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@ellenbitch7846 - 05.11.2024 15:23

please react to their other mv ''clik clak'' their rap based song

@dcstar7772 - 05.11.2024 15:27

Great Reaction…🤜🤛

I’m order of Appearance:

Chiquita (Lil Canny) 15 yrs -Thai

Ahyeon (ARAM-G) 17- Korean

Ruka (RuRu) 22-Japanese

Asa (Ace-Sa) 18- Japanese

Rora (A$AP Rora, Laura) 16- Korean

Pharita (Riri,Rita) 19- Thai

Rami -17- Korean

@el-sh4hy - 05.11.2024 17:09

Chiquita is the one with the jacket solo scene then pharita after her

@didapharamita4578 - 05.11.2024 18:02

The woman dancing with the jacket is the first rap that opens the song: Chiquita

@Fikri-zv5ib - 05.11.2024 18:23

try to watch clik clak, you'll never regret it

@kawika55555 - 05.11.2024 18:39

Bruh, you are so behind.😂 But I get it, your workin hard on your channel. Let me make it simple for you. All 7 of Baemon are ALL AROUNDERS or Centers with no leader. We in the know, are called MONSTIEZ. All u have to do now is learn their names. Oh btw, watch CLIK CLAK M/V & dance performance. That should've been watched before DRIP. Hope you're able to catch up.🤙

@yeseniamacias2600 - 05.11.2024 19:44

Do click clack next please!!

@monbeotube1 - 05.11.2024 19:58

They have 1 EP before, all the single you reacted before are in their debut EP BABYMONS7ER. This is their first full studio album DRIP with 9 tracks. Btw, YG announced that Chiquita also in the rapline so we got 4 rappers now: Ruka, Asa, Ahyeon, Chiquita. But in CLIK CLAK, all 7 members rap in that song. To follow the members part easier, I suggest you to watch their dance performence or live stages

@김타잔-g9m - 05.11.2024 20:25

Plz react to click clack

@mtbwithtfb - 05.11.2024 22:50

Not Ruka, Chiquita starts the video. Followed by Ahyeon. Followed by Ruka. Followed by Asa. Followed by Rora. Then Pharita with the pre-chorus. followed by Rami.

The member that you said comes in fierce is Chiquita.

@nrmnnk4057 - 05.11.2024 22:57

Bro, you doing great, keep on doing these reactions. Pause as much as you need too, love to hear what you are thinking about while the MV is playing.
As for the names, you will get it soon enough, but maybe after you watch the MV and the song is in your head,
Watch a Lyrics video so you can see which girl is singing. Then watch the MV again, you should be able to name the girls easier. I am not saying to react to it, this is just for you to put a name together with the face and voice.
You could also watch them side by side, with the volume down on one of them.
I have done this a couple of time, just to learn the names and faces.

@ramonayourservice2823 - 06.11.2024 01:15


@glenndavis1868 - 06.11.2024 04:34

This is their 2nd album. Their positions are: 7 vocalists, 7 rappers, 7 dancers, 7 visuals, 7 models, 7 comedians, 7 leaders, 7 of the sweetest people on Earth = the most talented group to EVER exist. You don't need to remember any other group names because BabyMonster woke up every day for the past year and chose violence and is killing everybody else. Over 1.3 billion views on major releases over the past 12 months. Next closest group over the same period of time is LeSSerafim with 300 milion views. BabyMonster does not have competition, they have victims. The 2024 victim list: LeSSerafim, New Jeans, Red Velvet, Everglow, G-Idle, Illit, StayC, Kiss of Life, Bad Villian, MEOVV, XG, Twice,Dream Catcher, Aespa, Itzy, and every other female and male group that exists. Only their big sisters Blackpink are not on the hitlist, and will be joing them in 2025 to complete YG Scorched Earth policy for complete Global domination. They are by far the best and just getting warmed up.

ps: They will also be joined by the next group of female monsters the end of 2025 when YG introduces the next girl group.

@achmadfaisal772 - 07.11.2024 23:50

Next ( clik clak )

@JacobDavis-q8x - 18.11.2024 15:50

You should react to full album cause the rap ang vocals are eating
