6.5 Trundle My Way | Beginner Guide

6.5 Trundle My Way | Beginner Guide


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@carlmarshall9777 - 26.03.2016 21:08

Hey Trick can you do a video against about laning against quinn? Or maybe gnar or another pokey, ranged toplaner. If he has and I'm just an idiot can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

@AngelOfHonor - 26.03.2016 21:42

Hey, can you make a Trundle way in jungle? I kinda main him, and it would be great if you could do it. Cheers!

@vilhelm_1158 - 27.03.2016 03:54

i love these because i actually get to get a good idea instead of 5 minutes of rambling :P

@RadiantJay - 27.03.2016 09:03

Darius My Way?

@lobaraptor5501 - 27.03.2016 11:39

Ok heres a scenario: Your whole team is doing pretty shit aside from you, 2 or 3 of them are flaming each other. What the fuck do you do then? A fed trynd, yasuo and draven. And your zed that was doing 7/4 disconnected. What happens then? Or what would you do if the Zed didn't DC?

@CfspottedNL - 27.03.2016 13:48

Trick notice me please.

@MrBarbershopPole - 27.03.2016 15:15

Trick what items would you buy after spirit's visage?

@fluffy_plushy - 27.03.2016 16:28

Y did u start blue at the beginning of the game?

@jiri3442 - 28.03.2016 03:51

when are u uploading the other my ways

@landravin - 30.03.2016 01:06

Hey Trick2g! Loved the video! Do you mind letting me (us) know how you can watch your game again? It looks like you're using league to do it but I'm not sure how! Thanks in advance!

@exavierford3105 - 30.03.2016 08:28

Hmm, I normally always start Cloth as Garen because he's manaless but with Poppy and Trundle I take corruption. Helps with the mana pool and sometimes you can turn things around on them when they wanna be aggro. Will have to try just being passive and sitting in my wave with cloth though.

@CfspottedNL - 30.03.2016 15:27

You forget the runes

@Kavlantis - 30.03.2016 23:21

What software is used to record the game?
Anyone knows?

@cadehartwig5005 - 31.03.2016 01:03

I love it but I feel you should say what the others are team is doing wrong

@duncanheggie8535 - 31.03.2016 04:56

How do I get kills as trundle, I play in bronze/silver as trundle, I can out duel anybody but find it hard to get kill on them, they just escape and run

@armandoos2656 - 31.03.2016 17:08

First of all great videos, thank you for all the advice!
Could you do a guide on a more squishy top laner and give advice on that?

@KleberDKurosaki - 01.04.2016 05:18

Nunca passei da Poison Ivy era ruim demais

@KleberDKurosaki - 01.04.2016 05:19

Nunca passei da Poison Ivy

@KleberDKurosaki - 01.04.2016 05:22

Titulo alternativo : Arthur de cueca

@Tacixa - 01.04.2016 10:18

solid guide trick, just started playing ranked this season after not playing since season 3, checked this out to get up to speed abit, and its been a 5-0 cakewalk so far. Cheers!

@matthewlopez2858 - 02.04.2016 17:33

What would be your final build with trundle?

@patrickcajayon207 - 03.04.2016 06:47

Just started playing Trundle, why does he start cloth armor instead of corrupting potion???

@jamaln9056 - 03.04.2016 07:05

whys there so many ads

@K0ragg - 03.04.2016 16:33

There is only ONE downside to playing the freeze game vs a super aggro opponent that gets you that low under tower as Garen did. If the enemy jungler is decent, he'll dive your fucking ass with his top laner. He will repeat that process too, no matter which one of them gets fed each time he will spot the opportunity. You get poked down or pushed under tower, he'll wait for the waves to gather and he'll fuck you up. Afterwards you lose tower and you will be behind and constantly denied getting the enemy tower, while your opposing top laner will be more present in teamfights and more useful than you.
You'll either be continously set behind and forced to stop the enemy top laner from getting your second tower or you'll be stuck in a position of sitting for farm and watching the enemy top laner rek your team. Best case scenario you get his first turret out of it or maybe get a nice teamfight with teleport (unlikely you'll have it up if you got killed a few times).

There is only one hope here, outplay them somehow under tower or have your own jungler counter-gank. This happens rarely but more often than not you won't be able to do shit without jungler help. Of course this maybe means your team can get dragon or win other lanes since the jungler is camping your ass. Sometimes other lanes lose anyhow, in which case boy you are fuckeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.

@hary71 - 04.04.2016 16:20

that build

@ukogsflux487 - 10.04.2016 23:30

<3 trundle he so op :)

@damson4450 - 12.04.2016 23:59

ty trick for this guide

@WoahMyDickisHuge - 13.04.2016 11:40

Nothing personal, but what makes this guy so 'special'...? These tactics are elementary and even most Silvers know this shit lol. I've been playing for 6 years (more than most "pro players") and this shit is beyond basic.

I guess the ones calling him a 'god' are the baddies who NEEDED to learn this shit in the first place, HaHa.

@arifazraei2093 - 14.04.2016 09:38

Hey Trick2g, have you seen some vids where ImaQTPie plays trundle? how does he get those first blood and dominates early game at top?

@horacelindsay5846 - 19.04.2016 06:45

so do i get sunfire everytime I'm top with an ad champion and what if im up with an ap champion

@matthiasgayaud6284 - 21.04.2016 15:44

I love you

@kazemyousefi8122 - 21.04.2016 17:28

open the gates trick

@MahtaviaTaikoja - 29.04.2016 09:21

Melee minions are turret shot - turret shot - auto attack
Range minions are auto attack - turret shot - auto attack

@rikited8094 - 10.05.2016 02:20

Can I open gates if I do this?

@mattyule5312 - 14.05.2016 05:09

Trick, I find your speech pattern grating, your mannerisms irksome, and your general attitude is very off putting.

But I'll be damned if I didn't learn about CS and lane control. And for that, I say thank you.

@GexTendies - 31.05.2016 20:07

cannot deal with all the uhh uhh

@azeranth9263 - 09.08.2016 21:32

Hey trick, I really love these videos where you just get real for a minute. I enjoy a good smack down video where you kill everyone for coming in your jungle but this is nice and I am glad about this. this video type doesn't really exist where it's not about "How to play trundle" it's how to play smarter. it's not about sick plays it's about good plays.

@joshlohner5891 - 12.08.2016 08:29

So what if im agaisnt a maokai/akali top and a nidalee jungle and a leblanc mid. Do i still rush sunfire? or do i go spirit visage or something.

@cosmicgirl910 - 18.08.2016 00:49

"Lebron" LOL dat nickname for Leblanc doe XD

@marcussales1550 - 07.09.2016 23:28

lmfao "Nobunaga, who cares?"

@raslc - 24.09.2016 00:33

How come the sound is so low?

@magicicecube8233 - 17.10.2016 02:52

am i the only one that rushes triforce instead?
but then again i play with attackspeed runes instead of ad/mr

@ChibiTurtle - 11.11.2016 06:40

I learned a lot from this video thank you

@lagartex - 21.12.2016 20:12

Great tutorial, thanks a lot bro! :D
