Disney CEO Bob Iger is "Corrupt" | Rampant Discrimination | The Disney Tapes Part 2 | James O'Keefe

Disney CEO Bob Iger is "Corrupt" | Rampant Discrimination | The Disney Tapes Part 2 | James O'Keefe


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@donjuan4067 - 27.06.2024 23:57

Remember Disney is a complete failure because of unflushed turds called Makker
They cost the company billions

@cardinmalone4974 - 27.06.2024 23:58

They're destroying and ruined Walt Disney's visions and legacy.

@areacode3816 - 28.06.2024 00:19

Yet more reasons you can't trust main stream dating sites as well 🤣. Just saying lol

@kenamaro3942 - 28.06.2024 00:23

As a straight white male i feel im not being represented by Disney, they won't get a dollar of mine.

@patrickmusson4571 - 28.06.2024 00:33

This sounds familiar. Aren't there some similar 'diversity quotas' in the rules of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the movie possibly getting an 'Oscar?' I can't think back far enough to when a Disney movie won an Oscar, yet the 2 organizations have similar policies?

@Yurmom007 - 28.06.2024 00:35

You forgot Tilak Mandadi, previous CTO of Parks before Gail Evans.

What was bad about the music in the restaurant?

@whitefeather5629 - 28.06.2024 00:36


@lepointetlavirgule5946 - 28.06.2024 00:48

Absolutely YES he cant seem to unstuck is head of stupid idéologies that everything woke br8ngs ruins. Why didnt he fire kathleen kennedy?

@drbonkerssoundlabllc - 28.06.2024 00:55

I have never had a date get in the weeds about my business. I'm very surprised that these people don't get curious about that dynamic.

@graizur - 28.06.2024 01:00

Because of the way that you've arranged this conversation the girl sounds like she's a English speaking specifically with the style of not expressing any form of accent that is usually reserved for Asian girls from the Philippines or the islands around the Philippines I don't know what the girl actually looks like but she sounds like she's specifically not making an Asian accent. And the boy is so skinny and he's so dark that I can barely tell that he shaves and you still see the hair in his skin so testosterone out and skinny. It's almost like I'm looking at a walnut and a chunk of tofu having a conversation it's almost like I'm looking at a a big chunk of edible estrogen impaled on a big chunk of edible testosterone.

@Squeaks-ii - 28.06.2024 01:08

This is unconstitutional and the roots are based in marxism - this has been taught in schools since the late 1990s. It is part of CRT.

@litemup8187 - 28.06.2024 01:32

He's right about the jewe problem

@roni.nerdtv - 28.06.2024 01:38

Star wars is Dead
When The New Star Wars movies start with new characters i was very excited, for a little moment i saw a great franchise reviving, but at the second and tird movies i was confused, 😮. Whe i saw Luke Again, the feeling's of
Star Wars comes again and i smile 😃 yes that feeling of a great space jorney with great battles and history, but after i saw luke drop out his Light saber 😮, his sadness, i fell bad. the character Finn seemed to have potential, a new dark villain reminiscent of Death Vader, in the end everything was there in the first film to make it that successful again, Rey was wonderful, she reminded me of Luke in the beginning. then everything got weird messy and confusing. Then I dropped it for good in the second film of the new franchise. Star Wars Are Dead until George Lucas trusted and sell it to Disney, and they e
Ruined everything by selfishness the some.😢

@nightprowler1 - 28.06.2024 01:49

No wonder this guy wanted to run for potus as a democrat candidate... 😂

@LordLawwritesforfans - 28.06.2024 02:06

Have Hope fans!

@4dmind - 28.06.2024 02:07

The bigger issue is that Disney is a pyramid of psychopaths.

@colorin81colorado - 28.06.2024 02:14

Yes, Bob Iger is totally corrupt! Under any light, the guy needs to be taken down!

@bzpwhx - 28.06.2024 02:30

Happy to be white and male then

@akumaking1 - 28.06.2024 02:32

Blob Igor was an incompetent weatherman;
What made anybody think he’d do better in a bigger position?

@Puzzoozoo - 28.06.2024 02:38

Maybe Ron could apply for the job, as he ticks all the right boxes.

@adamhering6618 - 28.06.2024 02:40

Ok I’m all in on exposing this hot trash, but kinda catfishing these fools. Almost wish there was a better way.

@anthonyyoutubefan7567 - 28.06.2024 03:23

"...We insert diversity when it's not really, like, organic to the story..." OH, MY LORD. THIS. TRUE WORDS SPOKEN. For example: The Acolyte. The only 2 White characters in the miniseries are quickly shut-up by either Jedi or Witch powers...leading one to commit suicide. I wonder: Is the showrunner trying to say something about White men in a galaxy far, far away?

Orchestrated, indeed.

@buccaneercat - 28.06.2024 03:28

What will it take for the shareholders to give him and all his cronies the boot? The company needs the rampant swamp to be drained if it wants to survive… if the shareholders want to continue making money, it’s time to let them go. This is insane.

@theterribleclaw4285 - 28.06.2024 03:32

This will be covered they always win. 😥

@disneytakeshugedix7463 - 28.06.2024 03:44

Who wants to be a Billionaire 💰 or Millionaire 💵? If you are White or Male 👨 or a White Male 👨 you can 👌🏻 sue Disney 💩 for billions of dollars 💵 for wrongful discrimination ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Hilarious 🤣

@lance134679 - 28.06.2024 05:51

Most companies track DEI stats these days. They all have some sort of survey where people can self-identify as some sort of minority.

@lance134679 - 28.06.2024 06:34

30 years ago, I thought our society was going in a very good direction and we'd eventually move beyond dividing people up into categories by race and gender. But year by year it only gets worse until all we see about our fellow man is their genetics, not the unique individuals they are.

@lance134679 - 28.06.2024 06:49

These guys on camera must all be working on their Linked In page, and maybe considering a career outside Hollywood.

@dreammaster1018 - 28.06.2024 07:06

Something tells me that this guy is going to get fired for exposing Disneys agenda

@Doutsoldome - 28.06.2024 08:49

Well, the diversity spreadsheet recording information about race, sexuality, and so on of everyone involved in a project seems to be a requirement in order for a movie to be elegible for competing in the Oscars, according to their new rules. It is quite obvious to me that those rules are incentivizing exactly this kind of thing.

@newdgamer4118 - 28.06.2024 11:35

It's interesting, in terms of race, this guy has the opposite opinion as the first leak tapes. I'm curious if his opinion is self-serving or genuine.

@Muck006 - 28.06.2024 14:25

Remember Apple's VP of diversity and her statement: […] '12 white, blue-eyed, blonde men in a room' can be a diverse group […]

Disney is simply BASIC RACIST ...

@rachellynn1507 - 28.06.2024 19:44

ESG/DEI = quota system‼️

@Soulfire252 - 28.06.2024 20:05

😂 Disney stock just hit $99.44 as of June 28th

@seetoob - 28.06.2024 20:25

Valiant, Ron Coleman MIGHT be a great legal mind, but I can't get past his pathetic speaking skills to hear it.
It's all I can do to NOT unsubscribe and block your channel so I don't have to subject myself to it.
PLEASE, limit his time in videos to ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY legal points ... and keep those to a minimum.
Ron, take a public speaking course or 20!

@fatefinger - 28.06.2024 23:34

I took a look and even with the success of inside out 2 their stock is still below $100.

Not that it matters. Disney is essentially the ministry of propaganda. They don’t exist to make money they exist to push propaganda. They are essentially the media arm of Blackrock and Vanguard as well as the Democrat party.

@Dave_McKansas - 29.06.2024 04:15

We;re just now discussing Corruption? Look, there's a reason Iger sold over 500K shares. Vanguard and BlackRock are the ones pushing ESG and DEI on Disney. And as the stock price tumbles, THEY'RE BUYING IT UP! Where else is Bob's money going? Into what investments? Old adage, "follow the money". The money always tells the truth. Why would Vanguard and BlackRock be pushing something that drives the Share price down and buying it up at the same time?

@calebwyman5510 - 29.06.2024 05:39

Yes he is sick. He needs to get fired and replaced with somebody else.

@onewonkywampa2862 - 29.06.2024 07:29

Loved Ron's reaction at the end 😂

@Steezynuggets69 - 29.06.2024 20:05

At this point, Disney might as well be promoting AK-47’s to children.

@SumDumGy - 30.06.2024 07:04

Am I the only one here thinking Ron doesn’t really bring anything ti the table recently? Every channel I’ve seen him guest on over the last two weeks he struggles to complete a sentence, stumbling all over himself. Reminds me of Joe Biden. I hope he’s doing okay because I find it difficult to reconcile what I’m seeing with an attorney who has had cases make it to the Supreme Court.

@HandofBlake - 30.06.2024 19:31

We have all known for awhile. If you are white and a man it is perfectly acceptable to discriminate against you. I for one will no longer accept this. These people are insane.

@Xayalan - 01.07.2024 22:05

He’s either corrupt or compromised and someone has some serious dirt on him.

@waynehewett4017 - 02.07.2024 14:02

Of coarse he is ...

Up to his eye balls in it ....

Hes not called bob the lier for nothing .....

And his not alone in it ether ...

@kilcar - 03.07.2024 19:55

Disneyis depraved. Im going to apply for employment there, and if not hired or duly promoted, sue these deviants for 600 million.

@kilcar - 03.07.2024 19:59

My wife , a 28 year experienced coffee industry person was not hired by a major coffee company because she is Caucasian , a night college student of African American descent was hired instead

@logancallahan6087 - 05.07.2024 17:07

It’s pathetic. He’s nothing but a coward.

@ValliantRenegade - 27.06.2024 18:16

