Dead by Daylight | My Current Multiplayer Obsession

Dead by Daylight | My Current Multiplayer Obsession

Critical Nobody

2 года назад

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@Axyierl - 26.05.2024 14:23

I kind of wish you made another video on dbd, lots of problems you spoke about have been fixed, characters are cheaper, camping is no longer an issue, the games meta changed a lot and they're adding new gamemodes. I know you don't play it anymore but I would love to see your opinion on all these changes

@RapidFyrCharlie - 16.03.2024 06:40

Great video!

@MonarkenRTV - 29.09.2023 00:12

Very nice / good review of DBD.

@federalbureauofinvestigati5876 - 30.06.2023 17:23

Did bro really not talk about how you can get perks and characters with iridescent shards?

@999.69 - 16.05.2023 21:47

Bro will shit talk re4 remake but will play Dead by Daylight.....🤦🤦

@CatherinexxKC - 26.03.2023 16:45

Dead by daylight is dying so much now with all the patches and reworks they keep adding or taking away. The game is so boring now. D:

@semimad100 - 25.01.2023 11:22

DBD finally scratched that itch for me that i havnt been able to really feel since l4d1 versus was still popular. love these types of games.

@FilthyLegionMain - 20.01.2023 13:02

3k hours here and I won't scoff at your count. You got past the first 10 and stuck with it and I'm proud. Just keep with a chill mindset and don't hesitate to uninstall if it gets too frustrating. This game can and will break you if you're not careful. If you ever wanna learn any cool tips that you probably didn't know, feel free to look my name on steam. Same as it is here! I'd love to help! :>

@hyronvinter778 - 03.01.2023 19:53

If someone as killer feels that they have to avoid tunneling or camping to make the game not so easy for them and giving survivors a chance, then your game is not balanced at all.
There is literally no real reason to not tunnel and camp as killer, these are the most effective ways to win a match, maybe not that funny, but still.
I dont usually go there calling the killers names or whatever because they tunnel, i just feel that is a shame that the game is not well balanced

@krewl1252 - 27.12.2022 07:45

a good review that both showed the good and the not so good aspects of dbd thank you sir and glad you are also weirded out by the dating sim

@not.avalabor - 27.12.2022 02:04

what about idv

@sirpiss1708 - 06.12.2022 21:25

Honestly with killer etiquette my opinion is that as soon as you tbag me, all bets are off, if you’re so cocky about winning than I’m gonna cheese you as much as I want mr big shot

@jefferythibodeaux5573 - 29.11.2022 15:51

Can’t tell if edited or you have your brightness up

@winstonmontgomery8211 - 29.11.2022 13:47

This game would make for a cool short film idea.

@winstonmontgomery8211 - 29.11.2022 13:42

I got "hooked" on this game.. no pun intended 🤣 there was times when being chased by the killer was so scary I literally had to let the killer catch me and kill me just to make the fear stop haha 😄

@ShadyEnigma - 07.11.2022 06:55

Evil Dead is WAY better in terms of gameplay and player engagement on BOTH sides. Friday only stopped because of a lawsuit. Evil Dead also handles its dlc way better than the greedy in game currency dbd has. Not to mention that Friday has more ways of escaping LOL
Evil Dead and Friday are from from copy cats and more of improved versions that do more in their own style. Stopped playing dbd ever since evil dead came out and even went back to Friday when that Chad meme made the game blew up and had full lobbies again for a bit. Never again will I hop on dbd

@Seoul_Soldier - 06.11.2022 18:04

Dead by Daylight isn't perfect by any means but it is the only multiplayer game I consistently play these days. And the only content that can only be bought with real money is licensed, because licensing agreements have to be honored. Other than that, I think that DBD is probably the healthiest modern game monetization wise.

@LadyAsmodeus - 06.11.2022 07:09

I play this game since 2018, started on ps4 then moved to steam, but this year I decided to uninstall it and never play again because as killer, I almost always lost the match and survivors were always toxic ( in EU server games at least ) and every match they would t-bag and flashlight clicking ( I'm not even exaggerating ) - so if its not fun, why bother - it just felt very hard to let it go after thousands of hours and having fun at the beginning as killer, when survivors were much easier to kill

@drricemice2046 - 04.11.2022 07:00

I thinnk DBD stands out because actual gameplay is super simple andnyour goal is eazy to understand. But with how perks and add-ons work and then know what killer you are playing or how to loop as survivors these things make the game super deep . the game is one of only a handful of games that seamlessly swap the competition/casual play very nicely I dont have to sweat all the time (have to more now with sbmm) if you dont wanna

@nts3208 - 23.10.2022 03:16

I watch all of your vidoes Craig and theyre all good. However, it seems the algorithm is punishing you for not making longer videos about single player games. I genuinely hope you find a way to get consistent numbers. You deserve them more than most gaming channels. Your undeniable passion for games is infectious.

@PixilleWolf - 22.10.2022 23:59

Yeah, thats the thing with Dead by Daylight....once you start playing, its very hard to stop. I had almost 6000 hours on that game (in total combining xbox, pc, friends pc and consoles, playstation, mobile), it was my life for like 2 years lmao

@Saxon.h - 03.10.2022 20:29

Hope your house get better

@DylNyeTheDrummerGuy - 20.09.2022 09:40

I started out as a survivor main but I understand killers cuz sometimes you have to camp if everyone is god tier in chase

@aaronh8498 - 18.09.2022 05:19

ill look for you in my lobbies bro :)

@JesterWhoHelps - 16.09.2022 13:44

I have 5,400 hours in this game and I don't know why I keep playing it.
The game is fun but the developers are GARBAGE tier.
Pandering and hypocritical.

@soulindenial5001 - 12.09.2022 19:36

The only thing I hate about this game is the toxic community and metas lol. other than that, I quite enjoy this game

@SHARROWKYN663 - 12.09.2022 01:18

I've had this game in my library for a long time but been to afraid to play because of the community i just dont have the energy for it.

@TheBros2theend - 11.09.2022 20:33

God bless heal and save you. having bought the game when it came out and seeing all the changes its made is so sad. it used to be really great and fun and now its just.....why

@vatn723 - 11.09.2022 01:41

Left 4 Dead 2

@JogVodka - 10.09.2022 22:06

DbD is the one game that forced me to turn off messages from randos. I received too many death threats playing this game within the first month of playing

@justanuff - 09.09.2022 08:01

200 hours? these are rookie numbers.

@GameBooAdvancePlus - 09.09.2022 02:59

Dead by Daylight is way too toxic and sweaty for my liking. I played it on and off for a year and every time just encountered some of the worst people in a game in my life. I'm glad other people find fun in it despite this.
Something like the Friday the 13th Game and Evil Dead game are way more up my alley. Mostly casual and the enviroment encourages more silly play and friendly conversation between fans of the franchises.
Also every game in F13th is dynamic. Players create their own objectives while the Jason player can torment and kill the players however they wish, if they can. Way more fun to me than the ridgid competetive mindset of DBD where its either generators or hooks.

@ancwhor - 05.09.2022 13:27

wrong. dont litsen to this man. 200 houjs wrong., you bad wrong 200 hours hahaha 🤤

@pic_3887 - 05.09.2022 03:11

I don't get it how a game like this has a following and appreciation so big. dbd is an unpolished game, full of unbalanced killers amd perks, a community that is the bane of humanity, a terrible matchmaking system that takes minute to a find a single match, and yet people waste hours and hours on this game, why???

I always heard tons of criticism on games that are broken like this but everyone still close more than one eye on dbd, this doesn't make any sense

@meatbeatmania - 26.08.2022 10:04

It's a shame they killed death garden because they tried to market it to dead by daylight players

@williamconner9921 - 14.08.2022 12:07

I just picked up the game this year I got the ultimate edition on Series X the only things I really even play online now I'm mostly co-op focus games or call of duty online but this has been an exception so I'm enjoying it quite a bit except for the toxic survivors that like spam the same garbage every now and then

@flames8099 - 12.08.2022 02:16

I was around when beta was a thing for about a week, i was given a code by a random person who was giving a code to a random person, (whoever you are thank you) and was given it. The beta was by far my most fun experience ever with a couple friends. Running from hillbilly was terrifying. Nurse is still as broken as is now but reworked. Etc etc, i dropped the game after myers came out but never truly left the game, more the toxic community at the time is what drove me off. I recently been watching more and more dbd again and ready to return. And now that wesker the chad himself is joining the roster im rearing and ready to go. Anyone who wants to play this game, go head. Its got some hella nice content

@Geekwannabe - 11.08.2022 10:10

One little vr game called thief simulator is something that you should try out.

@infinitespace9479 - 10.08.2022 18:37

Why don’t you do noob-tube/humiliation videos anymore? Those were your best videos!!!

@iswitchedsidesforthiscat - 09.08.2022 21:48

I was only here to see the guy who said he was gonna commit to commenting “Every Metal Gear Game” on your vids.

@Spewa-em8cm - 01.08.2022 05:52

I would honestly love DBD so much more if BHVR hasnt been so incompetent time and time again, it kinda puts a sour taste in my mouth to even think of the game nowadays.

@slade8748 - 29.07.2022 11:34

Can you make review on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series?

@cactispartan - 25.07.2022 06:08

I would have no qualms with Sam fisher being a solo survivor inclusion or at least a legend skin

PLEASE UBI GIVE US NEW CONTENT FOR TOM CLANCY GAMES BESIDES R6 (I haven’t made up my mind about xdefiant yet, seems kinda dumb but If I can create a clan based on the cleaners from division 1 and goof around it’ll be better then nothing but still want new Division, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon content)

@originalcookiedog - 22.07.2022 16:52

You finding matches damn now it’s impossible on ps4 to find matches with the dwindling fan base

@sketchy4383 - 22.07.2022 01:03

Hey!! You should do every Metal Gear Solid! Pretty Please 🙏

@ravagekabbage9539 - 20.07.2022 03:35

You should fix your schedule cuz of central is

@MrSnek-mj2pj - 16.07.2022 07:54

Still waiting on that Thief review
