How to Prepare for a Clinical Psychology Interview | One Thing I wish I had Thought About!

How to Prepare for a Clinical Psychology Interview | One Thing I wish I had Thought About!

Phil's Guide to Psy.D.

2 года назад

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@candicejoseph7411 - 19.09.2022 18:53

Good day Phil, I sent you an email, hope you receive it?

@1orange8 - 04.01.2023 22:04

This is a great tip!! Thanks Phil.

@Danruiz1188 - 20.01.2023 23:53

Hey Dr. Phil! I was wondering what your thoughts are on sending a thank you email following an interview?

@JessyRockz - 10.02.2023 02:52

This is actually a great tip! I would add to have your LinkedIn account up to date as you never know who might view it ;). I happened to log in and noticed my profile had a few views and noticed one of the views was from one of professors (and assistant clinical director) from the university I am most interested in attending! I noticed they viewed my profile about 3 weeks before I was invited to Interview Day! :)

@TalanaJordan - 16.02.2023 04:30

amazing advice! I have my interview tomorrow so this is super helpful :)

@MariaHernandez-uz8qc - 12.02.2024 03:50

Im an ESL teacher in PR and now I want a change in career. I have a Masters in Education and would like to enroll in a Psy.D program. Does this sound crazy?
