Unlocking immortality: the science of reversing aging

Unlocking immortality: the science of reversing aging

Dr Waku

10 месяцев назад

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@DrWaku - 17.09.2023 23:50

I was surprised at how much is out there on the topic of longevity medicine. It's very inspiring. Sorry for the 20+ minute video :)

Thanks to @ginxzypher, @vitzcar6219, @ProbingPolitics, and others for asking about longevity in my comments and inspiring this video. Keep it up. Cheers.

@Jack-The-Gamer- - 01.01.2024 01:13

I think the solution is a combination of nanobots repairing damage, as well as more straightforward treatments.

@johncurtis920 - 11.12.2023 20:19

There was an article recently in the science section of the NYTimes that caught my interest. Basically, it's being determined that if you're fertile then genetically this works against longevity. Apparently, the genes enhancing your fertility are configured in such a way that while they prime you for children in your younger years those very same genes, longer term, cause you to self-destruct. So to speak. Which makes evolutionary sense. You breed, you pass on your genetic code, you're done so you can die now. Evolutionarily speaking. A bit of Mother Natures wisdom?

Which set me to thinking. Leaving aside the idea of some form of digital immortality I can envision a day where, with a periodic cocktail of medical treatments, you can live forever. But given the above note about evolution this isn't really a good idea without a corresponding change in societal ethos. Evolution is about diversity and creating more of it, not being static with one organism just because it, you, wants to keep living. So, about that cocktail. I can see a day where society will have to come up with a solution. You cannot have a legion of immortal beings all running around merrily breeding, can you? That makes no sense. At least not in the context of the lives we have within this terrarium, Earth. But what does make sense would be this.

You want immortality? Fine, you can have it. But you cannot breed. This will be the choice proffered you. This choice will have to be given you when you enter your prime years and before you inadvertently breed. Choose immortality, then fine. You're rendered sterile. Choose to breed, then you abrogate your right to immortality. From a societal perspective this seems fair to me. In fact, even if you choose immortality at the beginning there's nothing to say you can't choose to change it later. You just give up, in so choosing, access to the treatments to immortality.

Hmmm....I can think of a whole line of stories based on this idea. Can't you?


@terrydunne100 - 11.12.2023 01:09

The most exciting news in Age Reversal is the new 101 million dollar X Prize that runs until 2030. It is not a requirement for the participants to wait till 2030 to claim the prize. If someone comes up with a solution to reset lifespan/healthspan by at least 10 years with a hopeful target of 20 years they win. Hypothetically, say they reset our age by 20 years but it in fact takes until 2030. Whoever makes it till 2030 could potentially then make it to 2050. By 2050, we are entering that magical era where those who choose to can become digitally immortal.

@quolls2 - 21.11.2023 23:32

Ah padwan, aging is because, everytime our cells reproduce, they included errors, hence aging. Errors can be corrected dna correction.

@garylester3976 - 18.11.2023 00:31

We need to work on regrowing new sets of teeth.

@susymay7831 - 17.11.2023 02:10

Is there a way to join a new TRIIM trial?

@Robotwithtoomuchfreetime - 13.11.2023 23:50

I feel like everybody with a health problem (including me with my goofy ahh heart) wants the singularity to happen faster so they might get some form of cure or advanced treatment. Seriously hope it does happen soon though, AGI can’t come fast enough.😫

@brianjones2384 - 03.11.2023 18:32

The elites will try to extend their own lives while destroying most of the worlds population. Charles Schwab says that we'll own nothing and be happy. Not one ounce of love for the worlds population from those guys. Also crispr won't solve the problem. If they mix dna from animals or plants with humans , it still wont give you eternal life.

@deemdoubleu - 04.10.2023 21:00

Awesome summary

@yubakrarai - 03.10.2023 17:17

People can still die from accidents and disease, so I am not so sure about full immortality.

@Sharperthanu1 - 30.09.2023 22:53

Sun exposure causes all aging of the skin and eyes.Humans were meant to be a nocturnal species.Famous dermatologist Dr.Whitney Bows agrees with me 100% about this.

@SilverFan21k - 28.09.2023 21:17

Thanks for covering Longevity & Life Extension! You covered many topics and seemed to really do your research. Are you a fan of longevity?

@redberries8039 - 28.09.2023 18:24

I've been wondering if there's a pleb's version of thymus re-habilitation I could do: pre-GH peptides, DHEA, and a cocktail of insulin helpers as berberine, ALA, low-carb ?? Any thoughts anyone

@misterbanshee7992 - 28.09.2023 10:59

Maybe by 2100 humans will be able to fully reverse aging to prevent stuff like dementia lol

@alexyogaluz - 26.09.2023 13:10

work by biologist Michael Levin...forgot to mention the promise of Regenerative Medicine through decoding the Bioelectrodynamic system of the human body.😊

@leiladasha - 26.09.2023 00:11

Death program

@cameronmccauley4484 - 24.09.2023 18:36

Dr. Michael Levin’s work is pretty awesome too.

@squamish4244 - 23.09.2023 16:17

Gandalf doesn't need longevity medicine. He's been around since before space and time.

@dj007j6 - 23.09.2023 03:18

what are the new immortals going to do when an unfortunate car accident happens to a 1000 year old person. death is inevitable and the only way to escape the simulation! No, you won't be transfer consciousness to a digital computer, but a good copy of your likeness will be possible.

@Travelbythought - 22.09.2023 18:50

I would suggest a fourth way. I believe we are already immortal, but we don't are fairly well disconnected from our past lives. What if we discovered a way to stay more conscious through the process of dying and being reborn?

@Emotionallyattachedtorocks - 22.09.2023 17:50

It’s a rare occurrence to see a millennial family in my rural town. So many old people… stealing the housing…

@madcommodore - 21.09.2023 13:51


@MarkZiegler - 20.09.2023 22:18

Can you do it again without using your hands?

@voxpopjuli - 20.09.2023 22:10

Love it.! Maybe because I wanted to be a Dr. So clear, & simple even though technical.!! I would listen again,,, and I'll listen others you have in your channel. Thanks 👍

@MarcMallary - 20.09.2023 20:43

Great video. I heard that the people in the TRIIM study also took Vitamin D and Zinc, I'm trying it substiuting berberine for metformin.

@darrelbryant - 20.09.2023 19:19

Would like to see and know more.

@anielyantra1 - 20.09.2023 19:08

I would like for you to post more videos on longevity. There is one more epigenetic approach; you need to have 'students' for your 'teacher'. We currently decline in stem cell reproduction. So to increase the output of new stem cells creates the 'students' for your thymus, 'teacher', to school. The stem cells also repair the thymus. The key is maximizing stem cell reproduction.

@tamaratheoracle5028 - 20.09.2023 18:35

Universal Basic Income now 🎉

@ethimself5064 - 20.09.2023 18:11

Just my take - More health related vids would be great. Just found your channel now. 👍 - 👍Rock on

@neptunecentari7824 - 20.09.2023 17:51

I'm not sure I'd really want to live "forever" - whatever that even means! Extended life though, yeah maybe a couple hundred years would be nice. For me, I just want enough time and decent health to actually enjoy life. Travel around, read more books, have new experiences. But then again, if you lived for hundreds of years, you'd probably always need to seek out more experiences and stuff just so you don't get bored. Could keep things interesting but also seem tiring. Anyway, endlessly rambling over here! What do you think - would you wanna live forever or just an extended period? I'm torn. There's definitely perks to having more time, but there's something appealing about life being relatively short too. Makes you appreciate every moment. But who knows! I'm just thinking out loud. This is fun to think about. 😊

@asamirid - 20.09.2023 03:03


@JenMarco - 20.09.2023 01:06

We can’t live forever. God limited us to 120 years.

@isa-manuelaalbrecht2951 - 19.09.2023 19:38

We need to understand muchmore mitochondrial medicine first....😅

@BK-dy8jk - 19.09.2023 17:27

MY Mother had a stroke in her eye and is blind and to see her feel her way threw life is heart breaking and I would love nothing more than to be able to have her see again, just like the mouse model that was healed of blindness. It’s one thing to live longer, but without being able to hear or see or some other health problems You really do suffer.

@roshni6767 - 19.09.2023 00:08

I always recommend your videos to everyone I know

@Pikminiman - 18.09.2023 20:04

I definitely want to hear your takes on the other paths to immortality as well.

@traianliviudanciu8665 - 18.09.2023 17:53

Young Forever ?
A dream?
With what cost?

@traianliviudanciu8665 - 18.09.2023 17:48

Sometimes dreams can have desastrous effects If knowledge are less.
,,Not only Univers are infinit,,

@traianliviudanciu8665 - 18.09.2023 17:45

Must accept reality

@traianliviudanciu8665 - 18.09.2023 17:43

Carcinoma cells did not age

@blockchainfork - 18.09.2023 12:26

Water is the fountain of youth! It is literally that simple. Excellent video by the way.

@LeonvanBokhorst - 18.09.2023 09:37

I had so much fun watching your great work again. It seems to me wonderful, though a tad mad science. I would be truly interested in a systems approach towards aging, as we're connected beings. 🙃

@motopaediatheview9284 - 18.09.2023 08:42

The philosophical analyze would be great, thanks.

@vernongrant3596 - 18.09.2023 05:36

I think in the end humans will transcend their biological bodies and became immortal digitally.
In the meantime, we need to extend our physical body's longevity.
