Solo Female Traveller| Stealth Camping | Life living on the road | ASMR

Solo Female Traveller| Stealth Camping | Life living on the road | ASMR

Life With Mai

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@Cleo59103 - 04.03.2025 05:01

Good morning...from India

@LindaStokes-ff2kv - 04.03.2025 05:11

Such a great video ❤

@KathleenMcCormickLCSWMPH - 04.03.2025 05:42

Always enjoy your videos. I traveled around like this for a couple of years in my small cargo van. I really enjoyed all of the things you mention here. Miss it.

@fluffy177 - 04.03.2025 05:58

Thank you for sharing your adventures with us. I love your videos & always leave a thumbs up.👍☺️ Btw, I definitely prefer NO music - it’s soooo much more relaxing without distracting music. Thank you. 💐☺️

@simplidebbieincanada2964 - 04.03.2025 06:17

Just done watching your vlog ate. It just so comforting and sỗ inspiring at the same time. God bless you with all of your long driving

@mom21gr8gal8 - 04.03.2025 06:25

No music is preference. Thx!

@bonnienklyde918 - 04.03.2025 06:31

You always choose nice music. I've used some you've used because I really like it. 😊
Great video!
Didn't know there was a town named Hinton in Ab.
Thank you Mai❤

@nydiamarcial3844 - 04.03.2025 06:33

Like the no music. One of these days I am going to do this adventure if it’s the Lord will for me. Right now I am the caretaker of my husband. I have the car accessories to do car camping. where did you get your food warmer! How many watts those it use?

@shari_rates - 04.03.2025 06:39

I was just saying, the world could use more Mai content. (Not wanting to add pressure though.)

@Kickit-50 - 04.03.2025 06:59

You’re a brave girl. I really enjoyed watching you again this evening it sounds very easy to make. I’ll make sure to have you in my prayers tonight so you travel safely. Thank you and blessings to you Mai.

@hernehill6282 - 04.03.2025 07:11

Those Filipino stews always go so well everywhere, especially where it is cold and snowy. That was funny when you said you were people watching -- that is so fun. I usually just sit and enjoy the scene, but often people approach and we always have a fun conversation. Most folks are so nice. Looking forward to Badlands, it's on my list!

@Gardungurl - 04.03.2025 07:36

I love your choice of music for your videos. A great compliment to the visual. So I guess I’m saying I prefer your videos with music only because of your picks. You’re a blessing 🙏

@Gardungurl - 04.03.2025 07:37

I love your choice of music for your videos. A great compliment to the visual. So I guess I’m saying I prefer your videos with music only because of your picks. You’re a blessing 🙏

@Gardungurl - 04.03.2025 07:38

Oh and also. Your affirmations and words of wisdom are icing on the cake. You’re the whole package.

@RestorationRanchHealing - 04.03.2025 07:43

I enjoy your content! It is always peaceful and amazing surroundings. So many beautiful places to see . Thanks for sharing your journey. Safe travels 🎉 🚙 traveling solo is actually very much empowering!

@debbieb7414 - 04.03.2025 09:24

Liked the no music. I love driving but haven’t slept overnight in my Rav 4. May try it this summer.

@BBBYpsi - 04.03.2025 10:03

Will that be the bad lands in South Dakota in the USA? I prefer your music because you do such a great job on music choice & is so relaxing to listen to.

@domy6827 - 04.03.2025 10:15

No music is so peaceful <3

@rettathomas837 - 04.03.2025 11:10

Good morning Mai : what kind of heater do you use for the car? Who be doing your videos, Do they follow you on the road? Most of the time I like complete silence., early in the morning when I was going to work, I spent that time with the Lord in prayer, I do my best thinking in that peaceful atmosphere

@deedeeotero4475 - 04.03.2025 13:16

No music is best.

@luannesmith5350 - 04.03.2025 13:43

I’m enjoying your videos and although I like music and use to never drive without the radio on. In my older years, I’ve come to enjoy the quiet sometimes, especially driving less traveled roads so I can hear nature sounds. You pick nice music though and so with the videos I think I’m either way.
I did want to mention that your nails are always so pretty. I love the colors you choose, very classy! You take care out there and I’ll keep watching 😊

@BeYou12341 - 04.03.2025 15:41

No music for me but I enjoy your channel your way.

@vickyp-ks9ds - 04.03.2025 19:31

No music to concentrate on your content

@mja320 - 05.03.2025 04:26

Your music choices always seem to go with your content so well. But this was an enjoyable video as well. I like your idea of alternating videos with and without music.

@susanmorgan647 - 05.03.2025 06:22

No music is my choice. I enjoyed this especially as you showed how you work on the road. Thank you!

@emmarose7204 - 05.03.2025 08:43

I prefer and loved with music coz your choice of music are soft and mellow. The music adds up to when looking or watching the sceneries. Besides it is not loud anyways. Great vlog today… Thanks and Ingat palagi Mai ❤️🇺🇸..

@mylenebergonio - 05.03.2025 13:11

Hello po, nasa Hinton Alberta po pala kayo. Ingat po. I really like your videos

@dt3375 - 06.03.2025 01:03

Mai if your power is 100% and you use your electric blanket all night what % left in your portable power??? are you in Canada most of the time ,like now? It’s look so empty in Canada and very quiet Lol

@dt3375 - 06.03.2025 01:16

Thanks so much for your show.

@solovantravel - 06.03.2025 14:03

I ❤ Mai! Hey there👋🏽💖

@espiritudelviajero3882 - 07.03.2025 15:38

Nos encantan tus videos, saludos fraternos desde Chile.

@paulettesimko3092 - 07.03.2025 19:01

Always look forward to your next video. I like your choice of music.

@Livingabeautifullife - 08.03.2025 00:46

I really enjoy watching and your van set up is so lovely. I love that you get to see all those beautiful places. I could not be alone this much lol but you seem very peaceful and are enjoying it! I wish you all the very best in life Mai!!

@mellie8875 - 08.03.2025 05:28

I actually enjoyed this video with no music, it was just a quiet and peaceful watch. 😌
I wish you had your propane, I would love to see some cooking,k but I understand the circumstance.

@marierey3888 - 08.03.2025 06:24

If you come through Sylvan lake you are welcome to stay in my parking lot

@patgarza5267 - 08.03.2025 08:17

Your a calming effect on me Mai we have been going through so much here in America life is depressing right now. But then I see your calming adventurous videos and it warms my soul Thank you.

@lulabelldesigns - 08.03.2025 09:33

I love watching your travels. You ins😊ire me!

@juliegeorge8533 - 08.03.2025 19:46

Blessings to you - I hope all goes as well as possible with your mammogram x

@yuccavalleynan2074 - 09.03.2025 03:51

I always love riding along with you Mai! You always make your food look so inviting! I ate a toasted cheese sandwich & a mug of homemade vegetable beef soup 🥰. I like your vlogs with music as well as without. At 75 - I have not worked up the courage to car camp yet. Someday I hope to - I do occasional solo car trips - no more than 400 mi radius from home. Safe travels - 🙏🏻mammogram went well.

@LifewithMaiOfficial - 04.03.2025 05:05

Thanks to everyone who is watching! I hope you enjoy 🤍🥰🤗
