Fake Heiress, True Narcissist w/ Rachel DeLoache Williams | Navigating Narcissism with Dr. Ramani

Fake Heiress, True Narcissist w/ Rachel DeLoache Williams | Navigating Narcissism with Dr. Ramani

Navigating Narcissism

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@fozzydare7987 - 05.11.2023 13:20

I for one am glad and impressed Rachel powered up! Well done girl!!! ❤🎉 🥳

@alid3424 - 10.11.2023 01:19

Silence benefits the abuser.
Speak your truth 😊

@siranubis999 - 02.12.2023 06:52

I mean.... You got the money back an are still crying cause you are the one that offered right? When you offer expect for them to use your card, you aren't suppose to use your business cards... Plus this was the only time this happened an it didn't just happen to you she went through this anxious moment. Also people...this girl is a doctor who wanted to be famous? That's very strange is all I'm saying, an also never makes it her work to heal the people with cluster b, has tons of videos demonizing really serious conditions saying that the people who have the condition can't ever change? An only siding with the "victims of a disorder" which is silly...disorders aren't any more different than abvs3rs...? There's just no difference between abled people an disabled, an when you make that connection you HAVE TO EXPECT A ABLEISM.

@roxybennett3964 - 15.12.2023 23:40

#1 Never lend any money to any friends and non bloods. Family be careful too. Be tough say NO.

@hsddheiowrpq - 08.01.2024 06:02

I was always on her side

@PrettyIndependent1 - 20.01.2024 07:43

I can’t imagine dealing with flying monkeys on that scale! That’s really messed up.

@merchantmaker2888 - 29.01.2024 07:35

The universe puts people in our path who appear interesting, fun and appealing. We are drawn to them, like moths to flames. Some are real, some are not. The hard part is separating them and doing it before we come to any harm from those that are there to exploit us, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Watching how they behave, with you and others and not just listening to what they say, can provide valuable information that can allow you to protect yourself by helping you gain an understanding of their true self even when they seek to hide it.

Always keep your EYES open when you are listening.

Words squeak, actions speak.

@chantalglover1390 - 04.02.2024 08:36

Jadeth pinketh smith helped produce this podcast?!? But she’s also a narcissist

@Jesuswillsaveyou1 - 20.02.2024 22:18

They always blame the victim smh

@livingdeadgirl5796 - 25.02.2024 20:26

This girl is a turd! She used Anna just as much as she got used, except Anna was smarter them her and won! Plus she was portrayed as a dingbat, yet here on this podcast she is using big words and tryi g to come off as intelligent. Noone is fooled! She deserved everything she got !!!

@lanovia3838 - 26.02.2024 18:20

dr Ramani is a blessing to us.

@ladyp5828 - 07.03.2024 11:24

Well if you are very shallow and take take take you are more likely to get it back. Racheal took and took. Then when it was all ending and there was nothing left to take she turned on her. Anna did not demand that Rachel hand over her works bank card. Rachel was happy when Anna was paying for everything. It was a very one sided friendship and it was actually Anna who gave the most in it. Rachel has made lots of money of Anna. She lived the high life with Anna until it no longer served her. I don’t think anyone in Anna’s circle were good people. They were all shallow and wanted something from Anna.

@nicolestrauss629 - 07.03.2024 23:59

But it's a 50 50 isn't it? Isnt she famous now because Anna came in to your life?

@lnthz2531 - 13.03.2024 22:08

I think Anna sounds psychopathic. This is not only narcissism.

@janwillis99 - 15.03.2024 04:14

I have also been through the Narcissist conning. I am also incensed that the Netflix show glorifies the Narcissist and con and does not delve into the torture that Rachel endured on so many levels and in so many ways throughout the story.

@janwillis99 - 15.03.2024 04:21

Our society values someone being able to boldly "pull the wool over someone's eyes" MORE than they value sensitivity/empathy for someone's pain at being tortured and victimized. I think it is sick and scary as society ought to be a "tribe" helping one another. I am afraid where things are headed.

@marihi8621 - 24.03.2024 15:34

Thank you for this interview!

@marriemarie2056 - 12.04.2024 00:22

I'm excited to see Anna doing well. I'm gn thru divorce from awful narssasist but I take responsibility for my choices/decisions. I knew how he made me feel... I stayed.... And still I wish him well. I hope Anna & Rachel both do well in life.

@carissafisher7514 - 19.04.2024 09:42

Rachel seems like a mooch. Anna paid her $5,000 and the American Express card dropped the charges. She was using Anna for her money! Nice people don't sue!! She has made sooooooo much money for her article, book, and movie deals. Maybe they are both living beyond their means? If you can't afford a trip, don't go!

@Dsgabi456 - 28.04.2024 21:46

I don’t give a fuck about Rachel. She was NOT dealing with a NPD. She was dealing eith an Anti Social Personality Disorder.

@jmpayne333 - 08.05.2024 15:54

Survivor ? Rachel’s a survivor ? Of what taking a luxurious vacation ? Free loading but when the bill came down crying victim ? Why was Rachel even friends with Anna ? Rachel is just as narcissistic but not as smart.

@jmpayne333 - 08.05.2024 15:55

The bill will always come due nothing is free. Most adults understand that. I feel no sympathy for Rachel. She literally got rich off this story. She’s not traumatized. On top of it she was a willing participant of everything. She was happy to be a free loader only a victim when she had to pay for the luxury life.

@s22centuaryfox - 20.05.2024 04:56

Even if Rachel took meals from her doesnt mean that she couldn't have got conned later, its part of the love bombing, she was trying to help a friend with her card, its very complex. Her telling her story and making money is good so there is awareness that there is people that can do this and their intentions and how they lure your in and get your to trust them, she is doing the opposite of conning, that should be rewarded. Of course the narc wont just say give me $62000 upfront, they will put you in akward position where you feel you dont have much choice, the point is they have no intention to pay it back and took it deceitfully, under false pretence. Rachel told her side and went to law enforcement as she had no other choice! Thats not turning on someoene, if someone done something terrible to you, you will have to turn on them, its you vs them, we all have bills to pay not just the con-person. Too many people are enablers, thats how Annas are born. Good on Rachel, she is brave and showed you dont need the approval of the narcassist and people pleasing does not work. This is the story that should have been glorified.

@s22centuaryfox - 20.05.2024 05:23

The Narcissist is often glorified and further enabled and the victim is shamed, which is the biggest problem with society. Luckily Rachel stood up, most wouldnt and that how they get away.

@lialoveee28 - 10.06.2024 23:14

I read Rachel's book My friend Anna, it was really interesting

@lindamcmanus3057 - 09.07.2024 04:07

Anna “Delvey” Sorokin has no soul.

@vurgun13 - 12.07.2024 02:14

Rachel 🐍

@silvanaaristotelova6758 - 14.07.2024 20:15

I think people like Rachel are part of the problem. Anna couldn't scam rich people, she scammed people who thought they could use her. Rachel most likely thought she was the one exploiting Anna until she didn't... I'm not excusing Anna's actions in any way, she is truly an psychopath who got off easy, but Rachel was just plain stupid and naive. She didn't deserve this but I can't close my eyes on the fact that she was a freeloader that only got mad when she got tricked. Both were playing the same game to one another, the Russian was just better at it.

@PatriciaWilson-fy3co - 15.07.2024 05:13

The only real thing Anna "Delvey" is surviving is an undiagnosed personality disorder.

@UnbornWarrior123 - 23.07.2024 07:24

I herd Netflix is paid for her lawyer and treated her with more funds apart from it... I see with the kind of life style, she would spend the money in 3 to 4 months max and next to square one... and her ignorance to recognize the root cause will made her end up in jail once again.

@zgirlbrooks101 - 24.07.2024 16:08

Rachel is a narcissist 😅

@jenniferzevia317 - 30.07.2024 10:52

I feel so bad for Rachel. People are insane for criticizing her. ANYONE in that situation would do the same. She has full rights to seek all monetary compensation she can, as far as I'm concerned.

@lauraelezi5489 - 15.08.2024 23:00

thank you so much. I saw the ending of the show ‚inventing anna‘ and was shocked how they portrayed anna at the end.

@sohinibanerjee9617 - 19.08.2024 21:00

Rachel was an opportunist too

@BibianaHroboňová - 12.10.2024 19:48

What do you say about Anna being on dancing with the stars with her ankle montitor.

@mridupandey9065 - 18.11.2024 15:45

You have the weakest character, M not saying Anna is right, but you are as opportunist as she is, Why did you go for the trip in the first place, to take advantage out of someone's privilege and she was locked in jail, you have no remorse for turning her in... Shut up bro now
You both deserved each other and both should have had the consequences
She had but you didn't

@America-d4h - 12.12.2024 17:13

Haha Ana Delvey is the best out there

@lalayastill610 - 23.12.2024 10:45

Thank you, dr, that was the most compelling part of the story, for me, the way rachel was treated both during and afterwards

@mariellencressman9624 - 01.01.2025 00:10

Don't you think she's a psychopath and not just a malignant narcissist???

@Ylva-xv4fz - 01.01.2025 17:27

I watched the series, and I didn't think Rachel was portayed as self-complicit. I only saw that the defence and the journalist and the remaining friends pushed that narrative! Some of us see through those ruses. However, I am astonished at how American culture seems to shape this, that Anna was a victim of American capitalism and class, and that she's somehow glorified for it.

@ivapetrovska9986 - 15.01.2025 00:24

I lost all respect for Dr. Ramani after seeing her talking with this obvious narcissist, Machiavellian and vindictive user of a person - Rachel! 📌
So, Rachel is the alleged victim because she had to pay ONCE for her own holiday, after being consistently financially covered for every luxury item and service in one of the most expensive cities in the world by the "Narcissist" Ana for 2 whole years !!!!

Rachel constantly not only accepted gifts, but ordering herself luxury services which she expected her "narcissistic" friend to pay for.
The difference between the 2 narcissists - is that At least Ana was a visionary, a charismatic competent person, whereas Rachel has not shown a single respectful or redeeming quality.
Opportunistic people are disgustingly pathetic. Never order or use something you can not pay for your self !

@ivapetrovska9986 - 15.01.2025 00:35

Dr. Ramani I think you should delete this dangerous interview giving platform to another narcissist - speaking as an attorney with decades of professional and private experience of narcissistic abuse, as well as your former fan.

@IcarusLhooq-bc7uq - 15.01.2025 04:55

we ve heard of both

@SquirrellyShenanigans - 27.01.2025 20:41

good interview! hated the way the show glorified Anna and portrayed Rachel in a negative light as profiting from it so what Anna did to her really wasn't that bad. I am glad it worked out for Rachel in the end. I was about 20 years old when I experienced my first narcissistic friendship, we were roommates and I was always picking up the tab at restaurants, covering rent, and doing errands for her didn't take me very long before I realized how she was taking advantage of me, she would be either really sweet or really mean to me. Long story short, I moved myself out without notice and never spoke to her again. When people show you who they are, believe them.

@PaulyShore898 - 05.02.2025 19:35

Anna's Russian heritage points to a history of this very type of "might makes right" seizure of power. Russian Boyars would kill each other for power with no empathy or consideration for the cost. We've seen this with the soviet union as well and this is why you can't even trace the ancestry of modern Russians today. People who have grown up in wealth are naive and easy to take advantage of by sharks and our culture places too much value on wealth and looks down on those without wealth which fuels the whole grindset culture

@EdytaAnnaMichalska - 07.02.2025 22:00

It makes me sad that Dr. Ramani said that being disorganised is a red flag. I have ADHD and do my best, but I’m disorganised.

@DavidP793 - 16.02.2025 10:47

Rachael was a clinger.

@kathyk4504 - 23.02.2025 11:54

(1) I wonder if there are personality types that affect narcissistic traits. Because I seem to attract some of these traits and feel bad for them.

(2) It makes me sad that so many people say there is no cure for these people. How can that be? We can treat every other mental conditions. Don’t these people have goodness in them? And isn’t there a way to access that?

@chartydurrant744 - 28.02.2025 08:36

Thank You so much Dr Ramani! I am just recovering from the EXACT SAME! A rich QC who is a serial scammer who cheated me out of my home. It is a TERRIFYING experience and the more of us who speak out and also hold the abusers accountable the sooner this madness will stop. i continue to have black magic aimed at me am stalked and harrassed by a monster who is living in my house. And worse this is a serial repeat scammer who works for the criminal justice system a pathological liar who puts her hand on the holy book in The Old Bailey UK - these psycos are everywhere and always the same - money hungry power hungry - nothing more than a con woman!
