Love your lectures.
2 things: maybe you can zoom in when showing a slide.
Also, it's hard to hear the questions from the audience, maybe you can repeat. Thanks!
I like these lectures they’re informing as well as teaching those who stood away from our astonishing history for different circumstances
ОтветитьEeeeeew!!!! That's your Worst-est Joke EVER!!!!! GOOD ONE Hillel!!
ОтветитьThere was an Isreal at his time? Why do I feel like that is a lie. World history has when Isreal was established.
ОтветитьAlso didn't find this first moses of the Torah that you mentioned. I saw records of moses maimon in world history, but no one by the name of moses from the bible. Are you being truthful?
ОтветитьMaimonides was cool. How can Evil happen if God is good ? Maimonides said Evil is an absence of Good.
ОтветитьBeloved Dr Henry Abrahams I appreciate the wisdom Maimonides abundantly shared but I do not see any comparative relativity to the great prophet Moses who was intimately evolved metaphysically or divinely with God where divinely inspired revelation is infused directlly into the living intellectual relationship of Moses the prophet experienced and the Torah clearly reveals when you have the insight to understand what the initiate cannot yet see, through to the very real relationship in the mind of the physically invisible God but enlightened by the brian's networked current that actively and intellectually understands from personal intimacy into these higher frequencies or developed channels that flow through into Moses' mental consciousness that then develops the attributes now applying logic and reason to break the bonds that restrict insight into these higher worlds that the mind's brain can open when the necessary spiritual strengths are developed and where the powerful knowledge that confronts all the excruciating challenges that must be overcome in spiritual warfare where courage, bravery and the mental strength are equally as deep rooted and initiated fully into the psyche is essential to enter such an arena compared to that of a wise scholastic devotee philosopher who possessed no infusion of divine power that allowed him to cross the threshold where even the least prophet manages to do successfully and delivers not merely a human collectiveness of ideas and commentary but has actually mentally graduated to the next level which is entering the divine worlds of consciousness and delivering the higher mysteries that enable the whole culture to eventually achieve and inculcate in their own neural pathways that are opened up culturally as the community evolves intellectually to the meatier or maturer truths that the mind must digest to develop the internal spiritual senses that permits the life of the mind to raise to so that a population does not remain 'in the wilderness' but generates the internal power to produce the next stage of development in the human-beings spiritual evolution.
The glory of the the Torah already reveals the deepest mysteries for us already. These Holy Truths are charged by a direct eternal electrical energy that are incandescent and cannot be switched off. However, they must build the internal power of the individual's will and might and knowledge enough to light up what most have not yet been acquainted with.
The diet after the flood reveals much more than merely a vegetarian diet just as the manna from heaven delivered daily requires the lengthy time it takes for a community to digest the spiritual manner that helps the soul raise itself to the intended greatness that can now be recognised and acknowledged on Earth for those who seek eternity must experience that on Earth so that they prepare their own journey to the channel where communication moves forward in the creative direction where light is infused and purpose driven and strengthens our current world's evolution spiritually.
These attributes are not restricted to relativity and decay but are from outside the scientific nature but the soul life and purpose must be delivered in the individual and why mankind had a fall so that the life of the mind could develop the world of the individual soul and where the I can be awoken to deliver not just the life of mankind on Earth but the next journey the soul makes without decay.
Moses the prophet technically did not have to personally experience 'the land of milk and honey' or 'the Promised Land' as he was already intimate with these higher visions and passed on the insight for Joshua to navigate his people to this divine pathway but the glory for these spiritually advanced souls is to collectively to deliver the Divine Seed of Israel into the temples of mankind's mind which they carry around within them but am on the threshhold that will open up the science where the mysteries unveil what Wolfgang Pauli was one step from understanding that knowledge that lead to the summit and why Moses allowed the individuals to begin the ascension when seeking counsel or guidance on Mount Sinai or at the very least, always in a physically elevated situation so that the individual began to understand the physical path one must commence on to attain the peaks that can be reached within each awakened mind.
The natural elevation of divine transmutation is seriously grounded with deep roots so that it fires or generates enough charge to see there is always much more and eventually why mathematics technically can count to infinity as all universal sciences are discovered by mankind.
They are just some of God's creative tools that explain physical worlds and mass.
Wait until we/you enter the minds of eternal kingdoms that are eternal.
This lecture is totally amazing. I am hanging on every word. Please keep sharing your lectures with us all over the world.
ОтветитьThis one's for you, Henry Abramson...
[music "Black Betty" with new lyrics]
Whoa oh he's a rabbi,
Whoa oh he's a rabbi,
His works compiled,
He's a mensch gone wild,
Rambam! ....
Maimonides was also against animal sacrifices in the Temple. He saw them as pagan, and he was right!
ОтветитьPlease maimonides is the biblical fictional character Moses the law giver ...
ОтветитьGreat lecture! Some of negative comments below are a bit perplexing to me....I feel that Rabbi Abramson did a very good job! You must remember that the task to fit in ALL of the detailed information regarding Maimonides life in a 60 minute lecture is very hard to do, one would need days to speak about the intricacies of Maimonides life and writings. Great job Rabbi, I enjoyed the presentation deeply! Now, off to studying I go 👍❤️🇮🇱📚📖
ОтветитьWhat was Musa bin mai moon view about Islam and the prophet Muhammad?
ОтветитьThat chocolate part gets funny when he says I'm gonna give you the chocolate jjjjjj
Ответитьwhy he thinks he is funny is beyond me....
ОтветитьI gave a thumbs up right after the joke!
ОтветитьThis is riddled with inaccuracies.
ОтветитьThe great sparrow you mean?
ОтветитьHis name is Moussa BenMimoun.
He is a moorish berber intellectual faqih and the greatest scholar in the interpretation of the the Torah and the talmud.
He is not of Hebrew origin, like Saint Augustus who was also a berber christianity scholar.
Mimoun is a berber amazigh name.
The Jews are not Red (aka white) they are Black (aka so-called African-Americans, Haitians, and Jamaicans).
Ответитьthank you for the biography--tireless in his thought.
ОтветитьI am 80 years old I pray God I could live long enough to go through all your lectures, Thank you so much wish I was living in Florida I would be so happy to meet you. I live in Melbourne Victoria Australia
Ответитьyou are NOT funny...poor delivery
Ответитьi have long been an avid fan of your videos , so much so that from the very depths of my gentile soul i dedicate this little poem for you, it is my small way of thanking you for your huge intellectual gifts to me all these years,
First And Best
For Henry Abramson
Nearly drowning in the almost ocean
Of new books, demanding to be read,
Who among us will ever think to ask,
Who had already said, all that must be said,
Said it first and best.
Was it the famed scribes of Egypt,
Seeking permanence in hieroglyphics etched in stone?
Was it the ancient Chinese seers,
Musing over steaming pots of tea?
Was it the ever classical Greeks,
Ever playing the tunes to every possible question
In every possible key?
Or was it those stern, bearded Jews of old,
When God Himself, told them,
Word for word, exactly what to write.
Why do Jews consider him equal to Torah teaching? I hear so much about him.
ОтветитьExcellent lecture, Dr. Abramson! Question: Since the Rambam spent time in Fes, is there any possibility that his writings (Mishneh Torah) could have influenced some of the Jewish communities, even today?
ОтветитьThis is my favourite era of his lectures.
ОтветитьRe: Sefer haMitzvot: this work was also first introduced to me as "the first treatment about the 613 commandments" which is, I was informed, both misleading and inaccurate.
1. MISLEADING: in that it was never a separate work. It is part of the "Yad Hazaka". It can be understood as a postscript, as being an explanation for readers' orientation or telos in their reading.
# 2. There were at least three other scholarly treatments od the 613, including the SMAG and the SMAK, Sefer haMitzvot Gadol & Sefer haMitzvot heKatan, both of which were written at least a century previous to Miamonides, during the period of the Goanim. In particular, it's been explained that Rambam's objective was to reject preceeding works' "logical failures", such as including practices of Purin and Hanukah as being given by G*d at Mt. Sinai.
.,? Beyond the scope of this presentation?
Nice series of lectures - learned plenty. Much appreciated.
Ответитьdestruction to the apartheid state of Israel!
ОтветитьThe issue of Anger plays large in the Mishneh Torah; but in The Guide, not so much. As usual, The Guide provides differing perspectives similar to Ms Abramson's objections. In fact, Ms Abramson's objections appear directed at the Presentation rather than at The Guide. Review the Chapters on Courage and Sorrow. Good talk, nevertheless.
ОтветитьThank you so much for putting this together. I thoroughly enjoyed your lecture. I am a Judeo Christian and as I was spending time with the Lord this morning, he led me to learn more about this individual you spoke about and specifically lead me to your lecture. My only suggestion is it might be best to structure having questions at the end of the lecture instead of throughout the lecture. Thank you again for your work. God bless you.
ОтветитьThe greatest Law Code of all time. Far superior to the Shulchan Aruch. Every Jew in the world should go by it until an equal or greater Sanhedrin gets established.
ОтветитьInteresting that he wanted to encourage access to Torah for common folk, kind of an early emphasis that shows up again in the Protestant reformation a few centuries later, where access to Scripture for everyone was a big deal, accelerated by Gutenburg’s invention ove moveable-type press, also that many leading Protestants were styled “Hebraists” because they were fascinated with the Tenach (though this then encouraged the concept of Supracessionalism , I.e., the “Christians replaced the Jews as God’s people.”
Ответитьi mean ok, would the jews of that time confuse aristotle with someone like oprah ?
ОтветитьRespectfully, St. Thomas Aquila’s was a Roman Catholic. He was not a Christian. There is a huge difference in beliefs. Christians don’t believe in the need of a priest for the intercession of prayer to God, nor the authority of a pope on earth, nor of the idea of praying to Mary or any other dead person. Many more differences. Too many to list here. Aquila’s was definitely not a Christian. He was a Roman Catholic.
ОтветитьMoses Maimonides was a racist.
In his book "A Guide for the Perplexed" he says people of the steppes(Turks) and
black people are neither fully human nor fully animal, but in between.
Henry... many thanks as always for the enriching information. One little fact for you: the Alhambra is in Granada! An enchanting place well worth seeing, even with the long lines of tourists. Jewish history abounds in Cordoba.
ОтветитьI just came across this chanel, is this class still available ?
ОтветитьWho would win in a fight: Rashi or Rambam?
ОтветитьOh dear! Alhambra is NOT in Cordoba, as you state, but in Granada. Cordoba is instead famous for its Mezquita (mosque) later and to this day converted to a Catholic cathedral. Thanks.
ОтветитьI learnt from and enjoyed your lecture. Thanks and God bless.
ОтветитьSecond time I've watched this.
Ответитьعاءلع ابرامسن ضحايا جارتنا اليهوديه روزماري التي تهدي قلوب الناس في اعياد ميلاد ضحاياها الجدد من يهود فهي قتلت يهود اكثر من اسراءيل لتكتم سرها في بيع أعضاءهم من عصابه ستيرن الدمويه