4 NEW TypeScript 5.5 Features!

4 NEW TypeScript 5.5 Features!

Web Dev Simplified

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@TesterAnimal1 - 14.02.2024 22:48

I’m so looking forward to Temporal.

We do scheduling stuff and JS Date is almost useless. Lots of…. temporal utilities needed around it.

@Pretagonist - 15.02.2024 03:41

I love when languages gets more functional methods.

@lakhveerchahal - 15.02.2024 06:14

I'm very happy to see Decorators in the list. I recently got to know about reflect-metadata but found that it is currently experimental.

@raph151515 - 15.02.2024 11:13

keeping up is not difficult, there were some activities around 2016, most of the time it's stagnant and kind of slow

@raph151515 - 15.02.2024 11:17

with resolver super useful, the existing workaround was ugly, too bad the naming sucks

@Nāmarūpa1 - 15.02.2024 13:45

It all feels like sugar. Seems like 10 years from now, JS wont even be a thing any more. Everything grounded in C is just going to be eaten by Rust and Go and all the new tribe.

@hurinfan2164 - 15.02.2024 14:41

Safari continues to be a shit browser. F*#$ Apple

@djscratchnsniff - 15.02.2024 15:02

thanks for the video

@cagdasucar3932 - 15.02.2024 18:10

I am so looking forward to decorators. I think they will make web components so much easier.

@shgysk8zer0 - 15.02.2024 18:45

It probably won't make it in this year, but I'm really looking forward to Records and Tuples. Which will be quite useful for things like Map.groupBy() (also in array grouping, but people tend to focus on the Object version).

Importantly, they will be new primitives that have equality by value, so #{ foo: 'bar' } === #{ foo: 'bar' } will be true... and that makes them much more useful for keys in Maps and WeakMaps.

Map.get(#{ name: 'John', age: 45 }) will work.

@langgs - 15.02.2024 19:19

hey, how to create an account on your website. i just wanted to check the price of your javascript course

@pawandeore1656 - 15.02.2024 20:12

i don;t like decorator bullshit.. slowly people turning JS into TS

@flaminggasolineinthedarkne4 - 15.02.2024 23:44

so cool ❤

@supremoluminary - 16.02.2024 02:06

Kyle’s been sitting in his room for years, stackin bitcoin, ready to emerge a millionaire…

@supremoluminary - 16.02.2024 02:09

I performance tested toReversed and it was actually slightly less performance than regular Array.prototype.reverse. Kind of disappointing. Hopefully performance will improve.

@w01dnick - 16.02.2024 09:15

It's nice to mention Map.groupBy along with Object.groupBy. Works similarly but returns Map.

@ТестТестович-г2о - 16.02.2024 11:52

The more I watch your videos, the more I love C++ 😅

@DeltaXignia - 16.02.2024 16:25

These features are brilliant, you did an excellent job highlighting them all!

@しめい-l4m - 16.02.2024 16:55

BTW you should use array.sort((a, b) => a - b) instead of array.sort()

@sarfrazshah5158 - 16.02.2024 21:54

Thank you!

@dobingify3130 - 17.02.2024 04:38

am impressed to withResolvers

@alexandercasas577 - 17.02.2024 04:42

Create new functions to do the same but cloning the array? Bruhh... that's so fuc*ing stupid.

Just do create a method line `.clone()` and that's it!!1111 WHY DO CREATE 6456564564 NEW METHODS OMFG

@plasmodiun1 - 17.02.2024 12:20

Tus videos son los mejor, your videos are the best

@plasmodiun1 - 17.02.2024 12:23

Aunque ya se esté estos métodos actualizados por x o y motivos siempre me gusta refrescar más con alguien que los explica rápido y sensillo

@hatrer2244 - 17.02.2024 13:16

You can start using these right away in server side code ;)

@xenossolitarius5478 - 17.02.2024 23:35

Oh great one more language filled with decorators. As JS doesn't support enough sideffect patterns

@ALex-ts1gu - 18.02.2024 00:28

An Regeln halten, ist ganz wichtig, wer definiert denn die Regeln ;-) und man muss sich anpassen. Ist das Freiheit, nein das ist Angepasstheit. Dennoch danke für das interessante Video.

@daniyarkarbayev7176 - 18.02.2024 17:11

Temporal API has been in work since forever, have there been any news on it that made you include it in this video?

@Renovatio2142 - 18.02.2024 22:21

Did you consider to turn off the hair blower?

@darienfawkes9475 - 19.02.2024 18:01

Array methods: toSorted, toReversed, toSpliced, findlast, findLastIndex, with - all are updates of 2023. Check -> /Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/extensions/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es2023.array.d.ts it is all there already. Browsers support is a little different thing. But if you check lib.esnext.d.ts you'll see that decorators (new feature) + intl (updates) is actually new updates for ECMAScript 2024 year.

@darienfawkes9475 - 19.02.2024 18:17

FYI: Temporal API as experimental proposal already for 4 years (from 2020) and unknown if it is going to become available in 2024.

@muthukumar8009 - 20.02.2024 03:10

Suggesting to use quokka extension, it will show output on the fly as you type

@zerdnelemo - 20.02.2024 07:23

Can you talk about the new Pipeline Operator in JS?

@NeoCoding - 21.02.2024 18:36

very nice

@etilworg - 21.02.2024 21:42

this are "proposed" not new , clickbait

@zeeshan9991 - 23.02.2024 19:07

hello world

@darienfawkes9475 - 27.02.2024 20:24

Please in future add links to doc manuals you shown in description)

@civrev - 01.03.2024 20:45

Yay, more features that I'll never use.

@huuquocdattran2877 - 01.03.2024 21:30

Decorators i see same same in angular

@stefshambrook9090 - 04.03.2024 20:03

Stoked for the new Set methods! Working on a project currently that makes multiple API calls with different queries and compares the results. This really could have benefitted from Set.intersection

@Aliakbaresmaeiliiii - 07.03.2024 11:40

Thank you so much man this is so usefull

@atmospheric_b - 10.03.2024 18:47

we really need these magic set methods like in python

@vibonacci - 13.04.2024 20:18

Copying things is not performant for obvious reasons. Wish the author of the concept of forcing Immutability knew this.
In real programming languages, copying things if frowned upon heavily, yet JS brings more native mass copy functions.
JS frameworks, they even force you to do the immutability!

@robertholtz - 01.06.2024 16:38

Temporal is pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable NOT the second. TEMPoral NOT TemPORal.

@sakshigoyal9018 - 10.06.2024 20:40

I just love the way u explain everything. My fav developer

@mimosveta - 10.07.2024 14:39

4 months later and that import json went from 0% to 78% ><

@Signcutter - 31.12.2024 21:06

I see lots of people create videos about JS, but I rarely see anything about how to implement it. For example, a detailed video on how to make it work with HTML and CSS and how it all ties together. Please forgive me, but im fairly new to this and would love to see vids like that. By the way your videos are great, keep up the good work!

@TheUltimateTrainJourney - 28.01.2025 23:28

Js in 2025 we need video😊

@viktorsavchenko2628 - 06.03.2025 13:50

Thank you!
