Why you're not stuck with the brain you're born with - BBC REEL

Why you're not stuck with the brain you're born with - BBC REEL

BBC Global

3 года назад

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@igorchak48 - 09.11.2023 00:13

This is great knowledge but very basic as the brain is extremely complex. Yes, you can change your behavior but it's very, very hard. Also, no all brains are alike, for example, and ADHD brain is wired differently than an average brain. ADHD is mostly genetic and if you have it it's impossible to change your biochemical and biomechanical processes.

@daledupont3772 - 02.11.2023 17:53

Thanks for the hope.

@MarylnBowan-vg7te - 04.08.2023 02:56

The brain is not the originator of thought the brain is in and of itself a specific thought that manifested in the physical

@thereignofthezero225 - 16.12.2022 01:23

Or the gender 😄

@brushbros - 27.11.2022 06:47

Memory is not stored in nerve connections/functions. Otherwise identify it.

@-nazhifah - 22.09.2022 11:15

idk this video kinda sucks. like id like to see neuroplasticity as something that inspiringly changes, like you know, almost EVERYTHING? I always believe humans control themselves and of course by that it means controlling their brains, it mostly has also to do with human being naturally adaptive towards any circumstances coming their way. id like to see that we can change our sexual orientation, or these so called "im born with mental illness" stuff, or overcoming trauma and tragedy, overcoming those stupid "yOu CaN bE yOur OwN WoRsT EnEmY", like if only these videos emphasizes more on the fact that humans are mostly everchanging and are capable of overcoming any obstacle and that everyone can always be the best version of themselves (ubermensch) its gonna be so cool. instead this video is just like "oh go swimming or learn something new, youd be surprised how you actually can do it" bruh EVERYONE already knows that. unless someone has been living in cave i doubt they never heard the saying "practice makes perfect" and even if they actually do live in cave i feel they will know that also--learning something and putting dedication to it will make you good at it, its not something that hard to figure.

P.S. some actually state neuroplasticity can change the things i mentioned above, so idk what is wrong with this video, it probably focuses more on boomers who stop learning things cause they think theyre old

@bryanevans6764 - 16.08.2022 19:38

Nothing new here. Slick video but misleading title. We are, in fact, all stuck with the brains we were born with - unlike many other organs, which are replaceable through transplant surgery. Regardless of culture, social class wealth or poverty, the brain we are born with is the only one we have. The development of our one and only brain is therefore dependent on many factors, some of which are mentioned in the video, but with some important omissions. It is important to acknowledge that brains are not all the same - those possessing a superior I.Q. cannot take credit for being lucky to possess such a brain - it is a latent feature that gives an obvious advantage over the majority. Another advantage to bear in mind is being free from brain trauma or any insult to its normal development, of any kind - including acquired brain injury. Therefore, if the average, neurotypical brain at birth is stimulated and continues to be stimulated then neuroplasticity will take place as a matter of course. Other factors to enhance healthy brain development will include being fortunate enough to receive loving nurturing from devoted parents; as infants having protection from psychological and physiological abuse and trauma; healthy social interaction from an early age, which will produce healthy emotional minds; exposure to stimulating ideas, being taught how to think critically and not be told what to think. This is particularly important in developing an open, curious and questioning mind that is not susceptible to capture by harmful ideologies which can only inhibit learning. Encouraging flexible thinking and recognising that discovering truth might require us to relinquish our cherished beliefs. We are in fact, stuck with our brains, but the factors that enable or disable development are numerous, some of which are immutable and others that can certainly be worked on.

@mindvolution - 07.06.2022 22:12

We, humans, do have free will. Although we are driven by a cocktail of hormones and neurotransmitters, we do have the ability to consciously and willfully modify our thoughts, mindsets and behavior. Therefore, by our will, which requires conscious and directed effort, we are able to achieve personal development. And this is free will, because people can choose whether to change their behavior, how to react, whether to make a change in direction or not. So, ultimately we are responsible for how our destiny goes and our lifestyle choices get imprinted in our very brains on the way... which is just amazing!

@robkla8961 - 05.06.2022 06:32

I don’t have wires in my brain

@SuperMissblueeyes - 02.06.2022 07:24

Problem solving is also great exercise for your brain that helps ward off dementia.

@sirajtayyabkhan6820 - 30.05.2022 22:18

It is interesting how every channels shows almost the same content like we would see firing neurons. There is a simple key take away that your brain learns and adapts. Some disruptions in life can disrupt your mental capability. I was wondering whether this video really added something to my knowledge with some hard ground facts and figures.

@ollierodriguez8600 - 30.05.2022 15:37

The picayune underpants postmeiotically stretch because dog postprandially pause unlike a near spear. afraid, proud wrist

@meinungabundance7696 - 26.05.2022 19:12

We dont have to exaggerate. Your IQ will not change much, for example. Neuroplasticity has its limits.

@MrBhaskarunipavan - 25.05.2022 13:00

Do the brain rewire, for an autistic kid, if proper therapies and medicines taken care?

@alienbrownies9009 - 24.05.2022 18:04

there is hope.

@ConnoisseurOfExistence - 24.05.2022 02:01

Well, I love the brain, that I'm born with... But sure, I'm learning new things all the time and solving logical puzzles and stuff... Nice video, nevertheless.

@m.k.2221 - 21.05.2022 20:54

Hey my psychotherapist said I should get into that ! Thanks

@thinkstraight - 21.05.2022 09:55

Subtitles and your written content in one place

Very annoying

@justme8108 - 21.05.2022 03:25

How did these 'Educated' people not understand this information years ago. It's so obvious.

@sunalwaysshinesonTVs - 21.05.2022 01:44

You're not stuck with the brain you're born with, sure like you're not stuck with your first pair of jammies, but you are stuck with the life you're born with.

@ifeellikeiwasborntoloveya6547 - 21.05.2022 01:26

rehearsing different situations in your mind and playing out the altered or better reaction you would have

@johanneshauswirth7799 - 20.05.2022 14:03

this was of huge help, tyvm

@twenties3154 - 20.05.2022 10:58


@NoemiPerez7275 - 18.05.2022 19:33

There's a version on Spanish of this documentary? Where I can find it? Thank you

@apoorrvgupta1658 - 18.05.2022 09:37


@iloveyellow7214 - 18.05.2022 09:00

I had traumatic brain injury in 2018 and was able to survive it.
I now am making it fit my new lifestyle and habits.

Thank you for sharing this to the world. I took notes and I am going to intentionally practice and put into action everything your guests discussed.

Have a great day

@Sharperthanu1 - 18.05.2022 01:17

I'm totally happy with MY OWN brain.it's the "brains" of SOME OTHER "people" that need to be changed.

@sarcasmo57 - 17.05.2022 11:58

How does working at a stressful job I hate effect one's brain? Asking for a friend.

@TheRogueOfSpace - 16.05.2022 21:56

This is awesome! Thanks for sharing this wonderful video with us 🙏🏽

@minatonamikaze405 - 16.05.2022 16:15

So this should mean that a brain us always learning. So either you direct the change or you will just be reacting to circumstances as it keeps coming by. Be more efficient.

@adityaprasad9759 - 15.05.2022 19:20

Knowing the part of the brain waves function in controlling our emotions do help in keeping a tap on our mood. When u have that in control it would be easy for us to keep the brain from being flooded by unwanted stress hormones which would eventually help us in keeping the neuroplasticity intact or we can prolong it.

@Badkittykkr1 - 15.05.2022 05:54

People work to make more money, so they can afford more things that make their lives easier and more automated...while they themselves sit and do NOTHING with that freed up time. I use my small wealth, to learn new things all the time. Sewing, crocheting, pc building, electronics, 3d printing, woodworking, auto repair, VR game design (unreal engine)....anything that i can MAKE instead of buying, i will learn how to do so. While others buy things, or replace broken things...i BUILD things and REPAIR things.

I've always said the richest people in the world, aren't the smartest. They're just VERY good at the ONE THING they do. Doctors...aren't smart (typically, but no offense to those who are) they just have amazing memories. Same with lawyers. Wealth isn't in your wallet...it's in your hear. FREE YOUR MIND and EXPAND IT !

@voranartsirisubsoontorn9010 - 15.05.2022 04:19

I do believe in neuroplasticity thru my own live experiences since young until now more than sixty years. I love to do everything by myself and in so doing I have to learn new activities all the time. People around me think I am stupid to work so hard but it pays off for me all my life.

@anubhavde7561 - 11.05.2022 22:49

I love how they put, "That's not how the brain sees prosperity."

@govindrajan5046 - 11.05.2022 18:29

To be happy always brain struck in happiness

@govindrajan5046 - 11.05.2022 18:27

Remove the rust around it and in between an
D in nerves and blood rust means belife on something

@stormyn3249 - 10.05.2022 00:30

NEUROPLASTICITY...my ASS....western jokers ...ur just BACKWARD....

@stormyn3249 - 10.05.2022 00:29

But Hindus know this ...its called a SAMSKAR and how to undo this through meditation for thousands of years....HOW IS THIS NEW???? lmfao....WESTERN JOKERS.....

@KaiusKing - 09.05.2022 16:40

Very Interesting - most forget dementia is not a normal part of ageing so we should encourage others to pursue stimulating daily activities!

@sumfatt640 - 07.05.2022 01:56

sure not exactly at 18 nor at 25 , orginally adulthood ment the stage after puberty...I hope once we stop criminalizing, devilzing or calling others sick based on the 18 brain development suppositions

@umarfarooq-qv5sj - 04.05.2022 10:37

I'm worried about my short height, have suicidal thoughts; don't know what to do because many times pain turns out severe

@seeuathebeach5005 - 02.05.2022 09:26

I change sexual partner everyday and this keeps my brains healthier 😉

@alkasoli4002 - 29.04.2022 10:12

Watch my second video as again
Ideas change how we think

@sherlock_221 - 26.04.2022 08:10

I wish this video was little more long. Pure gold stuff!

@akashverma5756 - 18.04.2022 08:16

In future, 90% of chronic disease will be treated by psychologists. Pharma companies don't want common people to know about astonishing healing power of brain.

@chanakyasharma4962 - 15.04.2022 15:46

Best video

@Weirdkauz - 04.04.2022 23:35

This is way too confusing, just bc of the way it's edited.

@animeshm3850 - 04.04.2022 14:48

Challenge your brain. Learn new craft, acquire new knowledge, get out of comfort zone. Do rigorous physical exercise regularly.
