How To Have Cleaner & Buzz Free Barre Chords - Tips for Beginners!

How To Have Cleaner & Buzz Free Barre Chords - Tips for Beginners!

Lauren Bateman

1 год назад

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Комментарии: - 20.09.2024 22:04

Thanks Lauren. You are a great teacher ❤😊

@Mysterygaming160 - 21.09.2024 17:26

Thank you ma'am the first tip helped me a lot😭😭 i was able to play at my first try

@LibraryStuff-h4e - 26.09.2024 15:23

Not always possible, especially if your pinky has something to press on

@shirishcomputers7221 - 29.09.2024 07:40

Before learning guitar it is very important to learn what you teach, Thank You..

@bigal25938 - 01.10.2024 05:57

Barre chords are really difficult with arthritis.

@brianf3207 - 01.10.2024 23:00

Thank you, I’m an older guy learning and Barre chords are driving me nuts!!!

@vzshadow1 - 01.10.2024 23:36

No more tension on the strings at the first fret than at the 6 fret, but it's easier to bend the stings in the center of the neck. Thanks for the tips.

@Christianlane68 - 03.10.2024 06:45

The most important thing when it comes to barre chords is string setup. I slightly lower the B string so that the fleshy side of my finger comes across evenly on the G,B, and e strings. Remember, the strings do not have to match the radius of the fretboard exactly.

@Christianlane68 - 03.10.2024 06:59

You can keep your barre finger on all six strings with all barre chords. Just remember not to strum the low E , etc with other chords.

@romyrocks8862 - 18.10.2024 22:08

For me it helped to let my first finger stick out of the fretboard more, this way it was much easier to place the other fingers correctly. Thanks for the tips!

@darrylboom5973 - 25.10.2024 18:24


@JaymesX-eb6lp - 27.10.2024 06:36

Awesome sauce. Barre chords beware. 😅 thx for the tips, improved my skills quickly with regular practice and patience , was frustrating to accomplish at first. Three weeks later my fretboard travel using barre chords in many songs has become more fluid and much better sounding. Took time but got it nailed down. Self taught I've developed many bad habits im struggling in fixing into proper technique and as a result, a better sound, clean notes, not muffled, or finger flippin sloppy. ❤

@1974xaviers - 29.10.2024 17:11

Excellent video

@sweatycrocodile - 29.10.2024 20:16

After watching this video I played my first barre chord ever

The knuckle point matters theeeeee mosttttt

@Bosshogg1979 - 30.10.2024 23:25

Very helpful tips!

@Gigithecutie-g2n - 07.11.2024 19:15

What songs are this useful for? Apparently that video with songs we all love doesn't exist. I'm gonna have to leave my instructor because barre chords is all he preaches. Although he can't tell me why they're important and no one else can either. My goal isn't to join a band or be a "working musician" I just wanna play the songs I love, which as of yet , don't use barre chords. (With the exception of f's and b's) I don't get it

@MJTR3 - 24.11.2024 11:18

Hi Lauren, what is the model of Taylor guitar you use in this video?

@metalbill13 - 02.12.2024 05:34

This helped so much I was finally able to make all the strings ring I was struggling really hard before I watched this. Thank you so much 😃

@andrewtaylor6286 - 10.12.2024 20:13

Laura, I think I love you! Tip 2 and BANG, no buzzing on string 2.

@Andrea-xo3ix - 20.12.2024 20:48

oooh thank you! the tip of placing the index upper worked for me! i was starting to get demoralized and think i had weird fingers and could not play bar chord at all. thank you again Lauren :)

@amybethhurst - 04.01.2025 01:43

Bottom strings are the LOWER note strings (toward the top) for musicians.

@actualy_Linx - 04.01.2025 18:47

Playing guitar for 7 years now and never managed to do barre cords this helped me a lot thank you! :)

@senang2day524 - 05.01.2025 23:18

Can I purchase the 7 level course with a European bank card (no credit card)?

@richardholappajr.6184 - 10.01.2025 00:02

Very helpful! Thank you!

@Puremocional - 11.01.2025 17:50

I was literally months without archiving it, but thanks for the tip 2 I got it? thank you so muchhh

@hankartime9485 - 13.01.2025 16:32

Another great lesson, thanks Lauren!

@이완구-n9e - 16.01.2025 11:43


@stevev7191 - 16.01.2025 23:00

My finger doesn't even roll like that this is frustrating

@kisangaming1840 - 17.01.2025 10:47

I have capo

@mitchellcox1912 - 18.01.2025 18:22

Hold the neck higher up. Place the body on the left leg point the neck up higher. This allows the hand and fingers more access to the fretboard. Also more comfortable, we don't have to play all the time in this style. Just enough to get the mechanics worked in.

@TheAcousticEngineer - 19.01.2025 14:59

Very useful tips. Thanks for sharing these :)

@heidiekboeker - 24.01.2025 18:37

Thank you. This video helped

@Crimson-t5f - 29.01.2025 07:18

Nice Taylor

@CityAstro - 29.01.2025 09:13

how does one actually roll their finger like that? I can't roll my finger like that and play at the same time.

@Handd4u - 31.01.2025 21:53

Simply Outstanding Video

@AbednigoSirua - 04.02.2025 13:19

Too Much explanation

@simonburge948 - 05.02.2025 02:40

This video for real changed my life!!!!

@DonaldRoss-k7j - 09.02.2025 07:42

I have been playing for years and I am pretty decent, still cannot play a clean F barre chord 🤣 Thanks for the tips, I will put some effort into it.

@Ricky-eg3wd - 14.02.2025 16:06

I wish my calluses are permanent

@sayehmajzoob9637 - 17.02.2025 01:17

Words of wisdom.⚘️

@kcandyou5263 - 19.02.2025 02:09

Thanks for this. Im in a Guitars 4 Vetw program amd learned wo much. But no one could help me make barre cords spund rightm o have issues eihtt nerves in my wrists and hands and have cirved index fingers. You saying to have my fonger further up solved the issue. Now i can actually practice them.


@jennamoser6119 - 20.02.2025 05:57

I'd love your tips on playing the double barre chords (those that use the A major rather than A minor chord shape) such as B major! Getting one finger to barre properly is a challenge in itself...

@timsrednavnaj - 22.02.2025 15:42

Thank you for the post. Most beginners get frustrated by full barre chords, like the full F. Just like me, when I was a kid. I advise: don't use them at all. You can play an F without the F note on the low E string. Then a small barre on the two highest strings is enough. In my ears this chord shape also sounds better. For a barred D chord on the fifth position I only use the four strings in the middle. So, D, A, D and F#. I don't care about the A on the high E-string. Sometimes I also skip the F# on the B string. Then it's a power chord of course. Makes life a lot easier.

@ShaamGulabiSheherGulabi - 24.02.2025 13:03

I literally got my first barre chord after the 1st trick😭😭

@BhushanMathure-sd9es - 27.02.2025 13:22

Very very useful Tips mem
Thank you very much

@mamyfindsph4810 - 01.03.2025 17:02

I wish o watch your video before i bought a guitar..😢

@bobbymalta73 - 08.03.2025 15:40

Thanks Dear Lauren
