Best Electric Bike For VAN LIFE

Best Electric Bike For VAN LIFE

Snow & Curt

4 года назад

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@ib14juli93 - 14.10.2020 18:15

Fantastic to have a bike with you, I like more a normal bike

@paulontheroad - 14.10.2020 18:17

Good overview, I would have mentioned they come with 48v 14Ah (672Wh) batteries but otherwise a good job. And I really like that pull-out tray Curt made, if you haven't done a video on that I think you should.

@thomaswright6250 - 14.10.2020 18:18

Snow you should let your hair down and feel the breeze Curt I would say the same to you but we're both in the same situation we still have the breeze but not the hair to let down

@kathiLGLP - 14.10.2020 18:18

yay!! I've been waiting for this review!  I so enjoy watching your videos and your honesty with the good, the not so great, the challenges. We just sold our home and are anxious to hit the road in our little ole RV... seems it will be after the winter after we get loose ends tied up... but - getting there!! definitely will be checking out these bikes!! thank you again.. God bless you and your travels..

@leslie-annepepin8927 - 14.10.2020 18:29

Thank you! We have been looking at these for awhile now, so really appreciate your review. Stay safe!

@lyndasmith6801 - 14.10.2020 18:31

Great video! Very thorough and informative! Those bikes look super fun! Love the way they fit in the garage. 🍁🍂😊

@pamelatanner788 - 14.10.2020 18:37

Thanks for the helpful review. I am afraid if I bought a bike w a motor I wouldnt pedal much even when on flat land. How much do u pedal vs just use the motor?

@NilDreams - 14.10.2020 18:47

I love biking but I think I prefer a normal bike. Mine is just a cruiser.

@shanojmanappatty3303 - 14.10.2020 18:50

U lucky

@MS-bv1kq - 14.10.2020 18:59

I bought mine about a month ago! I used the your code so hope you got the perks! Stay safe guys!!

@JensGraikowski - 14.10.2020 19:02

I was almost set on the RadRhino, but might reconsider after watching this video. The reason is mainly the dimensions. Being able to fold up the bikes like that seems like a good thing to have. I'll see what the dimensions of the RadRhino are once you take the front wheel off (which is done as easily as folding your bikes up if you install quick releases) and see how it fits, but you guys made me think (not an easy thing to do. My school teachers 35 years ago would've paid you good money to learn that trick 😁).

@DebbraLupien_AkashicRecords - 14.10.2020 19:23

Super helpful and great tip on the tires. I presume you could order the girl's bike with those tires? Have you run into any issues riding them on streets? IOW are they considered bicycles rather than motorbikes?

@CC-xk6cp - 14.10.2020 19:31

Hi again S&C
Many thx for your great review! Appreciate you waiting til you got plenty of miles on them. A super idea about the garage slide for them! You two never run out of great ideas. Hope you're enjoying your day trips!
Stay safe and healthy.

@tarac5137 - 14.10.2020 19:45

Bah, the non-nubby tires on the step through is like the lack of pockets in women’s clothing! From She to Me also mentioned that (they also love their Rad bikes and do some pretty serious trail rides!). Potential customers should also consider their height when choosing a model. Thanks for the review. Safe and fun biking! 🚲

@vickyGodlistens - 14.10.2020 19:54

Love the bikes 🏍 thanks for sharing the info 👍🏽

@melissasinclair9303 - 14.10.2020 20:01

I have two electric bikes - one a cheap-ish folding bike that is "OK", but it can be put in any car. The other is a Pedego Stretch which is a cargo bike and it's like a Rolls-Royce. Once you have an electric bike, you will never go back and NEVER regret it. I only use my assist when I need help, but BOY am I glad I have it for hills! And with a cargo bike, I can do a week's worth of grocery shopping for 4 people quite easily.

Having FAT (or at least fatter than most bikes) makes for a much safer and comfortable and yes, more nubs on the tire help with preventing slips.

My ONLY issue is when people use bikes as motorbikes versus bicycles and become dangerous riders.

@joseecouture1416 - 14.10.2020 20:04

We have the same two Rad Bike and we love them ...

@bambihargrove6499 - 14.10.2020 20:37

TYSM 👍♥️👍

@davidwathen2004 - 14.10.2020 21:33

Thanks for the nice overview. I'm building my bike tray in my garage closet to hold two Montague Paratrooper Highline foldable mountain bikes that I'm adding the BBSHD Mid Drive Ebike Kit to. Looking forward to finishing my Van Conversion. Cheers!

@viancyc9381 - 14.10.2020 21:58

I love my little cruiser bike to ride around on flat parts by the beach. However I dont have the leg strength to just ride around. Especially when going up hill and on new bike trails or roads when traveling somewhere else. I've been looking for something powered so im not dying 5 mintues in. This is what I've been looking for 😊. Thank you for your honest review i look forward to getting one for my boyfriend and I.

@anthonvanderneut - 14.10.2020 22:32

The European version of the Rad Mini has a 250W motor and a lower maximum speed (25 km/h). As those bikes have these restrictions, you are allowed to ride the bike without a drivers license. For bikes like yours, you need a drivers license here in Germany, just because the motor is as powerful as it is.
I travelled into Germany, on a holiday from the Netherlands, with my parents and brother on three mopeds (50cc one cylinder motor bikes that would go up to 40km), back in the 70's. That we didn't have to have a drivers license, even though the model my brother drove (the only one with 3 shift gearbox) would have required one if he had been a German cq. had bought the bike in Germany. Things have changed since then for mopeds (need a drivers license in the Netherlands as well, and you have to wear a helmet, which used to be optional). Probably normalisation under the European Uniion.

@soyabeansky2022 - 14.10.2020 23:29

Thanks for the review😊...forwarded your video to my husband who is obsessed with electric bikes and scooters..hopefully i get one of this that looks more durable☺...also stay safe and enjoy your your vlogs☺

@Kathiewinkle - 15.10.2020 01:13

Awesome 👏🏻

@itsanorristhing3825 - 15.10.2020 01:35

Thank you! Andrew my husband has been looking into e bikes so we have a second form of transportation! They are so cool and compact. Thanks for the video and info! Much Lovè ❤🐾🐾❤

@pohanahawaii - 15.10.2020 04:56

Thank you, good review with nice footages of actual usage! What do you think of the Blix Vika+?

@Floresti - 15.10.2020 06:44

OMG! I have the same blue t-shirt she is wearing at the start and informational bits of the video. Very comfy shirt!

@gufredd9675 - 15.10.2020 09:26

I watched this video on the Rad Mini bikes and I watched She to Me video on their same bikes. You win! 🤣 The other video did mention the pedal on the right side of the step through bike keeps falling off. So be sure to tighten that puppy up.

@rickozaccess4832 - 15.10.2020 16:36

Hi guys, thanks or the entertainment we get watching your travels. How kind of distance can you get on a full charge?

@angelakaiser3110 - 16.10.2020 03:32

Great video!!! Happy travels!

@liaodesign - 16.10.2020 06:16

This off topic but how safe is to travel with RV in Mexico? I live or have relatives there? Thanks great video we are looking at radrunner but need to figure out bike rack issue have have preinsralled bike rack so hate to have to remove it and get one for ebike.

@itzhaktzvishohat7490 - 16.10.2020 23:22

Hi guys, hope you're well and enjoying life as much as possible. We enjoyed the review. Why is your Facebook page off-line?

@ginnyhorn2708 - 17.10.2020 01:26

Love your videos and look how your subscriber base has grown! Thanks for keeping it real!

@chipbrown433 - 23.10.2020 16:29

I'm planning to steal a bunch of ideas from you, so maybe here's something in return. I've been pondering what happens if my wife needs to lift a 60 lb folded Lectric e-bike onto the drawer - that would be a problem. (Plus I hate to admit that I'm getting older and my back doesn't always cooperate with lifting up bulky items...) I'm liking the notion of a drill winch (like WARN 910500) suspended from a bar that spans the top of the open rear doors. Fold the bike, lift it up with the winch, then pull the drawer out to set it down and secure it to drawer mounted L-tracks.

The drill and the winch can be used for other things as well, like maybe pulling yourself out of trouble or clearing a downed tree limb from the road. The bar can also hold a shower curtain if you like outdoor showers.

Thanks for all the great videos!

@michaelscarfi3196 - 31.10.2020 02:25

I’m so mad! I just ordered this bike and Rad won’t honor the discount. I get nothing back from them but double talk. It’s not snow and curts fault the rad bike people just suck!

@stanohrablo1374 - 14.11.2020 20:26

Thanks for the video but I can't find the discount code. Is the deal gone?

@melaniecollins4045 - 25.11.2020 20:50

when you charge these bikes overnight do they use a lot of your battery bank?

@jaymcintosh2918 - 22.12.2020 22:17

We also around 50 years old and love our Trek elec mountain bikes (Powerfly 5 FS). you should look at getting the R1 Sena bike helmets. They have built in communication. We really liked the bikes before, now we love them. They have noise canceling so you can talk to each other while riding in a normal voice without trying to turn around and shout. The bikes are why we are looking into building a van.

@valeriemacpherson9626 - 24.02.2022 00:07

Yeah! Snow does a "tech talk" ... and kills it! ⚡🚲

@CM-kl3ki - 01.04.2022 01:33

Great informative video! My fiance' & I can't wait to get ours. Thanks to people like you and many others who share how these things feel, weigh, ride, and any functional issues they may or may not have. We greatly appreciate it!
