NEXT-LEVEL sound quality with CDs & STREAMING | TEAC VRDS-701 review

NEXT-LEVEL sound quality with CDs & STREAMING | TEAC VRDS-701 review

Darko Audio

10 месяцев назад

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@bitboy - 22.04.2024 22:28

Nice USM

@watdanuqta-mf5ms - 23.04.2024 01:30

Are you sure that you're not quoting the 701 Transport price because the 701 CD player sells for $3800.00 here in the States, $2700.00 for the 701T.
Yeah, Teac and their upscale Lexus partner, Esoteric Audio, make some expensive basically atomic clocks based on Rubidium(an isotope). I've heard the differences and they're real. I understand the new turntable has the option of improved performance with an external clock for an extra five grand which is a lot less than past models.

@gaetancharbonneau3902 - 23.04.2024 03:43

Proem Socially Inept is an insane recommendation..., just like Biosphère-Substrata that I discovered thanks to your channel. All the best! 👊✨✨

@gaborhorvath7658 - 23.04.2024 10:44

I wonder how would you like the lower level Teac units, e.g. NT505 streaming dac.
Glad you tried out the clock too, I was wondering if they make any audible difference.

@limmar23 - 23.04.2024 14:38

On my current setup, I'm playing CDs with a Cambridge Audio Blu Ray player that feeds a TEAC DAC/preamp. Well, that's not a "porn shop Blu-ray player" but I still have room to work on it 😬

@mk1st - 23.04.2024 15:58

Looks like a nice unit. The clock though, that seems like the proverbial ‘audio catnip’

@hamidrezahabibi8111 - 23.04.2024 18:50

Once you’ve heard an Accuphase CD 💿 player; you’ll never look back.

@wrangler10 - 24.04.2024 10:13


@garyedwards9617 - 24.04.2024 15:02

I want 4 feet, not 3 :)

@zizendorf - 24.04.2024 21:04

Okay, so I'm a CD guy and only purchased "expensive" interconnects for my Denon DCD-600 NE CD player. (In fact, the interconnects - simply amazing - were more costly than the Denon player. I liked this review and given CD's (and to some extent vinyl) are my preferred sources and are also my music collection, I'm curious if there's TEAC CD player without all the "streaming" stuff. I'm not opposed to streaming. I just won't get into another source format. I have no need. Any suggestions? Or, should I simply remain satisfied with the outstanding sound I already have found? (Woops, I think I answered my question as I typed it.) LOL

@liverpoolk648 - 24.04.2024 22:47

Hi John...Liverpool Kev here...Firstly...I love your videos...your presentation style is simply wonderful...I am in my 60s now and have loved 'value HiFi' all of my life and have several HiFi setups across home and office...You clearly have a great sense of humour so hope you take this the right way....several years ago in UK...there was a wine tasting lady on tv who used ever more bizarre descriptions in wine tasting...I am sure she said once 'mmm yes badger with a touch of tarmac'...(might have made that one up) ...some of your descriptions (which I love by the way) have a touch of the Jilly Goolden about them....look her up John...I hope you will appreciate the crossover into high end HiFi audio description...Do take care and thank you so much for your videos....Liverpool Kev

@Kukkema - 25.04.2024 19:21

Would have loved it without the handles

@emiltsenov7853 - 26.04.2024 11:48

The natural comparison for this Teac would be the Technics SL-G700m2, I wiuld definitely try the Teac but it does not play SACD - which the Technics does - and this is a deal-breaker for me.

@RickRolling-tc7vb - 26.04.2024 14:11

Thanks John, I think I had as much fun as you did with this one. Great to see such complete and nuanced reviewing delivered with panache - well done!

@drde4010 - 27.04.2024 00:06

Nice but way to big for today’s technology

@demazy - 27.04.2024 23:39

John! Nice video as usual! Could you check AIAIAI TMA-2 Wireless+ Studio headphones and Unit-4 Wireless+ studio speakers please ? Low latency wireless transmission (stable 16ms), ideal for music producing and ok to dj with, or simply lossless quality on the go. They send CD quality wirelessly, both headphones and speakers. Double signal for stability. Thanks! Can’t wait to see your take on them and your precise analysis if ever you chose so! (Unit-4 vs LSX ?)

@xristo303 - 28.04.2024 04:59

+1 on Proem

@Krell666 - 29.04.2024 04:57

I wonder how the 701 compares against an equally priced DAC/Transport combination. Say a Shanling ET-3 + Chord Qutest. The all in one form factor is easier and less cable vomit I guess but then you can't upgrade the DAC.. well you can but then you're throwing away a good chunk of $$ namely the DAC in the CD player..

@dtracy03ss - 29.04.2024 06:22

I have the Black model and it is absolutely Awesome, Got a Great Discount on it , all you have to do is ask! It was still 3k, But Well Worth it!
By the way 4 Times Upsample is a Notable difference! No way am I buying the external Clock, the built in Goodies are top-notch, but I am going to try and run my Node X through it! As it will give me another input to use on my Pioneer SX1280!!!!

@kosiekoos9408 - 29.04.2024 18:57

I have a 80s Teac hifi stand. It makes my NAD 3020 sound better😂

@MaZEEZaM - 30.04.2024 09:02

Ive not seen anything Teac since i was a child 30+ years ago.

@MaZEEZaM - 30.04.2024 09:15

I'm pretty surprised enough people in 2024, still pay $4,200 AUD for a cd player. It does look pretty darn nice in my eyes. I wonder if Teac have stereo amplifiers??? Edit, the answer is Yes but they don't have modern digital inputs such as USB2/3, USB C or HDMI. I'm not going to buy any amp without those inputs.

@masudkabir9214 - 30.04.2024 10:33

Why the hell are you using 2500 CD Player with 3000 Thunderbird AQ XLR. does it make any scenes. Or just to improve the sound quality, instead y can buy a good cd player for 5k.

@SANDEEPKUMAR-no8cb - 14.05.2024 22:41

I love good quality sound of cd player.

@andrewbrazier9664 - 15.05.2024 20:33

I will buy one if I ever get a large lottery win.
Otherwise couldn't justify cost to wife.... 🎶🙃

@andrewbrazier9664 - 15.05.2024 20:34

Very shallow cd tray 💿

@noturnleftunstoned72 - 26.05.2024 21:19

What a beast! For me in Canada, the AUDIOLAB OMNIA was and is the better solution and much cheaper with a lot of the same quality and uses. I couldn't pay $5000 CDN for the 701. I would weep.

@davidchesters7040 - 08.06.2024 21:14

I bet "Man Machine" sounds wonderful on that thing??

@DaveJablonski - 11.06.2024 16:23

I subscribed after seeing that Galaxy 500 CD :)

@eyesintheskies - 17.06.2024 20:24

Decided this was the one before I even read a review, good to hear that it lives up to my expectation 😃

@eyesintheskies - 17.06.2024 20:35

How is the headphone amp?

@RadoDani - 10.07.2024 07:09

Proem —- another great recommendation. I find myself browsing through Darko videos that I’ve seen already just for music recommendations.

@isoseismic - 21.07.2024 03:13

“And obviously, Americans and Canadians, you get an aluminum version.” 😂lmao

@HansEtter-ee6wd - 30.08.2024 17:01

Are the VRDS-701 USB Audio Class 2 complient? Meaning will it function with RPi Linux running LMS/Squeezelite?

The product homepage is a bit silly in this regard only listing some proprietary app for Windows/macOS.

@MarkRehorst - 18.09.2024 07:17

I have a VRDS-20 that I bought used in Japan in the late 90s for $800. About 10 years ago I had to replace the little belt that operates the disc lifting mechanism. I recently found a service manual for it on line and was able to jumper the power supply for 120V instead of the original Japanese 100V. It sounds great, but has no digital inputs, but has almost every type of output you can imagine- balanced analog, RCA analog, coax digital, toslink optical and ST optical.

I like quality audio gear but hate to pay full price, so I buy and sometimes fix used gear when possible. I'm using the VRDS-20 with a Krell KAV-300i integrated amp that I bought via ebay and recapped myself. I also use a Squeezebox Touch to stream digital audio from my server and internet radio.

My bedroom system consists of a Luxman RX103 receiver (vintage 1983!), a Squeezebox, and a pair of Infinity Beta 50 speakers. I've had the squeezebox for about 20 years, and the receiver and speakers set me back a total of $275, purchased locally via Craig's list. When I bought it I planned to recap the receiver, but I discovered there are well over 100 electrolytic caps in it, scattered across at least 24 circuit boards! Hmmm. Maybe not. When it dies I'll sell parts on ebay.

@nicholasbaines7868 - 28.09.2024 15:35

Hello, really need your help….
Can you tell me the name of that side unit that your gear is sitting on. The beige coloured one with the chrome frame…It’s very cool and I want to get one. Thanks so much

@stephens2r338 - 02.10.2024 22:13

I like the ability to add an external clock. The improvement is great if your dac has a clock input too, otherwise there's no point! I run a dCS system that offers a dedicated clock. The Teac will not connect to dCS or other makes that offer a dedicated clock like Esoteric.Therefore l think its application is very limited. It only works if you use a Teac 700 dac and Transport. I'm disappointed because it's a missed opportunity it's competition is 10x the price.

@michaelhavlicek3233 - 12.10.2024 01:54

Made in China. That is for me. Thanks for the Video. F..K China Products

@framlucasse - 14.10.2024 21:05

Sadly, made in China. At this price.. hell no.

@kyuushin84 - 17.10.2024 14:08

is the dac section the same as in UD701N?

@cocktailuk - 04.01.2025 23:19

Darko, does it sound good with headphones

@analoggins - 14.01.2025 18:05

Very pleased to see you recommend Proem. As you liked the Teac, I reckon you’d also dig the Exposure 3510 CD Player too - just CD no other features at all, but an amazingly well implemented DAC to my ears.

@LarryNiles-t1d - 14.01.2025 22:50

$3800! Seriously?

@OsterlundArchitect - 19.01.2025 17:50

You're stacking the units - at this level - doesn't that affect your listening vs letting the units breathe?

@gugenot6575 - 26.01.2025 16:47

Darko, you are Fantastic!

@didassquatshoes - 01.02.2025 15:01

The 701 looks like a proper HiFi component.

@ugaais - 20.02.2025 01:38

terribile tray for that price..

@labnine3362 - 22.02.2025 20:28

I saw the Robyn Hitchcock CD and raised my glass. When you know, you know.

@Lee-yt1de - 25.02.2025 00:03

Can someone answer this for me please, i really want a cyrus cd40 but it hasnt got digital input, the cyrus st40 has a digital input. Both units have same dac. My question is..Should i buy the cd player or buy the streamer and use the digital input and a cd transport?
