look so cheap.
ОтветитьDisney Has To Stop
ОтветитьShe is not pretty enough though. Latina’s are some of the most stunning women, her ethnicity isn’t the problem. She is just not pretty at all.
ОтветитьWatch the indie horror live-action movie "The Death of Snow White" instead!
ОтветитьOk i do have to say the evil queens crown fucks. other than that this is pretty nasty between the obvious prejiduce and the poor design. its beautiful in its animation. wish disney would fuckin animate.
ОтветитьWhat was beautiful from Disney movies was they always portrayed beautiful world of fantasy, now they try to impose ideologies and nonsense hate about true love and family values and it is turning disgusting
ОтветитьWhen disney makes original movies people dont go out and watch them. When they make sequels and remakes they are major box office hits.
ОтветитьI heard that Zegler sleeps with a picture of herself underneath her pillow every night.
Ответитьwrong, my fav is cinderella which is like over 40 years older than i am xD it's not hard for kids to watch the old animated classics, we've been doing so for generations
ОтветитьEvil queen script dialogue is just like a public school teacher that made tenure, same low energyl, same one sided conversations, it's nothing new.
Ответить"I don't believe in sequels since I'm exploring different things." I wish Walt Disney own daughters say that to the CEO to their face.
It's absolutely needed.
It is NOT racist to be pissed that Ariel was black, or SW latina, I would be equally pissed if Tiana was white or Mulan was Irish. Give me a break.
ОтветитьThey should've hired little people and someone else to play snow white, this movie looks horrible