27 Most Impressive Ancient Ruins In the World | Travel Video

27 Most Impressive Ancient Ruins In the World | Travel Video

Scenic Hunter

1 год назад

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@charlottewatson4607 - 09.09.2023 18:44


@BrettJessy - 09.09.2023 21:01

So adorable ❤❤❤ love it. Thank you scenic hunter

@MalKukuniya - 10.09.2023 04:54

Wow stunning places ❤❤

@akj616 - 10.09.2023 14:43

Please pronounce Ayuthya properly- it’s not Ayustaya. It’s A-yu- th-ya , another name for Ayodhya , which is the birth place of lord Ram in India .

@rowdykrithika4786 - 15.09.2023 07:59

Bro help me bro please

@rowdykrithika4786 - 15.09.2023 08:00

I want to come to abroad

@DavidWilliams-qr5yj - 24.09.2023 09:25

Ive been to 13 several more on my list 😊

@anirbanduttafwc2182 - 29.09.2023 13:21

This channel is totally fraud. Those information is Totally Copied with other & making fake information...they text people in telegram & WhatsApp and Told if you subscribe this channel then we provide you money for Subscription then After subscription they waiting you for money .but money never give you ..big scam for making subscriber ..

@erikricherdson9787 - 23.10.2023 12:04

Interesting Documentary. Love this

@karthikkosm - 01.01.2024 22:12

I have been to 8 out of these 27. Hope to complete all on this list one day

@Highheels4ever - 01.03.2024 01:10

All these places are marvelous, it takes you back to the lives of those great civilizations that are now irreplaceable.
No monuments today could compared to these magnificent historical sites and constructions, it is impossible.

I am a lover of ancient history, my favorite history of all times. I have the utmost respect for ALL ancient civilizations which were unique with its own beauty and culture. Watching this video, it transported me to those times and how the inhabitants lived on an everyday basis. They were absolutely amazing people and their legacy will live forever more in those people who can appreciate the true art, cultures, beauty and history of different civilizations of different countries.

This video is a gem, everyone should watch it. And all that was presented in this video, it is truly breathtaking. You did a fantastic job putting together this video; a superb job well done. 👍

Thank you for sharing such magnificent video full of beauty and which is informative as well as with an inspiring educational content; it is truly appreciated. At least, I personally do appreciate it.
