Complex Trauma and its Effects on Child Development

Complex Trauma and its Effects on Child Development

NYU Langone Health

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@johntobey1558 - 28.11.2023 01:09

Good articulation of Dr.Bowlby's work from the 1950's .

@MentallyRetardedHamilton - 12.05.2023 21:57

Narcissist druggie parents with all the friends create kids for prison/institutionalization and are rewarded for it. Narcissist parents always have 9 year old boyfriends to do the dirty work of causing brain damage for every springtime. There are signs that are very easy to see that no one noticed. America is a haven for moonie cult members.

@MentallyRetardedHamilton - 12.05.2023 21:54

This was taught to university students of the 1950s as the way that prisons would be a cash cow, like plastics. They also were taught that future prisoners, children, needed asthma to be perfectly set up for the poor health of someone excluded from friendship. Slumlords were on a mission from God to provide mold and meldew.

@GhostOnHiatus - 25.11.2022 16:45

for the people with the response of HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE: of course! we choose to be deeply traumatized and unhappy with our existence 100%
happiness is only a choice when you have the power of knowledge and understanding. many do not realise this choice because they are stuck within the confines of a trauma-wired brain that doesn't reason logically or relax at all and is scared of EVERYTHING. its dismissive to whittle it down to happiness is a choice when the traumatized don't even KNOW they are traumatized. And don't even understand their unhappiness, its a default setting carried through life due to development and sometimes familiarity.
They just think there is something intrinsically wrong with them and their existence because of the abuse. so the choice of happiness is not there if you don't even know that is A THING, and how you are living, thinking feeling and believing in is all wrong, but completely and utterly NOT YOUR FAULT.

You cant mould clay into a vase and then once its come out the oven tell it no!! you should be a plate! then cast it aside and say but everyone else was made into a plate, you just gotta choose to be a plate my dude, you gotta choose harder.

Happiness is taught. the same as trauma, pain, love, hate. we've learned to think the way we do through example
Sometimes when others move on from the pain they turn around and say "its a choice guys!", I've seen it a couple times even in this very comment section.
Those people have been shown how to be happy, and that they can be happy and are most probably immersed in love either from others or their own and have forgotten how powerful the shame, guilt, self hate, self sabotaging demons controlling your every thought every dream and waking life experience - the cloud of trauma and how hard it is to see reality through it.
People need to be taught how to be happy and that comes with love, knowledge and understanding

@a.doughtie6882 - 27.09.2022 20:46

So where do we find this kind of help? Qualified professionals are scant and hard to find. Is there a provider list somewhere of recommended people to reach out to?

@richardb6510 - 15.07.2022 12:23


@murderthemassacre - 28.04.2022 03:12

I was drowned as a child by my father, some people don't know how lucky they are. how good they have it that they grew up without child abuse. I just wanted a normal life but I was drowned

@tautvydgylys - 06.04.2022 18:10

Hello iff he sleep and slleepp for brains baby really :-):^)^_^(^^):,-)

@liquidbleach2207 - 06.12.2021 19:43

Im fucked up lol, i was abused pretty much every day for 17 years as a child, often people think I should just get over it, but it's not so easy, some days, hours, weeks are so can hard, it's like I'm walking through molasses but emotionally, i feel stunted, angry and don't trust anyone. Stop telling me to just move on, stop telling me to just forgive, I'm quite literally a very emotionally damaged individual

@mikekjan4898 - 07.11.2021 10:57

It's all real. And it takes a serious toll on you. You have to work three times harder than everyone else because you're expending energy on crap emotions like fear and anxiety, which are counterproductive.

@saimamazhar9355 - 07.11.2021 10:26

Kindly filiver your video in urdu
on child psychology

@lextoohey - 01.09.2021 19:42

Thank you, absolutely informative and caring.

@nepsens6193 - 09.05.2021 22:40

Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in the United States are paid using diagnosis codes from the DSM-5 that lists each mental health disorder and the criteria to meet them. Currently, complex post-traumatic stress disorder is not in the DSM-5 so mental health professionals are left in a quandary, they cannot diagnose their patients with CPTSD and get paid for treating them. This leaves doctors and therapists no choice but to choose bipolar disorder or some other mental health challenge as their client’s diagnosis.

@EvLMusHroOoM - 02.04.2021 08:26

Mushrooms 🍄 DMT are the antidote. Don't forget It's all in the Set and Setting.

@xdelboy3000 - 11.03.2021 08:28

My father enjoyed beating and torturing me one session that sticks out is when he superglue my eyes shut and stuffed my mouth with socks to shut me up and punched me in stomach over and over . I'm 35 now and bn through 2 addictions and terrible constant anxiety and disasotation . Speaking to a councilor who thinks I have complex trauma .

@billfabian - 06.03.2021 03:37

Unfortunately when complex trauma is perpetrated by the parents ranging over the early years of the child’s life, their is no escape. The child’s old brain is working overtime to survive and the cortex is along for the ride. With many this pattern continues through adulthood with continuous fight or flight scenarios playing out day after day, year after year, for a lifetime. Just under the surface of these folks is a raging sea of stress hormones bathing the mind and body to the point where any perceived threat is acted upon. It’s a default setting. For the person with C-PTSD the best plans of mice and men remain just plans. The ability to implement the plans is missing from the equation. People around the c-ptsd individual can’t understand the barriers to executive function, which are like actual brick walls to the sufferer. Without insight (or a diagnosis), the person with c-ptsd has no idea why they feel like such a fuck-up. Chaos seems to be always at hand. In their minds there is no future, there is only now. Don’t expect this person to have a long term strategic plan, it’s not in their wheelhouse. Signed, a person with undiagnosed c-ptsd for 63 years. FUBAR!

@pfscanna - 27.01.2021 09:39

Do you buy all those books retail? Or do you send away for a shrink kit that comes with all those volumes included?

@STJr-po7xw - 21.10.2020 18:51

Yeah....what if the parent(s) is/are the cause of much of the child's trauma and instability and doesn't think that they have anything that they have to change and are unwilling?...

@SeanMichaelUpton - 12.10.2020 06:12

I am the youngest of three children with two older sisters. I was tormented for 10-12 years by my oldest sister. My middle sister was a coward who refused to stand up for herself or me (together we could have protected each other). Contstant humiliation and scorn, especially if I was interacting with other girls, by my oldest sister.

Here I am 33 years old, still unable to form real intimacy with any women. I am trapped by my past and, for one reason or another, somehow, I cannot reverse this trauma.
I would love human contact, intimacy, even just a hug. But I can't seem to undo the damage done to my psyche/spirit.

I feel I will be alone until this life ends.

@danielthegreat4161 - 08.10.2020 10:06

Omg I forgot all about my trauma

@whitefawn4196 - 05.09.2020 21:27

What if the parent is the source of the trauma but they don’t know it

@TheJoeCool1964 - 26.08.2020 05:03

When I was in the second grade, I think that I was 9. My Father called a family meeting, where my parents started to fight. Then Dad shot mom three times in the chest. Yes, today I have anxiety issues , did I mention that I have Epilepsy too. Did that or could that have come from the time when I was 9 ?

@inactiveaccount7238 - 12.08.2020 03:27

May have this. Just not ready to say my story

@Lerch916 - 22.07.2020 06:23

What if u hide something that causes the trauma from the parent

@dg-qn5mi - 14.07.2020 20:34

My brain is always on survival mode

@wendyberrios5957 - 08.07.2020 11:47

I hope everyone who is having issues in this comment section can heal and be at peace ✌️

@theohuioiesin6519 - 06.07.2020 17:28

This was a great video.

@angelafeldman5903 - 16.06.2020 03:02

No parents involved to retramatize the child. Abuser healing their own abuse on a child? No no no!

@helloworld1272 - 26.05.2020 06:18

I got hurt. The thing is I can’t remember anything. Does anyone know how to remember things like this?

@bigdlegend2220 - 04.05.2020 01:45

The shit was a mf 10 if 10 is maximum fuckin 10

@janetweller5790 - 15.04.2020 22:34

The parents were the abusers regarding me

@GitfiddleMike - 05.04.2020 16:08

Scholarly but quiet. The ideas here are worth hiring a technical adviser who knows that the recording volume of the interview should not require viewers to wear ear buds or raise their laptop volumes to maximum levels while placing their ears directly on the speaker. Of course, the producers of this video should be well aware of that.

@redallion5451 - 05.04.2020 13:35

I completely understand all of this. Growing up, I never had a childhood nor any humanity to begin with. Not only bullied by my peers but rejected by the teachers, staff and even a principal. Almost all the schools in the town wanted nothing to do with me to the point where they would isolate me from the rest of the kids or even lock me away in a separate room alone. And worse, I had to come back home to a broken family. I grew up not knowing anything about love, comradery or friendship bc I was tricked by crooks over and over again so then I had trust issues. So I understand how it feels to feel stripped of humanity. I wanna be a kid again too to take it all back. But I'm not telling you all this for pitty or make anyone cry, what I'm saying is that we can't spend our lives chasing the past cuz it's gone. Overtime you can heal. When we moved into a new town it was my first experience of love. Heck it was really the strangest thing that has ever happened to me. But chin up. All pain and suffering has an end. AND NO I'M NOT ENCOURAGING SUICIDE. We just have to make the choice to move on and heal. Happiness is a choice.

@BackBrainKicks - 03.04.2020 23:35

Excellent! Validating to watch this program. Thank you for your time and effort.

@SecCiv - 22.03.2020 06:13

The Trauma I have right now from my parents is when they fought a lot my mom cheated then she died to a organ pop and I still love her affected me by making me a lot more sensitive when people yell at kids I tear because it reminds me of my mom when she yelled at me for because when was drunk I felt alone scared with anxiety. I was younger than 7 when this happend I wasn't abused but those memories hit me just as hard as getting abused by emotional

It gets so bad sometimes I just want to end it all

@TeresaYanarosOfficial - 12.03.2020 23:41

CRUCIAL points. Thank you, friend, for sharing! -Teresa Yanaros

@christopherferenczi5634 - 08.03.2020 15:52

My worst experience was to a girl of my classroom, making a mark on her forehead with a pen. After that it gave the feeling, that maybe I wanted to leave a scar on her. I liked her, it was a girl that I liked from my classroom.

@FffffffffffffffffffffffffffffL - 27.02.2020 07:45

I've believed that I'm worthless, a loser, an idiot, dipshit, clown, because my father called me these names my whole childhood. My "lens" is that everyone laughs at me because I'm a subhuman, not worthy of dignity or respect.

There's no guidelines on what to do when your own parents are the trauma. With the lack of parental guidance I've gotten in my life, I feel helpless, trying to keep my head above water in a violent storm. I'm getting battered by the waves, and there's no one telling me where to swim.

@geenaboyce7252 - 26.02.2020 04:19


@irishah2901 - 08.02.2020 14:49

This trauma will be kill me one day

@THISDICFOO - 20.01.2020 01:06

Lots of cannabis helps

@corsairk5513 - 15.01.2020 19:57

so I only just found out what was wrong with me after 9 years of suffering from my mother's death in 2013 when I was 11, I just had a real psychological exam, I am 18 now and just finding out that my brain is fragmented in away from the trauma and that EMDR is supposed to help me regain control of myself and get out of this 3rd person hazy feeling I've felt for years. if there are any self treatment videos or tips anyone could give me i would really appreciate it, i just want a little bit of peace.

@jasongee1970 - 05.01.2020 18:42

I told a psychologist about my mother's uncontrollable fits of rage,verbal abuse and lashings with a belt as a kid as it has deeply effected me, he told me even though it wasn't right it was normal for kids to get that in the 70s and 80s and I just need to write a letter to her about it,but don't send it and that will fix the issue .One thing I have learnt from this is never trust a textbook psychologist with no experience of hardship or suffering, and never step into their office again.

@mrIpodmagic - 29.12.2019 20:20

This explains me 100 percent

@flyxh7529 - 22.12.2019 23:44

Who else is here after searching “how to get over emotional trauma” 😗✌️

@loribrown6455 - 14.12.2019 21:52

I am 53 and was in foster care 3 years at age 5 until 8. I have gone thru ptsd thru periods of if something tramatic happens and usually anxiety and have to get on meds. I believe in Jesus and he has helped me process a lot, but geez at 53 years old you thinks it would behind me but due to selfish family hiding the whole thing and sayng never talk about it made it worst. I urge you if your in foster care or have been talk about it it has to come out, the trauma thru counseling, crying, tear, anger. Yes it was wrong what happened why my own mother narcistic would of sent us there and hide it from my Dad and his family but I have to forgive her and to this day she will never be that mother I wanted but God has sent me spiritual mother.. Jesus is the only way and he will lead you to different places to get help he who the Son sets free is free indeed..

@PeachPlastic - 27.11.2019 23:55

I get the impression that 'regular' therapists who didn't specialise in trauma have very little awareness of the complex, more "invisible" forms of trauma.

@bermudakelp6224 - 26.11.2019 08:21

To the lady asking questions, I would have liked to see you ask questions about more relevant things to what he was talking about each time he answered. It seems like you had a list of questions to ask instead of asking questions spontaneously. That kind of killed my engagement to the video.
