The Perfect System

The Perfect System

Chris Titus Tech

1 год назад

466,585 Просмотров

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k: sassa
k: sassa - 20.11.2023 12:44

Hey Chris! Do you plan doing a rev on Asahi?

SaHaRaSquad - 31.10.2023 13:20

I wish there were more static window managers instead of 99% dynamic ones. I think they're better because they never rearrange windows automatically, if you have them set up how you like it then nothing will change the layout unless you change it yourself. The only problem is that both ratpoison and stumpwm behave weirdly with window focus when you use things like dmenu.

User 1795
User 1795 - 28.10.2023 02:11

Am I still to create the perfect system?

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 23.10.2023 04:02

God ALLOWED the freemasons to believe they had a perfect system. He let there pride build up just as high as the devils was when he was kicked out of heaven. So when the time came for the messiah to break that system, they would not even notice.

Ankka - 18.10.2023 23:30

Youre a lifesaver with this web hosting wisdom! Ive used HostGator and DreamHost, but Cloudways with TST20 coupoun is my hero.

rebok - 13.10.2023 23:02

I have just: 3168 (rpm), 379 (flatpak) packages

Janne Pelto
Janne Pelto - 11.10.2023 18:54

I gave up the perfect system some years back, still I come back here =). There will never be the one (Neo), the world needs change, feeling etc. I admire you still fight hard for something perfect. Ity shows your hunger for something better like a true engineer. Nowadays I am happy when I make really cool tools that first of all, automates as much as possible (Linux, Windows, Mac and other managers/systems. I do miss one of my systems with compiz back in about 2006 I think it was. Yes, I could probably set up a similar system today but I prefer to build new tools. =) Great video btw Chris. =)

Harry Riley
Harry Riley - 10.10.2023 19:07

My perfect system is Arch, I always return to it....and it just works on everything

Tamer Kesenkaş
Tamer Kesenkaş - 10.10.2023 09:38

Your hyprland project was a really good base to start on for making my own. It's very different now and I changed many things but for a newbie like me it was helpful

kernkraft-235 - 09.10.2023 22:01

My perfect system seems to be a contradiction. I want the “clean-ness” of gnome but the features and extensibility of KDE. It all depends on the task, I’d like a DE that was flexible enough to present radically different approaches at the workspace level, and maybe even have a “verbosity” level for the workspace. The workspace itself would be based on the activity and type of work i’m doing, and the “verbosity” would adjust the feature level, “intensity” might be a better way to describe it. I’d like intensity level 0 to be a super basic hyprland like experience, and max intensity to be closer to what a really well configured Plasma desktop can be. If i kept going i’d also add a “focus” level that would control how much or how little the other workspaces and system overall can interject. At low focus i’d have universal notifications like messaging and cross-workspace audio, but at max intensity it’d be like do not disturb and background workspaces would have their workloads resource priority minimized

I’ve considered doing this with multi-seat on different TTYs but there will be issues with shared settings that change based on DE

Peter Peterson
Peter Peterson - 04.10.2023 20:43

Thanks for the vid. I really like the idea of managing packages through nix, but I ran into an issue with bspwm, the OS doesn't list it as an option in lightdm. How did you integrate the wm with the os? (using nix-env on top of ubuntu)

Big Linter
Big Linter - 04.10.2023 13:31

the perfect system... well... i had many different ui's in use over the decades. i do miss waimea, also irix variant of cde..., these days i kinda like i3 for its static window placmenent, quite useful for streaming too... other than that, dwm is quite useful, i enjoy xmonad alot, openbox is a constant on one of my systems... i even enjoy the load of plasma sometimes... does it really matter what we use?

Right-Handed Fridge
Right-Handed Fridge - 02.10.2023 19:41

I love how you make articles on your videos as well

Rob Noe
Rob Noe - 30.09.2023 20:23

The biggest issue with Linux is you almost have to distro hop

xshadow - 30.09.2023 11:18

The perfect system: not Linux.

Mario Schroers
Mario Schroers - 27.09.2023 01:28

The first sentence sums up my struggle… 😅

dj dysentary and his henchman the pukebois
dj dysentary and his henchman the pukebois - 23.09.2023 16:41

everytime you clone a minimalist system, i'm gonna put one more fragile string in production code ☺

Ho Lee Fook
Ho Lee Fook - 20.09.2023 05:15

Crunchbang plus plus

reinux - 11.09.2023 02:07

Maybe there's a way to get xmonad to look nice?

eric kanter
eric kanter - 11.09.2023 01:57

Hey Chris at one time or another i have used Windows ,MacOs and Linux. And after years of playing around with different operating systems i have come to a realization. NONE of them are perfect. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. So i have adopted the position that as far as operating systems go i am an agnostic. And don't take this personal because the pet peeve of mine applies to everyone. OS evangelists are as annoying as political partisans to me.

sumdam wog
sumdam wog - 05.09.2023 08:50

Function over form. Now I know why I can relate to you and what you do. The thing about the perfect desktop is it's like a model railway, "It is finished but never completed"

Teszaract .
Teszaract . - 30.08.2023 07:53

My perfect system would be Debian 12 with NEWM (Nix) Decorated a bit with EWW and running Chromium Webapps and Flatpak GUI apps (if really required because a good Webapp isn't available for the job)..... made immutable using ABRoot.

Minimal, Extremely stable, fun to use, immutable distro, running Webapps (GUI) and Nix apps (CLI), is the way to go!

Jose Junior TI
Jose Junior TI - 29.08.2023 22:19

Arch Linux ❤

Julian Kirsch
Julian Kirsch - 25.08.2023 17:46

Aylur also created "Aylur's GTK Shell", which is an alternative to Eww. The best advantage IMHO is that Aylur's uses JS as the language rather than Eww's custom rolled Yuck language.

Label Me J
Label Me J - 22.08.2023 06:43

I have the same goal as you trying to make my pc the perfect gaming and coding environment so I thank you for your guides and tools for helping me get much closer to my goal. I’m trying to use Windows 10 as my main environment but WSL, Hyper-V with debloated W11 & Kubuntu, Dosbox-x, and Windows 95 & 98SE VM’s. Also with WineVDM and other compatibility layers and wrappers. I’m shooting for ultimate compatibility and performance. I’m currently getting my context menu set up so I can right click any file or directory to then run in any of those OS’s or to open with certain compatibility scripts to run with certain compatibility layers and wrappers. I’m more than halfway there with everything I’m doing. I’m mostly done with it being the perfect system I just gotta finish my context menu but the big thing make some scripts to implement into my custom ISO to make all the OS changes, installs, and settings I want as a perfect build to be done all in one swoop. The thing I’m not looking forward to is trying implement all of this into Windows 11, god I hate 11 with a passion. But dx12.2, auto hdr, and all that is a big plus I want and pretty much need.

Anyways thanks again Chris

obvious_giraffe - 17.08.2023 17:22


owo its Mr donut girl
owo its Mr donut girl - 16.08.2023 22:15

When is this happening

Ch33s3 - 12.08.2023 17:39

for me the perfect system is one where i can fire up casual games directly without any layers,wine,workarounds etc, im by far not gaming that much as ive used to in my younger days, but casually firing up a multiplayer round of call of duty or battlefield,speedrunners etc with my buddies without any hassle and knowing it performs the best natively this way is an essential function for me, next to all the work related stuff obviously.... as much as i love linux and lately especially NIX, having a cleaned up windows host running a ubuntu/linux vm on hyperv beneath where i remote desktop to it or browse its smb share is currently the peak of having a nice system available on my bare metal hardware at home, best of both worlds for me personally

Tobes L
Tobes L - 09.08.2023 09:23

I use windows 8

Josh - 06.08.2023 22:58

I tried building a similar system on Debian, but came across some issues nix unfortunately has with OpenGL (Kitty didn't even run on Gnome out of the box and even when getting it to run with nixGL it was still a bit messed up, I kind of got Hyprland to work but I wasn't able to get it to use the entire screen). NixGL helped, but the experience wasn't even close to being polished enough to be usable. Other than the issues with OpenGL the approch seemed ideal for my usecase, so did you come across similar issues or have any suggestions on how to go about fixing this?

Radu I
Radu I - 05.08.2023 14:25

I think the perfect system is something very simple to use and manage and also integrate good with everything else, especially with the phone, maybe we can install the same system on the phone or connect it with android and iPhone.

Luis Morón
Luis Morón - 03.08.2023 01:58

Hi, my desktop fedora i3 but now I want to probe hyprland, this is yours first video i am watching and i like it but i can't see you github dotfiles with hyperland, do you have one ?

ErNon - 01.08.2023 16:36

Your website is bugging: "Error code: RESULT_CODE_HUNG"

Adrian Scarlett
Adrian Scarlett - 29.07.2023 18:21

My favourite linux desktop paradigm was compiz fusion. I loved spinning the cube with the mouse wheel. I had a windows virtual box vm integrated on one side of the cube

Phobos - 26.07.2023 23:34

i use arch linux btw

Matija Čizmar
Matija Čizmar - 25.07.2023 17:26

I found mine..debian 12 with gnome, very simple, everything works..modern UI, and stable..but different people have different taste so..To each his own

Filipe Teixeira
Filipe Teixeira - 24.07.2023 21:18


leighton lanzetta
leighton lanzetta - 21.07.2023 09:20

have you messed with be'os

Yaroslav Gulko
Yaroslav Gulko - 15.07.2023 20:23

Will you use RockyLinix after RHEL close the sources?

Sayanth Tezro
Sayanth Tezro - 13.07.2023 00:45

Ah I find C.L.U

Vindix 007
Vindix 007 - 12.07.2023 23:08

Perfect system?
Arch Linux.

OptionSelect - 10.07.2023 00:32

It's a journey

Marcos Oliveira
Marcos Oliveira - 28.06.2023 13:10

I love systems that not make me change a whole computer to use it.
Minimum is enough!

OhHiMoM - 28.06.2023 11:38

i like how hes doing all this advanced stuff with a mid teir system as in a R5 5600x & rx 5600 i feel like every one is chasing the hardware dragon instead of the software

Stefan Gremm
Stefan Gremm - 27.06.2023 12:04

how i can lock the screen after suspend

limpqizbuit - 23.06.2023 01:33

I've been fighting my laptop for weeks now trying to keep grub from being removed by windows. It's an hp laptop and there are zero settings in bios. I can boot into Linux, install and grub installs and all. Can boot into Linux no problem. But the moment I boot into windows it nukes grub like a bitch. Anyone have any advice?

Micah Madru
Micah Madru - 22.06.2023 03:22

What terminal/theme is that in the video?

Lord Cheche
Lord Cheche - 19.06.2023 11:33

Hi Titus, huge fan :) I love clean, minimal and good looking linux, for a while I used Elementary, but I leave it like 3 years ago when It started to break more often, still think they have the idea. Now I'm using Manjaro, not a greate fan, lots of problems using 3 screen and Nvidea (wich i need). And for a while I was chasing clean linux but I'm done. I think I'm gonna give it a try to Nix to see what happend.

Sabiazoth Psyche
Sabiazoth Psyche - 17.06.2023 07:51

If it wasn't for my Linux, my Being would not have engage with my desktop PC. After Windows 7, with 8 through 10, my Being was distancing with my PC. When IT finally decided to migrate to Linux, that's when my PC was breathed with a new life. ;-)
