Star Wars The Acolyte: Jedi "Red Wedding" But Nobody Cared!

Star Wars The Acolyte: Jedi "Red Wedding" But Nobody Cared!


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@michaelblackett8195 - 03.07.2024 01:42

No imact, cos they are the keystone cops of the Jedi, and its the High Republic.

@evilwillhunting - 03.07.2024 01:53

Half these characters didn’t even have names. Why should we care any more seeing them iced than any other Stormtrooper

@pekkle007 - 03.07.2024 01:54

If you close your eyes, you could swear John Cena was critiquing the Acolyte. Dude. Forget this and go get a job doing voiceover commercials for Honda!

@shoeshiner9027 - 03.07.2024 02:04


@thelordakira - 03.07.2024 02:08

CW shows have more logic and in show integrity. and those are pure garbages.

@bondgabebond4907 - 03.07.2024 02:16

At the end of the show, I got confused. Is this about Biden and his misadministration or Disney and his family of wackos?

@jbug1979 - 03.07.2024 02:18

even if sol was blind, he'd say "why do you smell like burnt hair?"

@Relkond - 03.07.2024 02:20

Q: How do people survive lightsaber blows? How do they cut their hair with lightsabers, and not ignite the hair or suffer serious injury?
A: Fireproofing.

@BruderSenf - 03.07.2024 02:22

aint no jedi in this show, they are best

@darkstalkerknight63 - 03.07.2024 02:34

this is 100% false. I seen a lot of videos who are upset that they killed off a lot of people in the 5th episode. they killed off named people as well which a lot of people didn't think would happened.

@joaomonteiro5538 - 03.07.2024 02:36

It´s not I didn´t care! I laughed my ass off the whole time!

@GloriousRAT - 03.07.2024 02:38

As a professional writer I know that good character development is not just about their place with the world around them. It is also about getting the reader/viewer/listener invested in them. Those potential fans will not feel for a thinly/poorly crafted character. Anakin had a great developmental arch, as did Luke, but Rey had no arch at all. Basically a junk picker instantly know everything about a starship the minute that steps inside, then after finding a lightsaber trains herself to be a Jedi... Ridiculous.

@wadereynoldsdeadpool5768 - 03.07.2024 02:40

What about levensees he knows about those?

@GloriousRAT - 03.07.2024 02:43

You forgot about Hobbit luncheons and afternoon teas. LOL

@willem1642 - 03.07.2024 02:46

Now DEI will be forever linked with the ruining of Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Dr Who,....

@guyolive1071 - 03.07.2024 02:51

When in comes to Cortosis; I thought Disney declared the EU wasn't cannon. So if it's not cannon it's bullshit right?

@wadereynoldsdeadpool5768 - 03.07.2024 02:52

Just just a little something I should share with you guys but before Padawan Jackie actually knocked off the helmet and shattered it it was already broken because when Master soul ended up punching dude in the face with his helmet on no doubt it was already broken in a sense so you know a lot of you guys should already know that cortosis is a very it's a very weak material that is the main reason why they use durasteel mixed with cortosis for the Star destroyers

@XiaoFury - 03.07.2024 03:02

I felt sorry for the Jedi who died in Revenge of the Sith, and I hardly knew them as characters until I started to read more about them.

These "Jedi"...I don't care to know about them, and their deaths means a whole bunch of nothing to me.

@preston7795 - 03.07.2024 03:19

Anyone that claims to be a critic of a show that then goes down the path of “young generation likes bad new media” is a bad critic. I’m sure you hate the music these kids listen to now? Stay out of my lawn you kids!! Lmao I couldn’t imagine seriously using that as a knock against a show. Acolyte sucks though. You have something in common with the writers!

@orthopedix6202 - 03.07.2024 03:29

How did Sol become a Jedi he's an idiot.

@benmiles00 - 03.07.2024 04:09

The fight choreography was actually utterly awful. Watch Shad's breakdown of it. I completely agree with him and I'm sure Nick Gillard would too.

@CaptainAwesome60 - 03.07.2024 04:15

The Acolyte is officially brain dead

@haroldb1856 - 03.07.2024 04:32

Did Master Seoul ever check in on the Wookie?

@Toliman. - 03.07.2024 04:41

They should be able to survive. Heads can be reattached. The headless horsemen is just a flesh wound. After all. Anyone stabbed in Star Wars can survive a lethal injury. As long as they’re a diversity hire.

@maxxdelarge6609 - 03.07.2024 04:55

But what's the villain motivations? So he can be himself? It's obvious he has been doing whatever he's wanted, the Jedis didn't even know he existed. That story is getting dumber with each episode.

@mkinkade7103 - 03.07.2024 04:56

Osha was knocked out twice for hours. She would have brain damage.

@newhappiness4410 - 03.07.2024 05:14

Star Wars has always been light v dark side but when Disney changed it to Grey it just tells your fan audience to accept the diluted version of their Star Wars which becomes fake. Episode 6 illustrates this more than ever I’m afraid

@colorin81colorado - 03.07.2024 05:18

Disney+ the Acolight... An idiotic show where nothing really matters!
This show seem to be 💯 % a vehicle for money laundering!

@DSKekaha - 03.07.2024 05:21

Mae is going to be able to hide her forehead from Sol, but he will notice the arm tattoo is missing, and she won't know he's onto her.
Prediction logged.

When qimir said 'so you can read my mind?', I took it as teasing/taunting, saying the same thing he said in the apothecary Sol a chance to feel even dumber after the reveal.

@MaxPowers1245 - 03.07.2024 06:47

Nobody cares about this either but don’t let that stop you

@TriggerJim88 - 03.07.2024 07:49

Were we supposed to care about these characters? I took this episode to be a crazy 88 from kill bill scene rather than a red wedding.
The intent being shock factor and to introduce the powerful Sith, as that's what Headland wanted to focus on with the series; a study of the Sith.

@TriggerJim88 - 03.07.2024 08:01

The ridiculous haircut, with the weirdly triumphant lingering shot, shouldn't have been done on screen because it looks silly and adds nothing - we could've deduced she'd cut her hair and they took away any mild mystery in a mystery show.
The removal of the a small padawan braid with a lightsaber by a master, is part of a Jedi ascension ritual, looks cool and has a deeper meaning. Turning that up to 11, having a character give themselves a full head haircut, doesn't make it cooler and for no reason that warrants seeing it on screen makes it bad writing,
It looks silly, and is poorly written. These things are not the same and anyone holding up that great Genndy Tartakovsky cartoon as justification for this garbage should be embarrassed.

@jhammer4919 - 03.07.2024 09:42

Hang on Valiant, the bots love this show!!! It’s Disney Star Wars made by AI for AI..😂😂😂

@ardendragoon - 03.07.2024 13:09

I was watching greg owen. He was watching the show, and his wife came in. She said the show is made for ten year olds. He then subjugated his ten year old boy to the show. He loved it.
It's made for ten year olds and stupid wine ladies.

@ardendragoon - 03.07.2024 13:13

More hackery from filoni. This wasn't blockhead. Baloney once again snatching material from the e.u and butchering it.
If the helmut blocks the force, how can he use his force powers?

@ardendragoon - 03.07.2024 13:17

Its like darth maul losing to asshoka, yes that happened.
Baloney is a hack. I blame him for this not blockhead.

@annalivia1308 - 03.07.2024 13:17

Jedi are not supposed to have emotions. That's their training. No attachment. Let's assume they would all have been "sad" seeing the killed Jedi. You would be sitting in front of your camera complaining because Jedi are not supposed to be emotional. All this criticism is more and more turning into bullying because that's what bullying does - once it got going it gets a life of its own, no matter what the bullied person says or does.

@Joe-Przybranowski - 03.07.2024 20:23

Porn aside, 'parent trap' is the only thing ANY film ever does with twins.

@philseveri8469 - 03.07.2024 23:30

Cortosis. Sounds like a disease.

@Virtual_Sphere_ - 03.07.2024 23:39

My theory:

I bet Lesley brings Revan into star wars as a women (because star wars is disney princesses in space now, and god forbid they give a man a front and center role for a future project). Her little hint at wanting to make a series based on the old Republic could be a hint to who comes and defeates Qimir or possibly, be his master.. which then is linked to the Revan Legion, in The Last Jedi.

@jennybyford8071 - 04.07.2024 11:14

Even the Jedi council forgot about them.

@christianefiorito3204 - 05.07.2024 19:28

We did not even inow by name most of these guys. You do not feel bad for a dead in an Ego shooter.

@DJC65 - 10.07.2024 19:49

I really don’t think any of those posts are real. If they’re not bots then they’re just virtue signaling losers who never watched the show

@DJC65 - 10.07.2024 19:52

I really don’t think any of those posts are real. If they’re not bots then they’re just virtue signaling losers who never watched the show

@DJC65 - 10.07.2024 19:56

LH sold her soul to get into Hollywood and get this opportunity, this is just a little karma for her. Honestly I cannot imagine the evil she has seen, allowed and aided in. I can’t imagine the goodness she saw leave the victims of her and Harvey’s abuse. Young girls trying to follow their dream who she lead into the tentacles of a monster to further her own career. Also, she’s very unattractive but I imagine a job for Harvey required a certain amount of sexual work for her to perform on her own but that part is reaching
