3 Minute Swain Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

3 Minute Swain Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

3 Minute League of Legends

1 год назад

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@morphicshadow - 14.10.2023 19:19

This poor lulu though lol

@hermitcrab8250 - 28.09.2023 05:55

I watched this and my first game ever on swain I got an S+, thank you for this video

@ForggeEsportsNutrition - 13.08.2023 06:04

nice guide

@blackbloodcell5147 - 27.05.2023 14:58

Thanks bro always clutch all the time

@thelordofthelostluncheon - 04.05.2023 16:55

Swain, ornn and volibear are coming to league of legends mobile

@lordsaviorswarmthatwalks3385 - 03.03.2023 17:02

OG swain was better

@xmelissa20x - 13.12.2022 19:19

Talk to fast during combos.

@francisfalgui9292 - 05.11.2022 17:25

Hi, Swain is my fave champion in League but I got discouraged from playing him since I had a hard time playing him in solo lane.

I saw your guide and started playing him as support. I got 1 W and 1 L so far since I'm taking it slow, but my passion on playing Swain is back. Thank you so much and wish me luck on maining him.

EDIT: I still have a long way to go since warding scares me even with Vision of Empire and I lose focus during practice, but I'll still strive to get better as Swain.

@Malhaloth0810 - 27.10.2022 19:48

Swain doesn’t gain bonus health on his ult btw. Before the rework it doubled his stacks. Post rework his stacks went from 5hp to 12hp per stack.

@nomercy8989 - 23.10.2022 16:08

I've been spamming in for 2 weeks now and I got 4 S+ as support in one day haha. You say he is not safe in lave but his E can shut down a jungle gank with ease.

@filthyyasuomain2147 - 18.10.2022 00:10

swain main here. instead of electrocute, get conq then tenacity yellow, then footwear approach velocity. you want conq because swain absolutely thrives in drawn out fights thanks to his infinte ult. this is a VERY powerful combo (velocity is crucial) with rylai and will allow you to kite or chase infinitely with his ult.

@Na-ez6mz - 05.10.2022 23:19

is swain top viable

@geeemm135 - 05.10.2022 08:36

toplane playlist:
gragas, singed, nasus, sejuani, aatrox, jax, tahm kench, shen, gnar, malphite, camille, olaf, yone, cho'gath, quinn, sett, wukong, mordekaiser, urgot, tryndamere, graves, renekton, darius, teemo, garen, dr mundo, illaoi

midlane playlist:
viktor, annie, zed, veigar, orianna, lissandra, ziggs, ahri, heimerdinger, anivia

botlane playlist:
miss fortune, jinx, tristana, nilah, caitlyn, jhin, ezreal, varus

jungle playlist:
volibear, fiddlesticks, pantheon, nocturne, ekko, vi, master yi, shyvana, amumu, hecarim, lee sin, jarvan iv, zac, rek'sai, kha'zix

support playlist:
zilean, alistar, karma, nami, taric, lulu, ashe, senna, pyke, seraphine, brand, nautlius, rakan, vel'koz, sona, leona, morgana, lux, janna, blitzcrank, thresh, xerath, soraka, swain

@napim5369 - 04.10.2022 15:51

Who plays adc swain

@timothyallen5501 - 04.10.2022 15:43

How come you go tenacity in yellow tree instead of ult cd or money? Great video as always!
