14 things you never want to hear from an EMT or Paramedic

14 things you never want to hear from an EMT or Paramedic

Fire Department Chronicles

3 года назад

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CeruleanDragon1 - 30.10.2023 21:47

Honestly 14 isn't so bad, better than, "Aw damn, I knew that wouldn't work."

XPD~Ruben - 30.10.2023 09:58

#7 I'm dead 💀

furrrey - 29.10.2023 08:20

this is one that is bad in any situation, " Hay Guy's What is this button for?"

mloaolm13 - 24.10.2023 18:25

My worst is “we don’t have an epipen in our kit” while in active anaphylaxis and already used my last dose. But anyone mentions newbies,students, or training. I’m refusing consent and wheeling the heck out of there. Second worst thing? “What are we going to do about the service dog it can’t come with us!” Yeah, NO!! My service dog goes where I go and is not about to go to our sh1t shelter

Draquela - 24.10.2023 00:09

Ive heard a few 😂😂😂😂 ehlers danlos giving them the run around with IVs

Faith Arnett
Faith Arnett - 23.10.2023 10:38

Idk, 14 actually sounded like a miracle

That Fuzzy Potato
That Fuzzy Potato - 20.10.2023 06:37

"Hey God, me again," was 100% my night when a patient went junctional, pulse 28-32 with a BP of 78/36

Also the boooo0000OOOOOp of the lifepak lol that sound is sooooo distinct

My only one as a patient: "you need to come in" (to discuss my brain MRI results. He didn't wanna tell us over the phone. Good news is they found the deadly problem, fixed it, and 13 years later I am still going strong!)

Terra1984 - 20.10.2023 05:48

I had a paramedic say out loud that he 'blew the wall' as he was putting my iv in

Jörg Peters
Jörg Peters - 13.10.2023 21:27

a student? Oh, give that needles to me, I do it myself

willbytheway - 13.10.2023 09:25

I was present when another student passed out and banged their head during their descent. Paramedics checked for swellings and asked him, " is the back of your head normally this shape?" Turned out that yes, it was actually the normal shape of his head.

Allan Hazen
Allan Hazen - 10.10.2023 23:55

I was given a spinal tap by a medical trainee when I was diagnosed with viral meningitis. She kept being too gentle and tickling my spine and I got yelled at for moving. Remarkably the shot didn't hurt.

master582 - 10.10.2023 18:32

I made a paramedic flinch. The medics had been to my home a few times for my father but this time it was for me I super sick like spent weeks tripping balls in the ICU sick but I was alert awake oriented and so on so when the Medics arrived They asked who is going to the Hospital I said me. He gave me a odd look like As if to say "What the f is wrong with you?" I opened my robe which was hiding a cantaloupe sized scrotum He flinched and was like "YUP YOU need to go to hospital!" I made it to the ER and sat in a wheel chair under my own power and feeling like crap I lowered my head and felt the medics wheel me in I don't remember a lot but it was just as covid was blooming so it took a moment to get to a room I remember the medics one i knew well wished me good luck and then I was sort of left alone the last thing I remember was a voice passing from outside the room a doctor walking by he didnt even step in the room "Yup he is going to need a catheter." I think of that medically as a full court three point shot...But in retrospect I suspect it was more of a layup. I woke up 2 weeks later with more tubes in me than someone jacked into the matrix 1 out of 5 stars would not recommend

pith - 10.10.2023 04:32

Me, seeing my blood pressure read 66/33: "Oh, that's not good"
Paramedic: "No, no it isn't..."

Coolguy298 - 09.10.2023 06:38

This guy has perfect delivery

Wes King
Wes King - 09.10.2023 04:46

When the doctor takes a long hard look and goes "I've never seen an infection do THAT before."

rainynightz - 07.10.2023 05:20

I’ve had a couple times where some of these were said while in an ambulance. Scary

Tara Elmegreen
Tara Elmegreen - 05.10.2023 18:07


TheLinkhawkins - 03.10.2023 03:21

I dont understand #4 and why i wouldnt want to hear it.

kephrenh - 30.09.2023 00:37

"That’s interesting" is the one that got me thinking I was about to die.

Clarence Jones
Clarence Jones - 28.09.2023 14:07

Umm number 3?
