BrewBuilt X3 Conical Fermenter FIRST LOOK | MoreBeer!

BrewBuilt X3 Conical Fermenter FIRST LOOK | MoreBeer!


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@kegtapper09 - 08.04.2024 19:26

That thing looks awesome!!! I need one

@travisbeagle5691 - 08.04.2024 19:57

Is this half batch capable or do you have to more or less keep batches close to the capacity of the fermenter?

@sirenbrewingco.3235 - 08.04.2024 19:59

Awesome update! Definitely listening to their customers.

@normodegard183 - 08.04.2024 20:11

Looks good!

@NathanKraemer - 08.04.2024 21:23

I would love to try it side by side with my two Jacketed X2s.
I already use the collection chamber with an adapter 👍

@SilbiBrewWorks - 08.04.2024 21:35

Knew I should have waited….😞

@59apachestepside - 08.04.2024 22:21

This is the new standard. Thank you for getting rid of the cheapie band clamp and adopting TC for everything.

@blackwoodbrews - 08.04.2024 22:32

I’ll take it. Looks like a nice upgraded fermenter.

@BanjosBikesBrewing - 09.04.2024 00:55

Awesome design! Good Bye Band Clamp...Not going to miss you!😀

@curtpick628 - 09.04.2024 01:21

Ok. I'll be nice....

@michaelmeline3956 - 09.04.2024 18:25

What a beautiful setup. Just having one would make you look like you know what you are doing. I am excited for the accessories.

@dudestewbrews - 09.04.2024 18:54

Oh man, my x2 is jealous of that tri-clamp lid.

@davegaylord4590 - 09.04.2024 19:23

Any trade in or trade up programs for those of us with X2's that have struggled with the band clamps and still never gotten the promised performance. Horribly frustrating with everything else about the X2 having been a dream come true.

@jnoonan - 09.04.2024 19:25

She's a beauty. So shiny 😍🍻

@cdctx07 - 10.04.2024 01:51

Ooh, I had been sitting on the idea of the X2 due to the additional ports there for my custom-made toys. This is far far far better!

@cdctx07 - 10.04.2024 01:56

How much can the jacket cold crash? Right now on my X1, I swapped out the CoolStix with a 4" TC coil (with liquid and gas posts added), and it brings the beer down well. For added efficiency, I added an external cooling jacket, so glycol goes in the coil, out into the jacket, then out into the glycol chiller return. Super efficient for sure, but if the X3 integrated jacket can get to cold crash temps, that would be awewome

@wickedbeernut - 10.04.2024 06:39

Time for a Brewtools F-series Unitank (starting at $1,849) vs BrewBuilt X3-series Unitank (starting at $1,099) Showdown.

BrewBuilt was smart to incorporate the Brewtools welded lid (no more goofy full-lid clamp/gasket), 8" TC main lid port and 2" TC horizontal cone heater element port. The other lid ports are sufficient. The 3" TC dump port seems like overkill. I would've preferred a dedicated racking port. The cone could've used another 1.5" TC horizontal port or two. I'm disappointed BrewBuilt doesn't advertise a maximum pressure of 2 bar / 30 PSI (tri-clamp fittings should support it), if only to be on par with Brewtools. With the upcoming Spike Premium Unitank, BrewBuilt may regret not making the X3-series fully-jacketed (cylinder and cone). I guess there's always the X4-series.

Please share video of the Brewtools Fermentation Control System (FCS) at the Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America, in Las Vegas, starting April 21. In addition to temperature control, pressure control and the electronic spunding valve, we're expecting Brewtools to demo the tuning fork density sensor (the heart of the FCS) and possibly the level/volume sensor and stirrer. Of course, the FCS isn't specific to Brewtools Unitanks. The FCS should (eventually and at least partially) be compatible with unitanks such as the BrewBuilt X3-series, even with it's limited number of cone ports.

@BEERNBBQBYLARRY - 12.04.2024 19:52

Looks like a winner and a huge improvement over the X2.

@gracelewis-rushlow6285 - 12.04.2024 23:11

Love it and I hate missing your Friday videos when I do I’m like dang it I missed it 😢 good luck everyone

@rayv8588 - 12.04.2024 23:36

Wow that would look great in my garage!!! Great video.

@MatthesGardens - 13.04.2024 00:04

Looks like some competition for the BrewTools F series...

@ExperimentalistBrewing - 13.04.2024 00:06

How does the cooling work with the jacket? Does it require a glycol system? Other temperature controller?

@codebowl - 13.04.2024 04:53

This looks amazing. You should send me one even if I don't win 😅😂😂 I'm still using gen 2 fermzillas and original speidels.

@AnArchyzAch - 13.04.2024 06:57


@AnArchyzAch - 13.04.2024 06:57


@cl4367 - 13.04.2024 12:12

That thing is a work of art. I would turn to stone with that mirror finish😂.

@chbro464 - 13.04.2024 16:14

This looks great! Hope I can win it

@ceneilson8928 - 13.04.2024 20:04

Great videos and reviews. I'm excited because tomorrow I'm meeting a buddy to drink a bottle (or 3) off Pliny the Young we were fortunate enough to have sent to us in Chicagoland.

@DougStreets - 13.04.2024 23:16

Not gonna lie… this is a little bittersweet news. I’ve just spent a considerable amount of time trying to determine which jacketed stainless steel fermenter to purchase and my biggest concern was the sealing band. I wound up going with the MiniUni for this very reason. I’ll definitely be keeping my eye on these in case I find my fermentation capacity a tad lacking!!!😂

@ryanpappas9709 - 15.04.2024 18:06

I have the X2 and i want this so bad!

@Komnenos1234 - 23.04.2024 01:03

Was going to get a Brewzilla Gen 3 but saw this and think I'm just going to save up.

@seamonkey74 - 26.04.2024 00:06

only issue so far is the 80 watt or bigger heater wrap does not fit with the ports in the conical. immersion heater isnt available yet either. we'll how the little 40 watt fits and works once those come in.

@pappabear61 - 30.04.2024 02:36

I would love to have it

@africantwin173 - 09.05.2024 10:50

Nice product, but not available in EU.

@nu11pointerexception - 11.05.2024 22:33

I just received my X3 a few days ago and I'm excited to brew my first batch! However, I'm a bit puzzled about how to conduct a CIP (Clean-in-Place) with the new collection vessel after assembling it. Could you share a video demonstrating the CIP process using both PBW and sani? It would be really helpful to see how others are managing this. Thanks in advance!

@paulhernandez8068 - 23.06.2024 00:17

What is the minimum batch for the 38 gal?

@firemanjohn98 - 20.07.2024 07:03

Can you do 5-gallon batches in the 14-gallon conical or will the wort sit too low for the cooling jacket to be effective?

@OneBedWarehouse - 08.09.2024 17:35

I see the website states the pressure pack allows you to “…ferment, carbonate, and even serve all in one vessel.” I’m going to struggle to fit a kegerator in my apartment and I’m keen to keep things as minimal as possible so very interested in serving straight from the fermenter - what would be the best way of going about this, glycol chiller and co2 tank then pressure pack value straight to tap? Any potential drawbacks? Love videos, subscribed!

@Bass_Man1981 - 24.10.2024 01:50

Since this is tri clamp can this be pushed up to 30psi?
