"Through Our Eyes" - A wildlife documentary from the hunter's perspective

"Through Our Eyes" - A wildlife documentary from the hunter's perspective

Frontiersmen Gear

1 год назад

36,621 Просмотров

Since the dawn of time humans and animals have interacted on the landscape. Our species has hunted, fished and harvested for thousands of years. But due to the modern and disconnected 21st centry lifestyle we have forgotten our history. We have forgotten the connection humans should have with the land and our impact in the natural cycle of life on earth.

"Through Our Eyes" is our way to help reconnect the modern human to the landscape we rely on. Helping show our way of life as hunters, our interactions with animals, and the beauty of nature. A true wildlife documentary through the eyes of a hunter. Conservation and stewardship lands on all of our shoulders as humans, we must stand together.

Produced by Frontiersmen Gear in partnership with Blood Origins and the Wild Sheep Society of B.C.
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