How to read people: Decode 7 body language cues

How to read people: Decode 7 body language cues

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@abdullahshemsu890 - 14.10.2020 21:21

Wow i like teacher

@aadarsh8306 - 15.10.2020 19:28

She is cute and looks very good in red - orange

@debbie1504 - 28.11.2020 01:56

What about someone using too much hand/arm movements? How much is too much? It gets annoying, looks robotic.

@NewJourneysFireLP - 04.12.2020 01:42

I've always battled with social anxiety, and many of the things I've learned in these body language videos is that I realized I sometimes default to some of these body languages like arm crossing and mouth covering while genuinely being authentically 'myself'. It opened my eyes to see how some of my default body language such as mouth covering could be seen as deceptive when I'm actually being authentic. It also made me realize to be careful of how things appear, and also to be wary that some of these body languages in others could also be their own form of social anxiety. Since learning this stuff, I am trying to be more conscious of some of my default body language and how it could come across as.

@analizabayabos7728 - 21.12.2020 10:39

Great information. I've subscribed and seen some of your videos on studying human behavior and there's so much to learn. Grateful for your knowledge. Can I suggest though for you to talk slowly sometimes and not to mumble your words, as if you are in hurry to finish your sentence. It sounds more like a teenager talking (I have 2). My apologies to comment about this but I can't help but notice. And I think as a communicator and an advocate for human behavior, conveying your idea in an understandable way is very important especially when you have a vast number of followers from different walks of life. Thank you Vanessa.

@killakalli9918 - 08.01.2021 07:09

The guy in this video looks stiff. You can see him swallowing in the neck.

@artedigitaluniverso - 19.02.2021 10:59

thanks for sharing 🌳🎬🙂🧠

@sheilahawkins8861 - 20.02.2021 08:13

You're absolutely awesome, I have improve my myself and management skills, thank you

@FranklinThe1 - 25.02.2021 17:35

I tilt my head all the time

@trevorgwelch7412 - 19.03.2021 15:38

Why do some woman always touch my arm or laugh when I speak to them ? Sometimes the conversation turns to sex ... not that I was thinking of it .

@evenorcastrejon1504 - 09.06.2021 17:22

Berry informative ;)

@jellybellyfun3288 - 21.09.2021 19:54

Oprah is the best listener? Ha! She's the best interrupter!

@Zihaam011 - 23.10.2021 22:37

Great 👍

@Mapuleunfolds - 20.12.2021 08:47

My hands are always all over the place when I talk 😂 at some point I thought it wasn’t a good thing.

@gauravgill2008 - 14.02.2022 09:40

It was insightful, loved it

@ayoubex1951 - 21.04.2022 01:17

I hear and see this a lot solid stuff, but in my case when i close up cross my arms is when i'm really comfortable and ready to listen carefully to something more interesting than usual 🤷🏻‍♂️, i prefer to examine the face cause he is crossing arms but his facial expressions and how he reacts and what he says doesn't show nervousness or faking, still taking this into account cause i can misread what's happening.

@AndrewNation13 - 29.04.2022 22:34

Vanessa is seriously the ultimate high-value woman❤️

*tilts head

@thekingdom1808 - 12.08.2022 00:17

I've always been quite good at reading people but this really helped me and I realized that I do some of these and that i should be more cautious when it come to body language so thank u

@genkiferal7178 - 16.08.2022 01:08

That first one about shame: I'd argue that we do that as much as a social cue than anything else and that some people may ONLY do it as a social cue and not do it if they don't want others to know of their shame.

@yaseniaroman444 - 06.09.2022 23:32

Big fan

@anthonyryan9706 - 05.12.2022 07:23

Your supear looking smirk gives you away...what a slapper

@anthonyryan9706 - 05.12.2022 07:31

All body language is crap

@anthonyryan9706 - 05.12.2022 07:33

I have seen more brains in a broad bean

@anthonyryan9706 - 05.12.2022 07:41

Body language must have convicted many innocent people...people supposedly educated in this grevious misjudgement will have glorified themselves in their accusations

@dgetzin - 10.01.2023 02:03

None of this matters when people don’t hide things from each other and don’t expect to hide things from others and don’t wish to manipulate people.

@valarielewis64 - 31.01.2023 09:27

What if you cover your mouth because you're embarrassed you have bad teeth ❓

@diegokasas77 - 23.02.2023 19:28

Great product placement of your book on the coffee table😊

@rupakbiswasmartialarts7655 - 18.04.2023 18:15

Thank you so much elder sister 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪

@DJstoopnig - 19.04.2023 02:39

I'm on the autistic spectrum and this series of videos that you put together have explained everything that I always wished I had known. You are making a difference in the world. Please, continue to help us.

@samgold9151 - 22.04.2023 21:31

Can you work on?
Body Language Cues

White Folks.
Black Community.
Japanese Community.
Indian Community.
Asian Community.
Middle East People.
Deaf Individuals of American Sign Language.
Blind Individuals of American English Language.
Autism Individuals.
Gay Community.
Polyamorous Humans.

@MilindBorkar_MENTOR - 23.04.2023 14:56

What about crossing legs?????

@MilindBorkar_MENTOR - 23.04.2023 14:57

Thank you for your insights about body language.

@joseabad2552 - 14.05.2023 14:01

Thanks for sharing this information have a tubular day ❤

@eljefe2589 - 02.07.2023 14:27

why do we turn down the volume on the car radio when we can't find a parking spot?

@EpicGeopolitics - 01.10.2023 11:40

This was a really great video, thanks guys!

@MadameUnikite - 23.11.2023 22:30

For me, the one thing I would add around the second one is, I personally, will cross my arms while talking to someone. For me it is not to close a person off as I am invested in what they are saying, it's because I suffer from chronic pain. It's my way of physically dealing with the pain I am curranty feeling during a conversation. I might also cross my arms if I'm feeling exhausted, like I'm trying to hold up my body to stay focused on the conversation. Of course this is while I'm standing for the conversation.

@HP_Quinn - 24.12.2023 23:43

Saw the part online about RBF ... I have something to share!

Getting a small injection of Botox in my DAO (depressor anguli oris) muscle on each side of my mouth was a game changer!
It neutralizes the mouth by temporarily weakening the muscle that causes the mouth to turn down on each side.

In my own personal experience, I found my overall mood seemed elevated and I felt friendlier.

@jond1325 - 24.02.2024 00:02

What about leg-crossing?

@dennisdull4136 - 08.03.2024 14:47

Becasreful with this, its not all true. I have adhd and many of the topics do not match with certain people. You will exclude or miss read many people and could cause more harm than trying to read someone. I know of stories that people were discredited ignored and resulted in a fatality. I have met thousands of people in my life. And there needs to be further research into this.

@lukasbarnes4905 - 26.03.2024 18:38

How to watch your tone of voice in conversation ?

@aboutsocialanxiety - 09.04.2024 19:48

So many of these behaviors can be caused by social anxiety, be careful when interpreting what they mean in other people! If you have social anxiety yourself, it can help to be aware of the signals these behaviors send even if you struggle to not do them.

@pg9128 - 22.04.2024 15:05

Eyebrow raise is wrong. When you're speaking to someone and you raise your eyebrows, this is made to get more attention from the listener, to what you are saying. not the opposite as she says. it's basic and she is wrong there. 
Americans are super expressive. In other cultures, if you are listening and paying attention to something you find more interesting during the conversations you close your eyes a tiny bit to focus better but don't raise the eyebrows.

@DahirWarsame-pv9pm - 25.05.2024 21:08


@rupachemudupathi9569 - 09.06.2024 09:03

Great 👌

@williamorr3084 - 10.07.2024 11:12

Yet her legs stay crossed and closed off the entire time. Which either means 1. She's relaxed.. based on other body language signs.. 2. She's closed off.. based off online (Negative body language signs)

@sharonmack535 - 02.09.2024 21:01

I have also noticed that when a person becomes uncomfortable about what they are hearing they will pick up their glass and drink. You must pair that one with the context of the discussion but I always notice this.

@gouyong8943 - 20.10.2024 18:26

What it means of savor smile

@tanyaalongi5690 - 12.12.2024 01:41

Appreciate your awesome work, Vanessa and team. Wish they taught our kids these powerful tools to help navigate life! Thank you so much!

@dandydiavoless310 - 26.12.2024 22:56

Its always delightful listening to this wonderful woman... BUT I have to admit cameraman caught up with my ADHD in big ways. see the camera was panning out when it should have been panning in and vice versa. let me explain... when the person talks to the camera, camera should pan in.. and when the person looks away, camera should pann out.... it's like a dance you see..... anyway.. just sayin (in case camera dude is reading) 😬😆😅

@NoxLumen-c4i - 13.01.2025 20:58

Thanks for making such a detailed and informative video.
