Advanced Billiard Tutorial #9: AIMING SYSTEMS!! -- Venom Trickshots

Advanced Billiard Tutorial #9: AIMING SYSTEMS!! -- Venom Trickshots

Venom Trickshots

3 года назад

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ChatBot1337 - 17.09.2023 09:21

Parallel and especially CTE... dafuq?? No wonder everyone uses ghost ball.

TheGodOfPez - 16.09.2023 20:28

Great tutorial, thank you! Also, Valerie is lovely!

Byrom Taylor
Byrom Taylor - 13.09.2023 23:42

valerie prefers a million balls ....theres hope for us all///

Sachin Rane
Sachin Rane - 24.08.2023 19:06

camera work is poor... doesnt show where she is pointing at behind the CB

Sachin Rane
Sachin Rane - 22.08.2023 21:46

there is one more method.. where in instead of "imagining the ghost ball", point your stick on the OB, you get a reference point on the felt behind the OB where your CB will pass thru and aim the CB at that reference point behind the OB.. .works perfectly!

铁Tim - 22.07.2023 23:00

the aiming system can use on snnoker also ?

Jay Aeecee
Jay Aeecee - 28.06.2023 20:03

I understand part of the CTE. But I just don't understand the sweeping left or right and pivot one cue tip. I think i'm mixing the CTE with ghost ball. Oh well.

Mehmet Bozdemir
Mehmet Bozdemir - 13.06.2023 13:41

Your aiming perception gets lost when attempting longer shots. All you think about is trying to hit the object ball at a particular point and end up missing the pocket by miles and scratching your head afterwards. I've tried many methods that gave me the impression it's working but coming to crunch time playing in tournaments with added pressure, all those technical points get blurred and everything falls apart. Trying to break things down technically will only end in disappointment. Working on perfecting your cue action/timing would be more affective as once that breaks down, it affects everything. There are no shortcuts to getting to the top. I doubt the top players are using any kind of aiming system. They focus on their stance, keeping the cue straight, deliverance and making one pot at a time.

Irwansyah Pasay
Irwansyah Pasay - 26.05.2023 12:24

Lol, there is no system, with all deflections and swirls plus when those combines with the variety of the speed of your shots, the only way you can master it is by doing it thousand times 😉

JAKE Vlogs
JAKE Vlogs - 17.05.2023 08:56

Nice tutorial.. God bless

Nikolas Glassakis
Nikolas Glassakis - 22.04.2023 09:11

How the hell can you aim while wearing glasses? That seems very hard for me. I always prefer putting contact lenses while playing billiard.

MrAntup - 12.04.2023 00:37

Just a once a week league bar box player. I know 3 angles fullball halfball and thin that i can always see the angle i need is on them or between them. Of course i miss a bunch but mostly via poor alignment rushed delivery bad follow through and at times hitting where I aimed but I aimed wrong. CTE sounds like you need a two week camp to learn correctly . hamb i think is were it is at for a pro thinking about aiming would not be good

Ivan - 01.04.2023 12:21

CTE:I understand everything, but - where is the actual point on the object ball that you are aiming for when you go down with 1 tip left/right?

Hosoi Archives
Hosoi Archives - 21.03.2023 07:43

I like this video

Jeremy Parris
Jeremy Parris - 13.02.2023 02:11

I prefer a combination of OCP (opposing contact points) and H.A.M.P.S (hit a million practice shots). Just hitting a million balls in games doesn't make you better much faster. Setting up your problem shots and practicing them until you get them down will improve your game in a fraction of the time. And I don't think any aiming system should be more complicated than OCP. It works at every angle, at any distance, and simplifies the addition of using spin to your shots.

nedj10 - 09.02.2023 13:12

The Parralel system needs a better explanation,

Bog Standard Ash
Bog Standard Ash - 07.02.2023 14:56

Hamb is best. Just play and get a feel. Especially on a American pool table. Snooker is much less fun to start on.

The key area that nobody talks about is cue ball control. Learn that and you leave easy shots for yourself.

Essentially work out what half ball hit does, then what quarter ball hit does then what three quarters ball hit does, then judge where the shot comes between those known outcomes and aim to suit.

Also learning to play in a way that makes the pocket as big as possible helps.

Zack Davis
Zack Davis - 05.02.2023 06:28

He’s lying he’s using CTE Pro One!! I see it with my own eyes👀

polymathecian - 31.01.2023 13:02

Valerie is a cutie.

sharkonet - 18.01.2023 00:32

Valérie je t'aime 😍😍😍

Paul Reprado
Paul Reprado - 17.01.2023 07:37

I could never see the ghost ball properly. I just got better at aiming using HAMB. On the ghost ball, I never knew that you could visualize the contact point better by simply identifying the aim point (the middle of the ghost ball from a 2D top down perspective). That's easier to spot and remember.

Jason Nieuwenhuis
Jason Nieuwenhuis - 11.01.2023 20:47


The FELLA - 01.01.2023 12:46

Can I have Val's job ?

Airtontexeira Texeira
Airtontexeira Texeira - 29.12.2022 15:01

muito bom essa aula

eugene lemay
eugene lemay - 14.12.2022 20:17

Merci pour cette merveilleuse technique c'est très efficace et très logique

Backyard lures
Backyard lures - 09.12.2022 07:53

I use HAMB, but I found that poolology is very useful too

antoux - 02.12.2022 12:29

I don't care about billiard anymore i just want to marry this women 😍😍😍😍😍😍

Bill Pii
Bill Pii - 28.11.2022 13:31

I just use the Old Markone Eyeball. The real trick is hitting the cue ball correctly.

Dennis Chua
Dennis Chua - 22.11.2022 04:44

CTE is more like pivoting your body. To make it easier, pivot in such a way you can see the POCKET or RAIL, automatically you will see ball relations as well, everything will be easy. But this is an amateur shot. You will get to enjoy the game though, and will win you some games also, but not good enough if you are going to play with pros.
Another thing, if you are going to use CTE (basically this is pivoting while you are drop down). Use a conical shaft, or be sure you are using a conical shaft. A constant diameter shaft will not work on this type of shot (CTE).

M H - 13.11.2022 09:57

By saying he wasn't the inventor of the so-called CTE system, should one infer he's the inventor of the other systems?

RB De Castro
RB De Castro - 10.11.2022 04:46

Awesome job

王均宥 - 30.10.2022 14:42

How CTE shot with side?

Bob Snooker.
Bob Snooker. - 26.09.2022 16:11

You need to do a lot more research on CTE you do not fully understand how it works.

Jonas Vandermeersch ✨
Jonas Vandermeersch ✨ - 20.09.2022 21:19

Valerie is super pretty. I was listening way to less and looking way to much

Ravindra Kumar Muktavarapu
Ravindra Kumar Muktavarapu - 06.07.2022 09:58

Question- In CTE you are aligning the left edge of the cue ball with either A or B or C ( or even D) on the object ball and the diagram shows that line. But when you place the cue ( say to the right of the cue ball before changing to center using pivot) is the cue line parallel to the first line ( the line from edge to A or B or C)? Can you please do one video showing the original line and also a line when you actually place a cue for the shot..

TheLdrocks12 - 23.06.2022 00:44

Why aim? Lol

EV-YT - 18.05.2022 08:01

I noticed you said the perception is from the of the to the point (A, B, or C) on the . But I just watched Stan Shuffett's video and he said the perception is from the of the cue ball to the point on the . I find that your way pockets more balls than Stan's method.

All Good
All Good - 09.05.2022 06:59

Thank you... practise makes progress! 👍🎱👍

Paul Allen
Paul Allen - 01.05.2022 01:00

Well done. You're a great team.

David Dolve
David Dolve - 08.04.2022 03:02

Venom your illustration on the acute right cute is wrong, lining the left edge of the cue ball to A. Should be R edge on the cue to A for that right. cut

Brian Kent
Brian Kent - 02.04.2022 18:24

one thing I never seem to find with the CTE, is how do I then apply spin to the cue ball with CTE

Dominador Chan
Dominador Chan - 26.03.2022 20:28

The CTE aiming system as demonstrated here would have been more well understood if Florian used a video camera behind the balls in every demonstration. The CTE is a complicated method to follow especially for beginners, and without the camera behind each shot it will make the method more difficult to follow.

Steven Hilbourn
Steven Hilbourn - 24.03.2022 09:44

No matter what system or how many systems, if you line the object ball up with the pocket, the contact points are all the same [ DEAD CENTERL ] IF IT NEEDS TO GO LEFT, YOU GONNA HIT THE CENTER OF THE OBJECT BALL, NO WAY AROUND IT !!! LINE BALL UP WITH POCKET, IT NEEDS TO BE HIT RIIIGGHT HERE !! GUESS WHAT??? YEP CENTER OF OBJECT BALL!! LOL

ZTAN THE EXPLORER - 14.03.2022 14:34

It is hard to imagine the ghost ball in actual shot.

Ace Liu
Ace Liu - 04.03.2022 17:33

Thanks for this video. Really appreciate it

Wonderful World
Wonderful World - 29.01.2022 20:10


Tom Cole
Tom Cole - 20.01.2022 19:21

Hard to concentrate on pool for some reason.

TheNuggzt3r - 19.01.2022 01:28

For me the ghost ball method just feels like the most natural one. I don't want to think of angles, parallel lines and so on. Many good players don't really use a real aiming system. They just know where to aim because of practice and their experience. That's what I want to achieve to make the game less complicated (of course on a different level than pros). I recently started playing with sidespin which was a bit overwhelming at first. Would I combine that with one of the other aiming systems I would need forever to go down to a shot.

I had some problems with the ghost ball method at first because I simply tried to get the cueball to the ghost ball. However aiming at something imaginary felt strange. I have to imagine a line through the ghost ball and find a spot on that line (for example where the line touches the object ball). Now I have something I can actually see to aim at.

Jose perez d
Jose perez d - 13.01.2022 11:53

I think that parell aiming system is not great explain it
