Mirror's Edge Review

Mirror's Edge Review


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@actualawry - 03.06.2024 03:04

i love this game's flow, its feeling of immersion and of course the aesthetics, both visual and auditory, with all my heart. i so so wish it could have gotten a proper sequel, instead of the pre-reboot-quel of catalyst.

@StoneyFry - 28.05.2024 15:25

Oh Wow.. I really liked this.

@Twiddle_things - 22.05.2024 22:41

I love Mirror's Edge. The story, gameplay, aesthetic. Everything. It made me question and even change my values. I love this game to fucking death and will never stop loving it

@ghhn4505 - 21.05.2024 12:02

Y'know, I always wanted to play this game for years, then I finally gave it a shot a year or two ago, got to level 2 and just kinda dropped it. Watching this made me interested in it again, thanks.

@isaiahjolin7178 - 16.05.2024 17:31

Hello The gaming brit show. My name is Isaiah and I have something important to say to you. God loves you and like any father he wants to help you and keep you safe especially from the devil. But I am not just speaking to you about this I am also talking to your fans about this. God loves you all and especially in the times we our living in we are in need of him more than ever. But the choice is ultimately yours have a nice day Shalom Shalom.

@kodikline8112 - 10.05.2024 05:46

Mirrors Edge is what brought me into parkour. And i wouldnt be as nearly as healthy, strong and mindful as i am now.

Parkour, training stretching etc when practiced and developed at an early age is a real game changer.

I only hope i can one day perhaps buy the original Mirrors Edge IP and build onto the glass world that catalyst shat on.

@hyamcacerez2538 - 30.04.2024 12:58

I wish EA had given Mirror's Edge to Respawn Entertainment. Titanfall 2 perfected movement shooters and they could have easily made the perfect Mirror's Edge game.

@EvernhamNo9 - 25.04.2024 17:53

Played it last year, absolutely incredible and I regret not supporting it at launch

@APPEALtoFEAR - 25.04.2024 03:07

"Mirror's Edge"
"Liminal Space: Electric Boogaloo"

All jokes aside; other than The Stanley Parable, I don't think I've ever experienced another game with such strong liminal space vibes

@aslightlystablefootsoldier9838 - 24.04.2024 01:01

Mirror's edge is one of those games you can't look away from. The place looks so washed out but.. Vibrant with colour brought to life by a mix so balanced it makes Thanos cry. The Parkour so simple yet so expansive and an ost that'll let you either run for your life or zone out and listen to the city.

I love this game, I'm glad to the lucky generation that got to play and enjoy it to the fullest.

@iwuvu5940 - 22.04.2024 11:28

I have a crush on faith

@OtakuBenny2210 - 19.04.2024 22:14

Was playing this yesterday on my ps3 still looks beautiful and so stylish.

@Mankey619 - 19.04.2024 04:44

Even for a game that came out in 2009. It still looks amazing, and the textures on the walls are just wow. These came out on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Really goes to show that how amazing those consoles were back then.

@fhjunior6183 - 17.04.2024 20:55

Thanks for the vid

@Mattznick - 17.04.2024 06:07

Mirror's Edge is so good

@jase276 - 16.04.2024 10:30

A Mirror's Edge review in 2024? Scratch that A Mirror's Edge video, PERIOD, in 2024? Did I step into the twilight zone?

@sidneytan7880 - 15.04.2024 23:44

Would love for you to explore the idea of digital afterlife with FF13.

@Mene0 - 14.04.2024 04:56

This is one of the coolest games I've ever played once, because I hate time trials haha

@NotSoMelancholy - 13.04.2024 14:17

This game blew my mind when I first played it, I can’t tell you how many times I played that demo over and over. It blew my mind when I revisited it almost a decade later, seeing stuff like the helicopter chase as gunfire it tears through the plastic covering of scaffold just looked and felt so cool and natural. I still love this game and am amazed that it still manages to look good.

I never realized that it had such a polarizing reception though, I knew gunplay was criticized but all the reviews I had seen and the general consensus of my friends were that it was great

Combat is interesting, while they didn’t seem to want to have the player reliant on gameplay interviews do seem to suggest they wanted to give the players more (melee) options and expressed their frustrations at themselves due to including a “no combat achievement”. Players would go for the achievement immediately (achievements used to be a big deal back in the day) ignoring all combat and making the game much harder for themselves leading to general frustration among players.

Overall, mirrors edge is special to me. I just ignore catalyst’s existence and love to come back to this and dream about what could’ve been if they had pursued something similar for a sequel.

@shlokwaghela9560 - 11.04.2024 13:38

Wait, Vector ripped this off? What the fuck

@OfficialRaveBlitz - 11.04.2024 07:01

God damn! I never got to play this game, but I can say, it looks friggin sick as hell! First-person Parkour, hell yeah!!!

@CandidaRosa889 - 10.04.2024 20:21

Mirrors Edge makes me miss the frutiger aero future, 2008 was a cool year for this

@hcohic9884 - 10.04.2024 15:40

even tho im not the biggest fan of the artistic direction games took in the late 00s and early 10s i can still credit the unique vision they went for. this games represents that well . a bleak lifeless serene utopia like everything is controlled by ai . coupled with ambiant music . this was one of the few games that did that right. reminds me a bit of '' wall e '' on the ps2. this was also a time when games were getting mainstream and naturally politics started invading them. the less said about the story the better. a decent game overall but was underwhelming for a so called '' next gen '' at the time

@ExpertContrarian - 10.04.2024 14:05

This game desperately needs an update for modernization or it will be completely dead on PC in a few years

@doomdimensiondweller5627 - 10.04.2024 07:16

"Parkour game" it's a platformer

@fh1478 - 09.04.2024 15:08

I always like when you make a review. Because it Forces me to play the games again so i can watch you review and get some different interpretations🎉

@PrimeHylian - 09.04.2024 05:01

Titanfall 2 Mentioned 🫡🫡🫡

@xJC4Rx - 09.04.2024 02:29

My take away from this video is that Mirror's Edge has much better visuals than I remember. You framed a lot of decent landscape shots that would make good desktop wallpapers.

@lichlame - 08.04.2024 11:14

Good timing! Thought about replaying this game like a month ago.

@1Coin1PlayGames - 08.04.2024 03:25

Nice video! Breakdown on OG Xbox showed the characters full body performing every action if anyone remembers that game.

@KaikuPen - 07.04.2024 23:31

76+ hours played according to steam. and that's not counting all the time I have played on console before that.

@MrDannyWright - 07.04.2024 23:08

I don't know why they had to try so hard to create sequel ties. If you're doing parkour in a big futuristic city then that's a Mirror's Edge sequel. I'm not even particularly attached to Faith.

@_Adie - 07.04.2024 22:19

Legitimately one of the best games ever made, probably. So unique that even a sequel (I know Catalyst isn't a sequel) doesn't feel the same. The visuals are still amazing, and god, the soundtrack, man. Honestly, The Shard made me cry at least once. And yes, Still Alive. Oh boy, my late-elementary school self was crazy about that song. And I still kinda am, I mean...

Every know and then I just fire the game up and beat it in one go. And every time I find a new way to beat a different section. Because not only the vibes, but the gameplay is immaculate as well.

still have no idea what the story is actually about though

@XesiAMV - 07.04.2024 21:25

what a game, I miss 2008

@kamurotetsu4860 - 07.04.2024 20:14

I played this game on release year and I didn't understand the concept, because I wanted to play Assassin's Creed, GTA 4 and Fallout 3. Now it's 16 years later and I want less open world games and want more short, linear, unique experiences like this. Thank you for the review.

@jondoe7036 - 07.04.2024 16:19

Oh cool, Mirror's Edge Review! This was my first PS3 game alongside Heavenly Sword.
I should give it a replay some time.

@josephiyamu - 07.04.2024 15:16

Genuinely one of my favourite games of all time.

@juliokazuki5185 - 07.04.2024 15:15

Fuck the story, this game is a masterpiece. Games don`t need story to be good.

@OMGSwift - 07.04.2024 13:41

Mirror's Edge was such a one-of-a-kind game. I thought it was a new frontier for video games, but when the sales weren't great that dream died a death.

@CreativeWM_Personal - 07.04.2024 10:52

The absolute worst part of the game is that forced quick time event boss fight with the wrestler guy, trust me you'll end up loathing the phrase "He sent you didn't he? Fuck you, no one threatens me"

@isauldron4337 - 07.04.2024 10:24

1: what the heck is digital afterlife
2: no offense but you've harped on the plot of other games in the past Next time you could leave it at: it's the game what keeps you coming back
3 the gunplay horseshoe talk....
You could simply leave it at: some people seem to like it , i don't

@lukewoulfe8689 - 07.04.2024 09:37

Mirror's Goon

@stuffedmannequin - 07.04.2024 05:59


@wingzer012 - 07.04.2024 05:23

So wished they'd continue the story of this game instead of rebooting it with Catalyst.

@PFBM86 - 07.04.2024 04:16

You really twisted yourself into a pretzel trying to justify the existence of this game's crappy gunplay

@iwanttoputkamuistoesinmymo5938 - 07.04.2024 03:11

I’d like to add splatoon 3 side order to the digital afterlife category

@pixlman - 07.04.2024 03:11

You can tell EA is trying to go back to this era of theirs, where they took risks with new IPs and ideas but everything they've put out so far has been so forgettable.
