How To Fix A Leaking Water Hydrant

How To Fix A Leaking Water Hydrant


7 лет назад

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@ThaylorHarmor - 14.12.2017 07:44

Good video. Thank you for taking the time to do step by step. This is better than the company's!!!

@TheBlueCollarPreacher - 16.05.2018 15:13

In some cases you may need 2 pipe wrenches, as the pipe may twist off down below.

@MrRafa108 - 23.06.2018 20:48

Thanks for this.

@krischute - 29.05.2019 19:50

Thanks for the video. Really helped me. Much appreciated...

@bcpfarmandtrucking6560 - 08.10.2019 14:51

Mine runs at the stand pipe but only when I use it. Please any tips?

@CA2APat - 25.11.2019 16:50

Awesome instructions! Subbed and liked.

@EventheSparrowHomestead - 30.12.2019 16:40

Awesome! Just what I needed !

@jeremytompson4044 - 25.05.2020 00:10

Awesome video! I'm virtually certain my issue is with the packing nut and failed o-rings but I'm having a hell of a time getting that packing nut to loosen! But at least I know how it all is put together and I can keep tinkering with it. Thanks!

@HomesteadingwithSylvia - 09.11.2020 19:46

Awesome help. Thanks a lot!!

@richardlinn5512 - 25.02.2021 22:42

Best O-Ring replacement instructions.

@super8guy - 06.08.2021 01:30

The hydrant i repaired was leaking from the packing nut, so I opted to replace the O-rings first. (There was no leak when the handle was in the down, off, position.) Turns out the top O-ring was removed w/ difficulty, and since I could not budge the (impacted) lower O-ring, I decided to chance it and replace only the top. I used Teflon tape on the packing nut. Guess I got lucky b/c the "cheater" repair did the trick. No more leak! Time will tell if my short cut repair has legs. I used the Simmons 850SB hydrant repair kit. TY DIYguy.

@lmfarms4611 - 14.10.2021 07:46

Thank you, was going to dig out the facet because it was leaking, ran across your video, will only need to replace the lower ball valve. thanks again, saved me time and a big head ach.

@bingleroy9446 - 16.01.2022 04:15

The only missing from this excellent video is what do you call the black/brass RUBBER THING that needed to be replaced? Sure would like to buy one before taking the hydrant apart and leaving it open while I go to the hardware store! Or - do they come in sizes then I'd need to take it to the store with me! (or is it part of the "rebuild" kit)??

@Mini14shootr - 21.03.2022 21:49

Where can one get a plunger rod ?

@drixom9805 - 25.04.2022 18:34

how to check if a hydrant is leaking

@deadrabbit5566 - 17.05.2022 21:42

Great video. Exactly what I needed to know. Thanks.

@trumpzilla4193 - 27.06.2022 01:18

Thanks man! Well explained.

@MrShocker2012 - 06.11.2022 16:08

One of the best videos I've seen in a long time. Simple, clear audio, good video, no annoying music. Thank you!

@zelbug9995 - 26.01.2023 08:51

Every hydrant I took apart, the rod would not lift out since the rubber plunger swelled to a larger diameter. Had to use a 1970’s car jack and screw a rod with washers to the rod and a chain to jack it out. It took 1000’s of pound of force to jack it out, bending the jack. The rubber detaches and then turn on the water and shove the rod in to work the detached rubber plunger out of the tube. Never had one just lift right out.

@JamesWhite-tg4kw - 30.05.2023 18:29

I have a clayton mark brand an two others that dont have a name on them. Are all these the same size?

@MrMikeyPayne - 07.11.2023 21:36

I needed to do this just now, and I was looking for an amazon link so I could make sure you got an afilliate commission. I have a simmons too.

@johnbutala2029 - 24.04.2024 15:56

Very well done. Gave me a great deal of info and confidence to tackle this job.

@ronwilson330 - 31.05.2024 15:59

Good video!

@theArtOFjon - 18.07.2024 23:23

Is mine supposed to drip from middle of hydrant head when on?

@pbrooks4040 - 16.09.2024 08:48

now that’s a pipe wrench!

@Robert-x6s - 23.10.2024 01:20

What if your hydrant tip seal doesn't have wrench flats red hydrant

@JohnSmith-ds7oi - 28.02.2025 12:04

Replacement kits don't fit. Older hydrants used thicker metal.

@donmonroe5642 - 05.03.2025 20:00

Thank you
