Starfield: Deeply Flawed But Fantastic

Starfield: Deeply Flawed But Fantastic


10 месяцев назад

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Graça Sobre Graça
Graça Sobre Graça - 10.10.2023 10:45

This is my first Bethesda game and I’m loving every second of it. Even the loading screens are very well tolerated. I’m so in love with every quest and the world created that I feel like I’ve played several different games inside of this one massive story. Only other game I can think of that gave me that same feeling was the Witcher 3

Eric M
Eric M - 06.10.2023 15:59

I really thought this game was just trash and I really can't comprehend how you think it's fantastic. I also really think calling it that will just further encourage Bethesda to get even lazier in future releases.

Heithem Ghasali
Heithem Ghasali - 06.10.2023 12:18

Call me crazy, but I actually prefer loading screens in a game of this scale , cause performance is always better inside vs outside a building

Nathan Green
Nathan Green - 03.10.2023 05:31

What's the planet in the thumbnail?

Buckle Nuckle
Buckle Nuckle - 02.10.2023 20:35

This isn’t Call of Duty. It’s an RPG. Space cowboys. Hello.

Stu anon
Stu anon - 01.10.2023 21:23

Might get it in 20 years time

Orochi - 28.09.2023 22:19

It's crazy that you need a loading screen for getting into the ship when you can actually noclip through to get in without the loading screen... When the ship is landed it's actually a part of the open world that's already loaded. There shouldn't be a loading screen for ships

Dodger - 25.09.2023 06:31

After two weeks I think its fair to say this game is garbage. If it stands to have any hope into the future every aspect of it will need to be modded.

Stephen Murray
Stephen Murray - 24.09.2023 06:10

Once this game gets mods it's on. Fallout 4 was average. Fallout 4 with mods was absolutely crack cocaine levels of addictive.

Snoop TK
Snoop TK - 24.09.2023 00:05

this is by far the best review of starfield ive seen, it doesnt only focus on the negative and the stupid negatives like the invisible walls (which ive yet to encounter in 82h of playtime). A lot of people only base their reviews on questionnable critisicm and only points to bad things and completely ignore the positives. This is not the case here, both sides are approached and balanced!

JFY GT26 - 20.09.2023 05:50

Something tells me that Levelcap still prefers Star Citizen over Starfield.

Redslayer86 - 19.09.2023 17:13

Im nearing the 100h mark on new game + #4 and Im still enjoying it a lot.

There are a few issues that I will eventually get mods for, like digipicks Im so fucking tired of that little mini game that I don't even loot things behind locks anymore lol.

But its a great game. I think a lot of the hate is people who just want to hate for the sake of hating.

My luck continues with Bethesda games, as Ive had no crashes, and have ran into very few bugs outside of the random glitched NPC.

Redslayer86 - 19.09.2023 17:08

This is /almost/ exactly what Id want out of a space game.

Add in the ability to set a course and have my crew pilot us there while I mess around on the ship and Id be in heaven lol.

Make a star wars game similar to this with character creation and all, and let me play however I please, and I'd play it til I needed a new PC lol

Miguel Lozano Melero
Miguel Lozano Melero - 19.09.2023 02:31

Game is bad, end. The little "good" that it has isn't enough to save it from his problems, game is pretty mediocre all around and even worse in some aspects, for a game labeled as a triple AAA and being selled with such price tag, is at much a 4 and isn't worth the money.

My advise don't hear this guy and expend money on the game, it doesn't have anything that can be called "fantastic", you're gonna end up dissapointed if you buy it, is big but shallow as a puddle.

camf33 - 19.09.2023 02:18

Very good review bc I feel the same way and I am most definitely sure a lot of folks feel the same way too, as much as we are enjoying the game it didn’t quite pushed the envelope to be awarded GOTY. Before it cane out at the very least I pictured flying about the planet surface on my space ship, yada yada.. Lol. Oh well perhaps we’ll get a small rover at least.

weediestbroom - 18.09.2023 19:53

You're intro sums up my feelings precisely

ReF - 18.09.2023 14:31

Played it 150 hours and kept wondering why I'm always falling asleep. The loading screens, lack of land vehicles (heck at least Vasco should transform into something you can ride or tame & mount a creature), any named npc is "essential" so you can't kill them to change the story or plot lines. It's half baked & half finished they were more concerned about making a woke mess that Blackrock would approve of. Enemy Ai is confused half the time, even the dialogue with all the NPC's is corny & annoying with voice actors that just read their lines. Skyrim at least had memorable NPC voice actors with flair and some passion. It's a game with potential that modders could one day make really cool.

DARKIZ - 17.09.2023 21:56

Why does it take 50 bullets to kill a man? That's why i get a turn off. Garbage mehanics like cod. Graphics are nicer..Quest are lacking something more than just empty npc grinding.. but shooting (how many times you need to shoot a man! it's just garbage)

gandolfo difiore
gandolfo difiore - 17.09.2023 16:00

Great review. Is your review of the pc version only ? I have a series x. Just curious if it looks and runs as smooth as your video on the series x. Thx in advance

Alexandria Brangwin
Alexandria Brangwin - 17.09.2023 13:35

They have to keep Creation Engine, or the modding scene dies.

x - 17.09.2023 09:25

I'll come back to this one, I haven't downloaded it yet but I feel like I have faith in this one

Zach Jones
Zach Jones - 17.09.2023 08:18

What happened to quality control? I'm sorry, so many companies today are delivering poor products by cutting corners.

Arcwolf - 17.09.2023 07:59

Bethesda games will always be great games, regardless of the bugs, they are truly great RPGs.

Nobby Nobbs
Nobby Nobbs - 16.09.2023 17:38

No, just deeply flawed and boring. So boring.

bblande - 15.09.2023 20:33

I think you just don't get Bethesda games. It's not for you.

boomer150 - 15.09.2023 12:02

I am 100% convinced that the reason Starfield has a reputation for bugginess is because all the reviewers are playing the game on PC. Every single review for Starfield I have watched has not been on Xbox Series X or S but clearly PC and they ALL have edit's of various bugs but this radically contradicts my own experience with Starfield.
As someone without a two thousand dollar gaming PC I played Starfield on my Xbox Series X and I am at the end of my first playthrough, 90 hours and a level 48 character. In all those hours I took note of every bug that I would call "significant" such as characters clipping through the floor or hovering, those kind of things.
It is worth noting I don't use companions, I travel alone.
My notes have 5 instances of significant bugs
At level 7 I had Vasco stuck on the outside of my ship during take off, one time event.
At level 12 one of the temple's would not activate, resolved with a reload.
At level 14 I saw a big alien clipping through a rock, resolved after I killed it.
At level 31 A quest NPC was not where it was supposed to be, resolved with a reload.
At level 40 A table in the store was missing, everything on the table was there but table was not, resolved with reload.
Those are the noticeable bug's during my 90+ hours of Starfield on Xbox Series X, yet Starfield's reputation is not much better than Cyberpunk. Maybe these reviewers needs to try another platform if they want a better experience.
This is far from the first time a game was glitch city on PC but great on console.
I don't regret my purchase one bit.

Marcus Nelson
Marcus Nelson - 15.09.2023 07:21

I get that making a game engine is extremely resource heavy and expensive, but I don't know why these studios are so reluctant to move away from proprietary engines that just don't perform any more (especially when there are engines out there that do). It seems like many of the problems with this game are a result of them using a clearly very dated engine and so the user experience is restricted into being able to do things based on the engine's limitations.

FirebreathXIII - 14.09.2023 23:48

I've said it a number of times, and I'll say it again: I expected "Skyrim but in space", and this is exactly what Bethesda delivered.
I didn't expect Elite Dangerous or DCS levels of space flight. But they did a decent-enough job at it.
Biggest disappointment is the number of loading screens and lack of variety in the "dungeons".

But beyond that... is good game. Not GOTY material, not great. But good.
And sometimes, that's all it needs to be.

Rose Thao
Rose Thao - 14.09.2023 22:32

I’m glad I’m old and loading screens don’t bother me e

Brandon L
Brandon L - 14.09.2023 19:41

The complaint about not understanding game mechanics or having it hold your hand through some of them is absurd…. If only there was an entire help section of the menu dedicated to that….

Sometimes bland dialogue is valid but when there is so much dialogue it’s not all going to be the most riveting and engaging stuff…

QuantumConcious's Corner
QuantumConcious's Corner - 14.09.2023 04:19

I wonder if the infinite load screens has anything too do with the game being cell oriented like fallout and skyrim. The creation engine is the downfall here they need to evolve beyond it

Rifle Eyez
Rifle Eyez - 14.09.2023 03:45

Honestly I've seen a lot of reaction to the game, like all AAA there's plenty hyperbole and childish rage, often from people who haven't played it.

But here I am, 2am and I'm at work at 7am, for the 4th day running now...and that time keeps flying by. No long reviews needed, honestly it's probably my favourite game of 2023. People may be all upset over this like my subjective enjoyment should appreciate all those ''better games'', but there we go.

tralala - 13.09.2023 19:12

Thanks for your straight criticism concerning inventory, writing. The game world needs less enthousiastic reviews. Sometimes its products are just frustrating.
(Played it for 100 hours)

J Har
J Har - 13.09.2023 04:05

This was a great, informative, impartial review, so well done. I'll wait until it inevitably goes on sale during one of Steam's events.

Ali Gillani
Ali Gillani - 12.09.2023 20:06

Dead eye characters are one of the major gripes I have with Bethesda games. Other than that the sheer amount of content and gigantic world and numerous NPCs to interact with is superb.

Des S
Des S - 12.09.2023 19:29

if it ain't stop selling, don't fix it. - Godd Toward

syminite1 - 12.09.2023 19:27

This game bossed up! Put in like 30 hours so far.

Pathfinder George
Pathfinder George - 12.09.2023 13:08

Spot on! Hoping they at least replace black loading screens with longer char/ship animations so we feel like we're moving, not loading :D Also having to sell 800kg of junk to a merchant with 5'000 credits is super annoying...

Jaded Bread N Circus
Jaded Bread N Circus - 12.09.2023 05:50

I thought it was because I'm old. I don't go over all of the dialogue options, I just accept missions asap.

lost4 words
lost4 words - 12.09.2023 00:35

The first 4 hours were a struggle, did finally get into it however the performance on pc is poor, the start of the game drags & when you realise that most of the game is fast traveling & loading screens it gets pretty tiresome, its my least favourite bethesda game yet and i own fallout 76😅

Mark Myers
Mark Myers - 12.09.2023 00:06

People want this game to be good it's absolute trash

FreightTrain54 - 11.09.2023 20:29

It's a shittier No Man's Sky with better missions and graphics. The best missions in the story were the intro quests for each character... after you get to the artifacts and temples it just gets boring af... especially the temples. Bathesda needs to hire the modders as they fixed 80% of the game (UI and graphics) in two weeks. It'll hold me over until Squadron 42 and Star Citizen.

Doreon Gray
Doreon Gray - 11.09.2023 18:58

I’ll tell you guys, Cyberpunk feels so good after playing Starfield. 😂

CrniWuk - 11.09.2023 18:55

How do I get of the toilet?
Once you reach a certain age, this question becomes painfully relevant.

GHOST888 - 11.09.2023 17:12

loading screen simulator lol 70$ really?

craig Doc
craig Doc - 11.09.2023 15:53

I don't think you want to be traveling from planet to planet, it would take you years

Blakarot - 11.09.2023 15:19

“All easily accessible in just 20 clicks” 😂🤣

Phil Clay
Phil Clay - 11.09.2023 15:14

Love this game!!!

Rob - 11.09.2023 14:59

Bethesda needs to get rid of Todd before they'll ever be allowed to actually innovate. He's the worst.

Having said that, I'm lost in side-quests having fun in a buggy Bethesda game again because the main story in boring as shit.

Also thank Jebus for GamePass because there is no way I would've bought this outright.
