How Everything Became A Subscription.

How Everything Became A Subscription.

How Money Works

1 год назад

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Devin Apple
Devin Apple - 01.11.2023 21:12

Netflix is way to expensive and seldom good content.

Raphaël Ambrosius 'fingerguns' Costeau
Raphaël Ambrosius 'fingerguns' Costeau - 01.11.2023 20:32

you're doing to yourselves. you have other options.

Your Favorite Uncle Hubert
Your Favorite Uncle Hubert - 01.11.2023 20:05

its another way to exclusivity. namely to exclude the poor. it used to be "you can only buy what you can afford". with the new normal its "you can only have in your life what you need and desire, if you can afford the subscription to it." and eventually how much you can do or own will be very limited by how many subscriptions you can afford overall. or rather, fall behind with one or two, debt spiral kicks in, lose ALL OF THEM.

the counter argument would be, well, if we make all subscriptions like a fiver or a tenner, eventually you will have racked up the same monthly amount you would have spent anyhow. "its cool! life will be so much more MODULAR."
but....will it be and stay that cheap? will there be basic needs that will be not a subscription, guaranteed by the state as social welfare? i mean as perverse at it is - social welfare IS a subscription. as long you need it youll get it. our rent IS a subscription model. insurances. the gym. YOUR JOB. and it checks out for most of us!
and now introduce the very likely to happen social scoring.

there will be not only losers to this, there will be worse off losers than ever before. the literal exclusion, visible and noticeable.

hockeyhalod - 01.11.2023 17:00

Gotta be careful what you subscribe to. And it sucks. I limit it to 5-10 at any time. Just so I know I can keep track.

Bill Jameson
Bill Jameson - 01.11.2023 11:31

It's weird that they don't LET you buy it, though.

Dima Gass
Dima Gass - 01.11.2023 01:57

You will not own anything which means you have less assets and you have to pay them forever

oneproudbrowncoat - 01.11.2023 00:53

Business is a subscription. That's what licenses are.

S Grimm
S Grimm - 31.10.2023 20:38

Only one subscription is woth it. Panera unlimited drink. $13/Month for free drinks every 2h

Mikadocorporatio - 28.10.2023 09:28

You can Thank Piracy

Memevondank - 24.10.2023 20:42

A subscription to me makes sense if the subscription is for a continuous service like a streaming platform like Netflex requires server maintenance and a constant power bill to give you netflex so it makes sense

But for heated seats in a BMW thats absolutely absurd it doesnt cost the company any money to keep the thing running and you bought the car

Rosen Petkov
Rosen Petkov - 22.10.2023 17:54

Subscriptions are indeed evil conspiracy designed to prevent from owning anything

777Electric - 17.10.2023 01:09

Greed. That's how.

Bob Iger
Bob Iger - 15.10.2023 19:11

Speak for yourselves, commenters!
The only thing my family and I have ever subscribed to besides car insurance is Amazon, and that's free on 6 month student trial!

I buy CDs, DVDs, vinyls, books, downloads, and yes, myclothing. My 2014 SRT Challenger is gas, and my stoves, thermostat, fireplaces, furnaces, door locks, etc., are all gas or mechanical --- and I intend to keep it so.

I retain control. I fix, replenish, modify, or restore where needed. I retain ownership. If you don't allow me to buy and own you, well then get pirated. Simple.

flobba123 - 12.10.2023 21:11

Tesla is gonna make most of their money from robot taxi subscriptions thats something most people have no idea about.

Przemek Sz
Przemek Sz - 08.10.2023 20:30

You will own nothing and be happy

Sevenatenine - 06.10.2023 05:22

Those who make Subscription without one time purchase alternative, off yourself and burn in hell 🥶

Marshapelo - 04.10.2023 06:05

I hate subscription software: adobe, microsoft office...

Kamura Hunter
Kamura Hunter - 11.09.2023 20:08

paid subscriptions are for suckers... i never paid in my life for a subscription and never will, if i want to watch a movie or a tv show guess what ? i'm downloading that shit for free from the internet

Voransh - 31.08.2023 16:57

A lot of subscription companies, like netflix, have started producing their own products as well. Naturally to reduce costs and boost profits they produce subpar products. So they've shot themselves in the foot and people aren't continuing to buy their poor products.

Neutral Warlord
Neutral Warlord - 30.08.2023 15:32

While people are doing the "griddy", those people are doing the "greedy"
