Reasons Why Common Core is Bad for Education -- Fight Back

Reasons Why Common Core is Bad for Education -- Fight Back

TFP Student Action

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nikolay - 23.10.2023 20:13

I’m not religious, but I definitely agree with this

InuHost - 15.09.2023 15:45

So, I'm against common core and I'm currently fighting against it in my daughter's school. They just added it this year. However, what the kid had to say about the video going against his faith? He should have been sent to the principals office and punished. His fairy tales need to stay at home. Our children are in school to learn, not play pretend Harry Potter.

Shawn Snow
Shawn Snow - 31.08.2023 02:58

Change the title to "learning is hard - fight back against education"

Nobody - 08.08.2023 03:54

It’s absurd what government has done to the educational system! School should be taught by teachers. You know, it sort of reminds me of Harry Potter when the dark arts class was taught by a member of the ministry of magic. Never-the-less, there are great teachers that can teach their classes. My fourth grade teacher was a great teacher both in the class and outside. After class he would go hop on a bus as a driver. Upon learning how I was bullied even on my bus he swapped to drive my bus. Sat in the seat to the back right of him. He watched out for me, and he stopped two kids, who were bigger than me, from beating me up because I used the bathroom stall. He was a great teacher. Eventually I’m going to run for whatever office I need to right the wrongs that plague modern society. and one of them is education reform. And giving classrooms back to teachers so they can do what they do best.

Sarah - 07.07.2023 05:11

They want to suppress children.... to leave room for ideology

Mr Xiong
Mr Xiong - 01.04.2023 18:06

Common core works for high-IQ students or top 20% of the class but it will be a disaster for the bottom 80%.

Rusty Cucumber
Rusty Cucumber - 01.03.2023 03:02

Common core is why my generation are full of idiots.

Cosmic Potato
Cosmic Potato - 24.01.2023 20:20

It angers me that I was a part of this experiment. In math class during tests I got a crap grade because my answers were wrong. Confused my mom did the questions herself and found out my answers were right but how I solved the problem was what flunked me. And she had an argument over the teacher because of it.

Also during classes teachers spent all day not helping teach us but focusing on a few who were troubled the most and leaving us all alone. All I learned was if you do bad you get help and attention. If you do well you get nothing.

Lola - 02.12.2022 08:59

Why in the hell did they change math? It was a horrible idea and how as parents do we teach this kinda math

Evelyn Archuletta
Evelyn Archuletta - 12.11.2022 02:01

I totally agree!

bell c💫t
bell c💫t - 29.10.2022 18:35

In 5th grade the teacher was teaching common core division (and btw it’s so much harder and you can’t do it in your mind, it’s a very long and hard way) and I was doing the normal way of division that is easy and she made me do it the hard common core way and I didn’t know how because it was soooo confusing. I couldn’t divide anything until the teacher re taught me in 6th grade, she taught me well. Now im 7th we don’t do common core in my math.

The why not gamer
The why not gamer - 26.10.2022 21:32

Test’s are important you, leave you’re phone outside and get on with it. tests are more so teachers can see were you are

Edwin Lee
Edwin Lee - 11.07.2022 21:52

To be fair, the evolution of the grocery bag is something I'd probably read.

BennY Blubman
BennY Blubman - 11.07.2022 12:56

Let's go Indiana for not going with common core! I live there!

Iamthegreen - 07.07.2022 01:27

Dude I studied region and theology in college, Pope Pious XI was not the dude you wanted to take advice from on family matters. Also, this was supposed to be about how common core math is harmful (which I think it's a stupid, round-about way of doing something that should be way easier) and the very first section is about how science is atheist, and has nothing to do with the premise of this video. If I were to grade this video as a professor, I would immediately give it a D-.

MachineResolve - 20.06.2022 00:46

This felt like a parody video. Can’t believe how many viewers are nodding their heads along to this. Weak arguments with even weaker support.

Davy Juice
Davy Juice - 17.06.2022 22:05

so basically, bad because my faith says so. Good luck with that.

FlashToso - 05.06.2022 23:34

How is it possible that none of the reasons are about Common Core? Obviously they haven't read the standards!
I see Florida is blaming TEXTBOOKS now instead of standards (Common Core) for the same problems!!
No quoting of ANY Common Core standards!!!??????? That makes ANY comments irrelevant!!!
Why do people prefer to complain rather than find what works, who defines classwork & why?
NAEP shows top performing & most improved states use Common Core. TEXTBOOKS define classwork, not standards like Common Core!
Why do we prefer to be followers rather than flexible thinking problem solvers?
NAEP(nations report card) 8th grade rank in
Math Reading
Never had Common Core
4 17 Virginia
42 46 Texas
41 49 Alaska
10 22 Nebraska
2 (19) Minnesota (has CC English)

Successfully withdrew
32 44 Arizona
36 48 Oklahoma
7 13 Indiana
35 42 South Carolina

All other states used Common Core

Santino Jozef Miller
Santino Jozef Miller - 11.05.2022 15:04

Pittsburgh Dad: Common Core? Don’t make common sense!

Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown - 25.04.2022 07:11

I remember getting into arguments with teachers

EDMFAN - 20.04.2022 23:00

You know this video expands nothing to except a bunch of crazy people who do like common core math.

Polite Reminder:
Polite Reminder: - 20.04.2022 08:57

I expected this video to be dumb, but it wasn't. I didn't like the reductionism and politicization in it, but the points that are purely about education , standardization, and data gathering are solid. Trying to politicize it and to declare "liberals" as the problem is dumb though.
It was an educational experiment that failed, like a lot of educational experiments that are based on assumption rather than on research.

Roland Reich
Roland Reich - 18.04.2022 15:34

Thanks for the video. It lifted my spirits. But now my belly aches from laughing so hard.

Slw - 15.03.2022 00:04

I was just telling my husband we need to homeschool. I was helping my 4th grader with comparing fractions. He had to draw a bunch of boxes to figure it out. I showed him a quick easy way to do it but he said he’s not allowed to do it that way or he will be marked wrong.

Madam President
Madam President - 12.02.2022 01:30

I suck at math because of this.

C 1094
C 1094 - 25.01.2022 19:53

It's a complete DISASTER!! I left teaching here in California for a variety of reasons and one of them was the common core nonsense.

Daniel Dhad
Daniel Dhad - 16.12.2021 06:35

Bad for education?
Well bringing politics to young mind
Of students is bad for children!!

Madelynn Rose
Madelynn Rose - 11.12.2021 21:16

This video only negates common core with Conservatism and Christianity lol

HDB - 05.12.2021 19:12

While the critics on the mathematics part is sound, the part on the video where they talk about that the education is too atheistic is not. The point of public schools is to give a scientific education not only based on personal beliefs but on scientific evidence. Religious education may happen at home in addition to public schools, where the science is lectured. If this young man‘s belief is that we are not made up out of material that has been ejected in a supernova by some star in the distant past, his beliefs are most certainly incorrect and he should at least try to understand why scientists view this to be true.

A A - 08.11.2021 09:36

Common Core Sucks!

Amber Nelson
Amber Nelson - 11.09.2021 12:40

I just pulled my 4th grader out of public schools 2 weeks ago bc of the Common Core. I am having to reteach English basics and Math basics. My 4th grader, with a 7th grade reading level, DOES NOT KNOW HER TIMES TABLE. It has been discouraging for my child and it breaks my heart. So, we are relearning a lot. SAVE YOUR CHILDREN BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

Lala Land
Lala Land - 13.08.2021 17:56

If they wanna teach different methods, they should wait till the kids get older or at least til they have certain things memorized

OyGuttnhimmel - 11.08.2021 04:01

Common Core is stupid redundant nonsense. As far as the moralistic approach goes I do not agree that Common Core is any worse than any other program. It is however impossible for kids to learn this way and that's why the test scores have gone down.

OyGuttnhimmel - 11.08.2021 03:59

I'm a dyed-in-the-wool liberal. That being said Common Core is the most ridiculous bunch of crap I've ever seen my life. It is confusing nonsense and dumbing down our children. How anyone can teach this garbage is beyond me.

the Phoenix from The fortress of rock archive
the Phoenix from The fortress of rock archive - 09.08.2021 22:31

So, manufactured children? Unbelievable! Never once have I heard of this in my entire life, somehow. Take a hard look at my channel and you might figure out how I've never heard of this here's a hint, the changes have screwed up our nation but good.

Zach Mandernach
Zach Mandernach - 30.07.2021 11:38

Calling enlightenment ideals “bad ideas” is not a good look

Gabriel Samuel
Gabriel Samuel - 25.07.2021 21:18

Hahahahaha. This video is awful. Just ridiculous. Hahahahahaha.

Patti Martin
Patti Martin - 24.07.2021 23:05

I hated CC and began work on my PhD in 2013. My kids (students) were stressed out come assessment time. In 2016 when I got my degree I began fighting the system and was eventually bullied out of that school district.

NoCoins! - 01.05.2021 06:02

Soon in life, i need to know the answer to math problems.
Teachers: what matters is how you get the answers

kajetus 06
kajetus 06 - 28.04.2021 02:27

Common core is Like turning Fukushima into chornobyl

themiddleones - 19.04.2021 18:58

Common core is terrible, but these are not the reasons...

Hey BusDrivah
Hey BusDrivah - 17.04.2021 10:59

Poor kids...

tubeularvids - 03.04.2021 21:38

Fight the beast! Covid is part of the take over

Gregor - 27.03.2021 14:06

This is why we should add a change in the law to our constitution making socialism illegal to practice.

Jogn - 23.03.2021 01:29

Y’all gotta keep you religious views out of your video. It’s a public school so they must not teach anything related to your religion. Your other points are valid but when you drag your religion into the issue people can’t take you seriously.

Rithvik Muthyalapati
Rithvik Muthyalapati - 13.03.2021 01:06

Can we just revert back to times before Common Core? Please?

Aile Moonstream
Aile Moonstream - 09.12.2020 03:41

Religion is a terrible argument to fight this because the people imposing it don't believe.

DiegoBrando1890 - 26.10.2020 18:29

i agree 100%, as a student i want common core gone, it has never helped me and only damaged me

99dynasty - 28.09.2020 17:40

Common core and creationism both suck. This is why private schools are the future.
